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Everything posted by captainhastings

  1. Think I will have to nip into my local wynstay they have a decent selection. Because thats the other issue is finding what you can actually get local unless you go the justcartidges route
  2. Your right there I was actually thinking that as I typed. Bismuth might be the way to go as couple of boxes would do
  3. Any one recommend a light cartridge for use in a light sxs ? Obviously needs to be steel. I have the winchester pigeon which I use and that is a lump so can take any thing but I would like to give the other two an airing. Also think they would be great for the snap shooting needed in the switching hours when a wigeon or teal belts by with zero warning. Bismouth is out of the budget
  4. Would be nice for the hunting community to notch up a few wins instead of losing ground constantly. To hear some thing come along and think great now I can go and do that instead of ****** now I can't even do that
  5. You would imagine people have eaten plenty with out knowing with skin on. Never heard of anyone getting ill unless they blamed it on corvid lol
  6. Another shambles day after day chipping away another couple of years be sod all your allowed to do
  7. Can't be leave it has come to this an absolute joke. I can't walk up the road a drop a pigeon because I feel like. It's a bloody pigeon not a golden eagle. A beautiful bird and tasty as hell and gives great sport. But still a bloody pigeon. Complete madness
  8. It is crazy lock down down one week meetup the next just nuts. Fact is very few count households. It is just Christmas not worth lives He is spouting on the news now use it in a sensible way which just won't happen for the most part same as most pubs. A lot of local cases came via pubs and one of them was run very well but still loads caught it. So yea loads of drink and family get togethers sure to go well
  9. A meat thermometer is really handy. Great bit of kit. I have only ever gone the slow cook way for a whole bird but I might try and just roast one Just fried up a mallard and wigeon last night
  10. I am not in a position to worry about it but if you have spare money is it not safest to just keep it or just throw into bonds? I have known a few people who have retired with a little nest egg and then thrown into a little business only to watch it go down the pan. Or have inherited and again started a little business and watched it go.
  11. The laws for the hunting man just keep getting tighter and tighter for all aspects. Does any one actual know of a rule that was lifted or relaxed espeacially in the last few years. But yes it would be nice for basc to look into Sunday shooting for wildfowlers
  12. Just curious has any organisation tried to over turn these Sunday shooting laws in certain counties ? If not why not lol. It is a pretty pointless and outdated and as some one who lives in such a county a real pain the the neck. I have a limited permissions and weather dependent so the chances of it all coming together on a Saturday are a bit rare and working all week it cuts right down on chances to go.
  13. I have noticed when I have minced either goose or pigeon espeacially it tends to be very wet and mushy
  14. Yes exactly. My dog was basically ruined by dogs running up and having a pop. He didn't a vicious bone in his body and ran off and hid behind a tree from a pug lol. But then he matured and now would put the boot in first and his 30kg of muscle. My fault really for not keeping other dogs back. I won't make that mistake again if i ever have another dog
  15. My dog is not good with other dogs at all so all ways on a lead. Trouble is it works both ways when people with safe dogs let them run all over the shop and do what they want. All dogs should be tight at heel on or off leads unless working or in none public place
  16. Mine has all ways worked well until both barrels went off last night at same time. Hopefully a one off. Glad I didn't have the mammoths in lol. A might fine bang and a flash in the dark and I missed
  17. No there havent lol. They have an old review
  18. Out of my guns I all ways reach for the winchester But like said each to there own
  19. I love mine and shooting well with it at the moment plus I can put any thing through it steel wise Been doing well on the ducks with it too. Handles so much better than the old hatsan semi I really love it.
  20. I think that is the issue if folks held back a bit we wouldn't be in such a pickle. But then its easy for me to say because my idea of fun is to sit in a hedge with the dog lol. But for others its getting out and about and socializing espeacially the younger folks who think they are indestructible.
  21. Is it not the old local distance is classed as five miles and thats ya lot?
  22. For the old track and trace I guess. Personally I don't get why you would be going into cafe's and restaurants but then that's not my thing. Sort of common sense to keep out the way as much as you can
  23. Your not going to catch it stood on a foreshore some where or walking the woods. Stopping driven shooting is probably a good idea though. Regrettable though it is
  24. Same I have booked monday off. Going to sit in a ditch at first light. Can't wait
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