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Everything posted by old'un

  1. It was a English guy and more than likely a bunch of cowboys, just makes my blood boil to think he is phoning people and he will eventually hit on some poor old dear who believes him and is told her wiring is dangerous and she needs the house rewiring at what ever cost. Thanks for the replies, I thought he was talking a load of bull.
  2. Sorry should have said this is my home a private property
  3. Just had a phone call from a guy saying I need to have a electrical wiring safety check by law? Guy..hello sir have you had a recent electrical wiring check Me...No Guy...you have to have your wiring checked every ten years. Me...never heard of that Guy...yes its the law and you can be fined up-to £5000 for not having it done Me...well how much does it cost. Guy...£850 + Vat. Me...let me think about it and I will come back to you. Guy....sorry sir this line only allows me to make out going call Me...well I will leave it thanks..bye Guy...err before you go sir I must inform you I will have to report your property as being un-checked and potentially dangerous and you may receive a summons Me..well you do that mate...bye Can someone/sparky tell me if this is the case or is this just another scam, which I believe it was. Thanks
  4. Is it uniform? Like 'Les*1066' said is it a cheap part exchange? You can use baking soda to neutralize the vinegar.
  5. I will admit corn/barley can be a bit hard on the dog but they soon recover, I shoot a fair few crows, rooks and pigeons on corn as they can strip large areas in no time if left undisturbed, What I find with wheat is the black'uns bring it down bye flying into it then the pigeons find these patches, biggest bag on corn was a mix of black'uns and mainly pigeons 426, I guess there is always the question should we be shooting them at this time of year. For some reason we get large numbers of pigeons during the summer months on corn so someone as to keep them off it
  6. High blood pressure is not part of 'Relevant medical conditions' unless it is related to alcohol or drug abuse.
  7. old'un


    Yes....its exciting isn't it, I have already sent them my bank details and Mr Abegunde was so nice when I forgot to give him my pin number but its all sorted now just waiting for the money from the bank in Nigeria, think they said it was about 1.2 million, I will buy you all a drink when it arrives.
  8. Looked at your avatar then your post, I nearly choked laughing.
  9. Yes I will do....I just wanted to hear what others thought about the situation, I guess its the same with all things connected to this vote no one really knows what will happen IN or OUT.
  10. Yep..good point Rod, it is just a little worrying as the wife and I have built-up our retirement cottage fund over the years with the hope of buying a cottage near Leominster, so as its me who manages our finances I don't want to mess things up for her.
  11. With the pending EU referendum and a possible OUT vote is it time to sell my ISA investments which are mainly invested in stocks and shares?
  12. Game or any dressed meat that as been in the freezer for months gets frost burnt and it does change the taste, I found that if you freeze it with fur or feather on it seems to keep better.
  13. Another saying that is rubbish, like the one about a hard winter when there is a bumper crop of nuts, fruit and berries.
  14. Yes....http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/norway-helicopter-crash-fatalities-feared-7865478
  15. Yep...that's the way to go, you can then sand and paint it, make sure you wear some rubber gloves, resin is a nightmare to get off your hands. Good luck FN
  16. Don't think his opinion will make much difference ether way.
  17. Yep I wasn't sure if the 4 bore was a bit of an over kill on bolted rabbits.
  18. Think he needs a bit more training!
  19. looks like tapeworm sac
  20. Yep we should have the same system as Australia, we choose who we let in.
  21. Does that apply to brain surgeons?
  22. old'un

    Two sightings.

    Yes.....its easy to mistake them for a pigeon.
  23. Yep and how many of you in your youth did a roly-poly in a field of standing corn (no sexual remarks please) hoping the pigeons would find it, mind you I lost my car keys once doing that, took me and my mate an hour to find them.
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