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Everything posted by captainhastings

  1. Think he should cancelled Christmas lol. Tesco was packed yesterday when i nipped in for loaf. As you expect at Christmas but this is not a normal Christmas. Don't have to be a genius to see huge spike coming. Instead of a full lockdown after just control things better over christmas and stop it before it happens.
  2. Yep you would see people stood out side the pubs around here having a fag stood right next to each other. Now we all have to suffer
  3. Our welsh numpty is doing a full lockdown for 3 weeks. No travelling or leaving home etc so I guess that is shooting stuffed again. 2 house holds can meet for Christmas. Such a pompous little plonker
  4. Just watched that Nick fella and yea more reachable type of shooting with out having to win the lottery
  5. Now they have stopped making them they are at a premium. Just keep eyes open on FB or ebay
  6. I got one of them. I got it off Tiercel off here bless him. It works a treat and really turns the birds.I have an ff6 now but it all ways comes with me because it won't ever break down
  7. No one has to justify them selves and we all conduct our selves as we see fit. If you don't have a dog for what ever reason why should you have to miss out on some epic and amazing sport and scenery. Of course having a dog gives the whole thing a new level of pleasure but not every one is fortunate enough to have one. It strikes as elitism to me and that is what I don't like.
  8. Beautiful hope I can find some thing like that in a few years when I am ready for a pup and a normal price too
  9. I also have a canoe for when the old splash gets a bit deep
  10. They had this chat on facebook before. It is common sense to only shoot over what is safe and possible to find birds. Far too nice to lose. But personally you should not have to miss out just because you don't have a dog. Not every one is lucky enough to be a position to have a dog. I shoot splashes my self so not too much of a handicap
  11. Well had 3 shots at teal tonight and no clicking so fingers crossed that has done it. Another lesson learned
  12. Cheers folks I wiped off the grease or most and gave a squirt of that napier gun cleaner stuff. If iit plays up tonight I will gt85.
  13. yes I get dents on the cartridges. Ok will strip down and give a good clean for starters and test Thank you
  14. I did it once or twice when first got it over a year ago but then stopped. But out of the blue it started this morning. Thought at first it was cartridges but tried different ones and the same every 2 out of 4 i click solid click but they don't go off. Happens on both barrels But gutted I shoot so well with it compare to other and I can stick any ammo through it. Worth taking the stock off ? But other than lub not much I can do any way. I did give it very light grease in there few weeks ago and I mean light
  15. Is that the way Medicert works you have to supply your records? Can't they access them some how them selves ?
  16. Cheers folks I have some gamebore 4 steel never thought to try them. I know after few boxes of clear pigeon when on the pigeons the old trigger guard tends to slam the old fingers but then on the ducks we only talking half dozen shots if I am luck so should be fine
  17. Think I will have to nip into my local wynstay they have a decent selection. Because thats the other issue is finding what you can actually get local unless you go the justcartidges route
  18. Your right there I was actually thinking that as I typed. Bismuth might be the way to go as couple of boxes would do
  19. Any one recommend a light cartridge for use in a light sxs ? Obviously needs to be steel. I have the winchester pigeon which I use and that is a lump so can take any thing but I would like to give the other two an airing. Also think they would be great for the snap shooting needed in the switching hours when a wigeon or teal belts by with zero warning. Bismouth is out of the budget
  20. Would be nice for the hunting community to notch up a few wins instead of losing ground constantly. To hear some thing come along and think great now I can go and do that instead of ****** now I can't even do that
  21. You would imagine people have eaten plenty with out knowing with skin on. Never heard of anyone getting ill unless they blamed it on corvid lol
  22. Another shambles day after day chipping away another couple of years be sod all your allowed to do
  23. Can't be leave it has come to this an absolute joke. I can't walk up the road a drop a pigeon because I feel like. It's a bloody pigeon not a golden eagle. A beautiful bird and tasty as hell and gives great sport. But still a bloody pigeon. Complete madness
  24. It is crazy lock down down one week meetup the next just nuts. Fact is very few count households. It is just Christmas not worth lives He is spouting on the news now use it in a sensible way which just won't happen for the most part same as most pubs. A lot of local cases came via pubs and one of them was run very well but still loads caught it. So yea loads of drink and family get togethers sure to go well
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