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Everything posted by old'un

  1. Does the gun fit? Can you hit other targets or is it just crows you have problems with? whats your shooting history?
  2. Yep seen it a few times myself, I also think its self bidding to push the price up, its worth emailing the seller with an offer.
  3. old'un

    EU predictions

    I want OUT but trying to predict the outcome of the vote is like trying to predict what will happen if we leave.
  4. Not just Brighton according to this article.http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/health/news/10342447/Children-as-young-as-five-suffering-from-depression.html
  5. When I was a kid we had a bloke who came down our street in a van, sharpening knifes,
  6. old'un

    EU In or out

    Yes.. a bit like this scare tactic.http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/apr/18/eu-referendum-reality-check-uk-households-worse-off-brexit
  7. Am I getting old or is this just a ridiculous idea, I cannot see how a 5 year old can be asked such a question, let them be kids and stop putting more and more pressure on them, 80.000 children in the UK are estimated to suffer from severe depression.http://www.brightonandhovenews.org/2016/04/19/brighton-and-hove-schools-ask-three-year-olds-what-gender-if-any-they-identify-with/
  8. If you have a field that crows are crossing or landing on you don't need all that stuff just put some dead crows, rooks or magpies in the field and get well hidden, they will come.
  9. Your shooting history rings very true, I also started shooting in the 60s, and have shot some very big bags over the years but once you hit your late 50s early 60s you have been there and done the big bags on pigeons and killed countless other animals you start to lose the desire to kill more than you need, apart from the fact it knackers you out shooting all day, mind you I did give the crows and rooks a bashing on some maze stubble back in Nov 2015 shot 123.
  10. I presume you have put a sim card in the mobile?
  11. New makes no difference, unless it states network free (unlocked) it could be locked to any network that's why we need the eBay link.
  12. Might be worth adding what they were shot over.
  13. Nothing shocks me any more.
  14. Try this guy he brakes Frontera's, he is based in Stourbridge but I think he does parts by post. Mobile: 07751150442
  15. Think you will have to replace them as it may effect your insurance if the tyres fail whilst driving.
  16. Steve, have a look at this site, I found it useful for free software.http://www.techsupportalert.com/best-free-cd-dvd-burning-software.htm
  17. Come next week It will be old news.
  18. Yep..I watched the same bit of news this morning and the reporter was hoping to get a bit of mileage from the tax lawyer about this fund but when he came back and said it was the type of fund that most of the pensions companies are invested in there was deadly silence in the studio, needles to say the interview was then cut short. So now we have Labour MP's calling for DC's resignation because he did not tell the media earlier in the week, what!!
  19. Yes a very beautiful and striking bird but the comment that accompanied the photo is just ridiculous. Think you need to get real and stop looking at nature through a rose tinted camera lens.
  20. You can make a tool from an old flat screwdriver, make sure the width of the blade is as wide or wider than the outside edge of the two small holes in the disc. With a small file, file away the centre of the blade leaving two small towers, now round these off until they fit the holes in the disc, job done. Well not quite! The firing pin is more than likely stepped at different diameters, so you will need access to a lathe.
  21. Check to make sure that the disc set strikers are not retained by a screw screwed in through the side of the action. Disc set strikers can be difficult to undo and I have seen guns with false discs machined into the breech face.
  22. It may not be a scam site because its been going since 2005, it looks like they are making copy's of well known brands and selling them direct from China. I would not buy from them, its more than likely **** plus they have your card details. Just encase you get stung here are the details for the owner of the website. Lin Ping 365 Guomao West Road, Taijiang Fujian China. Email, luwenrong523@163.com, phone number, +86.059187508732 Good luck!
  23. Yep..Just looked at deedmonkey and must say it does look a bit iffy.
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