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About CharlieT

  • Birthday 07/02/1945

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  1. And to add insult to injury I have recently had a letter from DWP to tell me that noew I'm 80 I qualify for an extra 25p per week.........less income tax as you say, what a joke.
  2. Just be aware that if they fit stents you will be put on Clopidogrel, a blood thinner, for 6 months and you will need to take advice from your cardiologist or dentist regarding tooth extraction whilst on this medication.
  3. I quite happily contribute to Wikipedia one a year to help with their running costs and would be more than pleased to do the same to PW. I would have thought that if PW were to follow the same fund raising model as Wiki it would make a significant inroad into costs without putting new and old members off.
  4. These are the truest words spoken. Both sides absolutly detest one another and neither side will rest untill the other is driven into the sea.
  5. How very Luddite of you, easy enough to buy and use a card reader in this modern age and hey presto the world of safe payments has arrived 😁
  6. Interestingly, I had an email alert from my bank this morning (Lloyds) warning of Facebook Marketplace scams. The Lloyds warning contained the following............ • Never pay by bank transfer. Pay by debit or credit card to protect your money.
  7. Have a probe around, particularly where those paving stones are and find the main run and set a trap there.
  8. I'm not convinced one little bit that the use of that particular word in the context of a dog's name based on its color was offensive. BCC20 was a standard color from the 1930's onwards and Gibson's dog was one of many in that era named so. I can remember buying tins of black paint using that very name.
  9. I feel this proposed legislation should be viewed the same as any other proposed government legislation, in so much as legislation should reflect the majority views of the people for the good of the people Therefore, with this in mind, everyones view counts and rightly should be taken into account. It is therefore extremely important that everyone takes part and all who shoot band together.
  10. Type, in your case, means rifle. Action is not required and does not need to be specified on the application and should not be confused with "type". This allows you to request a .22 RF rifle and then chose which action you fancy when you go to buy one. Bolt action, semi auto action or single shot action as an example.
  11. Of course it will and more to the point you don't need to detail the action type of the application.
  12. Yes. But I didn't feel the need to share the fact much like I don't feel the need to tell the world every time I put on a clean pair of knickers
  13. And let us not forget that FELWG, who meet regularly to discuss and formulate licensing policy discussing in minute detail everything from staff training to how many rounds license holders should use to zero their rifle, is attended by and made up from representatives of licensing departments one of which happens to be Devon and Cornwall. There is no excuse for D&C not doing their job properly when they themselves formulate policy.
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