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Everything posted by Dougy

  1. Dont rush into getting a lamp, think first what it will be used for, its not much use having a 5,000000 candle watt with a 4 mile beam when your only shooting say 100 yards, is it for air rifle, rimfire or centre fire, dimmer control is a bonus but not a must, scope mounted or hand held, depends if your on your own or have a mate who can lamp for you. 1.Tracer scope mounted 2.Clulite scope mounted 3.Tracer 140 scope mounted All above could be used hand held and suitable for air rifle up to rim fire, 2-3 ok for centre fire,
  2. Your moving house !!! why bother leave em in there. Jobs u good un. you wont see it again
  3. Get out there, you have longer nights, dark wise this time of the year,you dont have to wait till 22.00 to go out lamping. its dark from about 18 30. some of my permisions are better in the colder months, less folk about walking there dogs, Cold, windy, little bit of rain are normally productive
  4. Well are we all ready for the Boar Whats Mung taking to point at the pigs this year??? Will Stu actually get to pull his trigger??? Will anyone be taking there hands free Is Rodders going Shall we take some snow chains just for the mini bus in case we want to get over that mountain covered in 3 feet of snow to save us 1/2 an hour's drive??? Would anyone like me to make them some "pork" butties for the journey??? Dont forget the De Icer for in the mornings !!! I must remember TO REMOVE ALL EMPTY CASES FROM MY COAT POCKETS BEFORE I GO THROUGH CUSTOMS IN CROATIA
  5. You can try and allter it yourself, but i would reccomend changing it for a rifle basic. It does make allot of difference.
  6. Are you sure this would have been a lawful arrest or is it a typing error and should read awful. being arrested for an asault over 10 weeks after the event, its not like the guy was hard to find being as the warden had the vehicle details in black and white, why wait that length of time to follow up a charge of possible ABH. They would normally be at the house waiting for the accused persons house before they got back or if not pretty much soon after. Why did the warded wait so long or did he why did the police wait so long
  7. Just to add from what Mung has said. Keep hard copies of all letters sent, this is for your own records if you are using a solicitor tem you will need to also give them a copy
  8. depends on which brass you are using. i have .248-.249. The thickness of the brass determins the die to be used to be quite honest its a bit OTT for what i use it for, if i was into BR and neck turning then yes i would get more out of them, and to there full patentual. Very good dies though.
  9. No worries. i see your point, BUT, i hadnt zeroed the rifle after we had landed i knew it was ok on the range the week before, after that drive i altered the elevation, (it was about 6inches high) next one i shot at didnt run, and that was a big pigy.
  10. It was more like a "Wooooooossssssshhhhh" if you get my drift It hasnt happed to me, i still have the full length 22" on my ruger 77/17, its happened to "deadeye Ive" a couple of times i think, thought it may be due to the shorter barrels
  11. Do any of you guys with the shorter barrels get any issues with the MOD going off like a fire work now and again due to the unburnt powder igniting
  12. Worth thinking about,, I have one spot of land that has a boarding kennel very near, to use the HMR there would not do me any favours on that permision. The 22LR and subs will be used on there You may be able to get it passed for fox depends on the FLO some do some dont. It is a nice little round to use,good fun Mine will be going out tonight anyway
  13. I think it was allot to do with not having the rifle properly zeroed before i went, adding to that the Huge Deer that ran 20yards infront of me (frightened me to death) and then watching this bambino baby boar trotting infront of me wondering should i shoot it now or wait till it gets a bit bigger, then thought Ah! go for it, that was the volly of gun fire that woke the rest of the team up. Yes i missed OK !!! but that little pigy sure did run fast this year its Zeroed so we will see how it goes.
  14. Depending on the 300s weight i would go for that, you dont want to start swing a heavy target rifle as most shots will be at moving targets, A 12g and solid didnt do at all well last time i went loads of misses.Having paid out the money to go and shoot some Boar, its not very good when you actually get the chance to shoot one only to miss due to an unsuitable gun.
  15. Unless the seasons revert back to the way they used to be in the olden days i would ignore what you read in the books about the length of time to hang game. It used to freeze for weeks from late October till late February or at the least get down to the low figures 5 or less. But not these days. If it gets down to say about 5 degrees then 4-5 days would be acceptable, higher temp then just a couple of days, as allready stated as the meat hangs, bacteria starts breaking down the fibres in the meat (the rotting process) so tenerizing the meat this happens quicker the higher the temp, but does so quicker from the outside in, but by keeping the tempereture low it gives it chance to do it more evenly throughout the carcuss. We used to hang 1/4s of beef for up to 4 weeks for special orders. You need good fans in the fridge though to keep the air circulating and temps down to about 4 degrees Mung if you need a hand butchering, i suggest you take a video of the chaps in Coatia
  16. Dougy


    I went to Pratoras earlier this year there's allot of construction going on all over Cyprus so bare that in mind. Stopped at the Sea Gull hotel, very clean and friendly good food in the town beeches good, i can reccomend a trip on the Catamaran, we had a full day excellent If you go you must have a trip to Famagusta (well as close as they will let you)it is very sad what happened, Turky invaded in August 1974 all Greeks evacuated that could. Its not been lived in since, By anyone If your hiring a car just be carefull near the border it is still patroled by armed Turks. There are places you can go over the border without knowning, so be on you guard!!!
  17. what do you need a licence for. ive never been asked for it in the plumb centre.
  18. You want to try shoving 2 lenghts of 22ml copper pipe through the letter box and just shout. "GO AWAY" ive not had ANYONE knock on my door for years
  19. and does'nt have mobile phone stuck to there ear 24/7, doesnt shoot trees. looking forward to seeing all again, plus the new guys Rifle's zeroed this year so may get 1 or 2 more. Stu are you taking any bullets this year :unsure: :unsure: PS dont forget they dont sell Sloe Gin at the airport
  20. Nothing to do with the topic really, allthough i do support BASC I used to fish behind Marford Mill some 35 odd years ago on the river Alyn, it was WAGBI then,i actually had the opportunity to visit the WAGBI office then. I used to stay at my cousins farm a few 100yds down the road.Its a great pity the old mill over the road isn't in the same condition as the BASC office's. Nowt Wrong with BASC
  21. Nice shooting there :blink: It makes me laugh when people winge and moan about long range shots, or is it that they cannot be bothered to put in the work and effort involved in taking those type of shots, therefore labeling long range shots unacceptable and un sporting :blink: Putting the time and effort into getting the correct load working to 1 -10th of a grain and to 1000th of an inch to get the load that is needed to be as precise as possible and going into the field and getting the distance windage working out the compensation for both, taking the shot and hitting the target, well done that man you deserve it :blink: And for those minority that must have a little winge!!! I ask you, at what range do you consider to be acceptable 50yards maybe or can we go to 100yards 150yards even or can we push the boat out and maybe go 200yards. Or is the reason you winge a bit of "i cant do that with my rifle"
  22. You must understand that if this work is carried out it will most probably render the gun worthless, to all but yourself. Vertually no second hand- part exchange value, just a thought
  23. Dougy


    Pickled eggs in garlic :blink: There a competition winner over boiled coli and brussels, brocli, cabbage, faggots and mushy peas well anything really, there's something really good about a stinky bottom burp that makes you feel like a real man
  24. Didnt get those picks on Will, not enough to waste a film on went out with Dave Sun night, in comparison you did well considering, 17 air-rifle and RF are 2 different tools, as i said trying to judge the range at night is a totally different ball game, dont feel tooooooooo bad about it ive missed plenty enough not to knock young guns, allthough "one must take the "P" as a matter of course" Full moon and lamping seem really odd anyhow, i mean it was that bright why bother with a lamp But i was out missing the "X" factor so not a bad night after all :
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