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Everything posted by captainhastings

  1. Can you not use the old fishing line and weight trick ?
  2. Just chop an onion and cover in vinegar or apple cider vinegar if your fancy and leave for a hour or how ever long you like. That is what my nan did and nice too
  3. They love an ff6 and they love a call
  4. I handled a 20g armsan semi the other day and it was a delight
  5. The days of the country side as we new it are gone. The little bits that are left are going. In ten years time if you mention a longnet no one will have a bloody clue what your on about. I am hoping for a grand son so I can get the little fella sneaking around at night with a net lol
  6. True Rob you need the bone marrow gives a great creamy flavor. You have to pick your local butchers around some seem to think they are the queens own personal butchers going by there prices but there is a few more down to earth ones in town. I was proud of my eldist when she went to uni and shared accommodation she all ways had a slow cooker bubbling away in her bedroom giving off lovely smells of soups and stews. But I some times prefer the depth of flavor from oven and good 3 hours on low gives a nice flavor to most things
  7. You can buy packet mince for 3 quid fry it off drain fat if you wish. Add some water and a stock cube throw in some spuds and bit of veg of your choice. You have a big sauce pan of grub to dunk bit bread in for a fiver or there abouts. Or a chicken or small lump of pork. The cheap cuts like shin and cheeks etc are no longer cheaper thanks I guess to tv cooking shows.
  8. This Universal Credit is to blame for a lot of it. The tax credit system was better for people struggling but Universal Credit is a complete shambles like most things the governments do now a days
  9. The bit I quoted is for wales and our firebreak which is just laughable. You are bang with what you say. They opened up the main avenues of infect like pubs and schools and bang surprise it shot up. Who would have thought it. All this bubble cobblers they bang on about on the news. Do they honestly think people actually take notice of that rubbish Wales Welsh ‘firebreak’ lockdown from 6pm on 23 October to 12:01am on 9 November A two-week Welsh ‘firebreak’ lockdown is taking effect from 6pm on Friday 23 October until 12:01am on Monday 9 November. Everyone in Wales is required to stay at home. Exceptions are for exercise, essential supplies, critical workers and where working from home is not possible. No gatherings are permitted with people you do not live with either indoors or outdoors. The only exception to this is if you are an adult living alone or are a single parent household. If this applies, you can be in a temporary extended household with one other household. For more details on this, click here. Certain businesses and venues, including bars, restaurants and most shops, including gun shops, must close. During this lockdown period it is a reasonable excuse to continue carrying out essential bird or mammal pest control to protect crops or livestock with the landowner’s permission. It is not a reasonable excuse to take part in recreational shooting activities such as target shooting, game shooting and wildfowling.
  10. Basc says no wildfowling though ? During this lockdown period it is a reasonable excuse to continue carrying out essential bird or mammal pest control to protect crops or livestock with the landowner’s permission. It is not a reasonable excuse to take part in recreational shooting activities such as target shooting, game shooting and wildfowling. Saying that maybe they only mean driving to?
  11. Its the principle of the thing being told you can't buy a item. If I wanted said item I wouldn't go any where else any way I would grab it while I was doing my food shop. Who works for who around here. The lock down is too harsh and folks that have used sense are being punished because a bunch of numpties don't care.
  12. Yea I know I am 51 and the old eyes are not what they used to be. I take my mate and hos 30 and he see loads that I wouldn't or gives me an early warning incoming. I was on my own the other night mind and had the lurcher. His no gun dog and just pain in *** but after I shot one we were sat there and the suddenly peeped around me and moments later 2 ducks came and I dropped one because I was ready so he could be handy at dusk in future plus he tracks any that are winged
  13. Was in aldi this morning and the middle ails are taped off. Makes my blood boil being dictated too like that
  14. Yes unless official pestcontrol. Can't even buy a rubbish bin in aldi they are taped off. Our country is run by a ten year old. How dare he tell us what we can and can not buy
  15. Nick is sending me out the timer and remote. Apparently it just plugs in so nice and easy. He gives a good service fair play
  16. So true I actually said sorry to a bird before I dispatched it at weekend. Was over the moon to get after such a wild goose chase but such a lovely bird. Which is now a burger so maximum use all the way Lovely pic Al and well done
  17. Fishing is ok I see locally. I have crow and a duck splash with in a mile dam it lol
  18. Thank you Dave and ****** 😞 Welsh ‘firebreak’ lockdown 23 October to 9 November A two-week Welsh ‘firebreak’ lockdown will take effect from 6pm Friday 23 October until Monday 9 November. Everyone in Wales will be required to stay at home. Exceptions will be for exercise, for critical workers and where working from home is not possible. No gatherings will be permitted with people you do not live with either indoors or outdoors. During the lockdown period it would be a reasonable excuse to continue carrying out essential bird or mammal pest control to protect crops or livestock with the landowner’s permission. It would not be a reasonable excuse to take part in recreational shooting activities such as target shooting, game shooting, and wildfowling. More details will follow once the regulations have been made and published.
  19. Loving my winchester and its what I use all the time now. Just feels right
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