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Everything posted by -Mongrel-

  1. -Mongrel-

    Gas Fires

    Pretty much what he ^^^^^ said. You should remove the old flue liner, it's been there for 20+ years if it was a back boiler on it and may well be compromised by now. After that you need to get the chimney swept and smoke tested...hopefully it will pass. Just because it was lined for a boiler does not mean that the chimney isn't sound. It's a regulation that a liner had to be fitted with back boilers. If it fails then as stated above, you either re-line it or fit a flued gas fire. Bear in mind that if you have double glazed windows and UPVC type doors then the chimney can fail due to not getting enough air, it's a problem with modern homes, try just opening a window a couple of inches and test again. If it passes now then you may just need an air brick fitted through the external wall to allow enough air circulation. The test should be done initially with all doors and windows shut and final test should be under the same circumstances.
  2. Potentially two dogs or, one dog and shooting kit. To be honest I was going to get a LWB, but the more I read the more I think a SWB will suit 90% of the time, but the sticking point is 'dog' room or a lack of.
  3. I keep reading that the load space in SWB Shogun/Pajeros is small to the point of being pointless. Anyone got one? Is it really that bad?
  4. Not surprised it sold at that price, I'd ask more for my 400!
  5. *****. In my opinion. Stay WELL away.
  6. That's ....errr...very good value. Why?
  7. There were maybe 30 or so on the water last night but didn't see any on the move. Wildrefowl was reporting a LOT had come in during the week, (a thousand I think he mentioned...)be ******** if we've found them!
  8. Same here, was at Itchenor and must have had 300 in front of me!
  9. It's a serious and valid point mate, and while my big fella barks at 'intruders' he's never tried to attack...all the same, our back gate has a self latching deadlock that has to be key opened and ditto the front door, you can't just walk in the front. I fitted the back gate lock 'just in case'. He's a big animal and while I trust him implicity, you can never trust any dog 100%. (That said the little Lab's more likely to bite someone IMO, she's just less tolerant!)
  10. Your move ... Ridgeback x Mastiff. Great family dog, friendly with everything and everyone (unless you happen to be a rabbit or squirrel)... ...unless you start on him. He's never offensive but if he's attacked he will get very defensive. Basically don't come in uninvited unless you want a face full of barking dog, and don't pick a fight with him unless you can handle 55kg of muscle and teeth.
  11. I agree, that's why I asked the question. Seems that the figures may be well off, we shall see, we are however now going to keep a tally and find out exactly what the figures are rather than a guesstimate. I managed my second duck last night which was cleanly killed, so I'm down to 50% on the wounding stakes now and looking forward to lowering it further.
  12. As said already, it's a terrible loss of one of MotoGP's real prospects. Horrible crash with the ultimate price. RIP Marco.
  13. It has been shown to be more economical to maintain a base temperature and top it when required rather than hauling it up from maybe 8 or 9 degrees to the required 19 or 20. That's why mine is never off. The room 'stat is set at 18 deg C, if it gets cold enough to bring room temperature below that the heating comes on irrespective of date, we have a night sitch back facility which automatically lowers the 'stat setting to 16 degs and then ups it again at 6 am. It is the most cost effective way I have found of running it and that's over 10 years of experimentation.
  14. The only thing I can think of that would have a variable tone and make a noise like a jet engine would be the fan. If it's working ok and not grinding/whining/squealing I wouldn't panic. The other possible I suppose is the pump, when you bled it all did you top up the pressure in the rads/check the small tank in the loft is full (depending on whether it's tank fed or a sealed system)?
  15. ...and there was me thinking it's a shooting forum. I'm sure the pics of shot game do a power of good too. If you don't like someone responding to your arrogant posting, don't bother answering. No PM's, no further response.
  16. As he said ^^^^ http://www.shootinguk.co.uk/news/530217/Wildfowlers_secure_17500_acres_of_foreshore_for_shooting.html
  17. I'm in a similar position in that I work a standard day but the missus works shifts. Generally she's home by 1 pm after leaving just before 9, but, there is one day a week when she's out until 4.30. I have 2 dogs that may well keep each other company but both seem to just snooze when we're out regardless of timescale. So long as they are well exercised in the morning it shouldn't be an issue if it's that occasional. However, I wouldn't recommend that you get a puppy, they need much more attention, one of ours is a rescue and the RSPCA told us that they wouldn't let us have anything under 6 months old, at the time the firebreather was only doing a 4 hour morning shift.
  18. Some French and Spanish, enough to get away with it in most situations but I wish I knew more, oh...and a smattering of English!
  19. For ***** sake! Me, one bird, ever. Someone else apparently more. Which part of that concept are you struggling with brainiac? I would continue this battle of wits, but it's bad form to take advantage of an unarmed opponent. Continue if you wish but I am not getting into a bitch fight with someone who can't read and comprehend one paragraph.
  20. I would have thought that if someone wanted to get arsey, he would be required to prove his claim in a Court of Law. Is that not why you always get 'Probably the best xxxx' ?
  21. Jeez, you want me to go back to school! Yes I shot my first and so far only duck and it was wounded, that's 1 out of 1 which will be 100% for the pedants amongst us. However, I also continue to say that someone else had told me that it wasn't unusual for ducks to be wounded and that same someone else suggested the 70% figure. Like I said, IF you read the post... Seems that maybe reading and comprehending hasn't gone hand in hand on this one. Don't hold your breath waiting for that apology, you'll go all blue.
  22. Is that wife or birds/dogs/ferrets?
  23. Well you've got to carry on now, even if just as a future reference piece! Some pics would be good too!
  24. Whilst it's not that black and white in my opinion, I most certainly back the farmer in this situation. It's not a legal requirement to put them on a lead in a public area, and not everyone has access to acres of private land to exercise their dogs on, myself included. When I take the dogs out it is to exercise them and they don't get properly exercised on lead, as such they are mostly off lead be that in a public town park or on a public footpath through farmland. They are however under control. Both of mine come straight back to me on command. When in close contact with livestock they are both brought to walk at heel. If you can do this then I personally don't feel it's necessary to put them on a lead every 10 minutes or when a situation MAY arise. I do also feel though that there are a helluva lot of badly/untrained dogs out there and wonder how that could be resolved? Compulsory puppy/training classes, better education?
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