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About muffin

  • Birthday 20/06/1947

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    Cockers all forms shotgun shooting
    Winchester shotguns and collectables from the era of Winchester 101

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  1. muffin


    My grandfather was at Gallipoli RAMC he came back many did not whatever the nationality I think he was their because he was in the RAMC He never talked about it much
  2. n i have shot with a 7ooo field for years have 2 2nd one unused hardly done anything also have a Diamond grade sporter and another all in Winchester cases should downsize as getting to old
  3. I put my 101 in an Ogdens leather he drew round it so it fitted do not like the top 3 inches bent over
  4. I have a 325 20 bore with 2 stocks intend to put on here
  5. look up dawsons doubles an ameican site he wrote the history of mod 23 and his site has European 101 and the like
  6. I joined knobs to support them heard nothing first 12 months so didn't renew when not a member got lots of emails about shoots
  7. have our shooting organisations invited her to see for herself
  8. I do not understand the BBC because they made these people just make some more
  9. Shoot a 7000 field 101 do not look at other guns as I tend to think why. Buy another 101. if they made them today they would be 2 or 3 grand never seen many 7000 fields the one I shoot is supposed to be one of the last out factory lovely exhibition stock so when I saw another hardly used I bought it still hardly used, but better in my cabinet. have over years a few more DG a bog standard super grade and a 1500 xtr Have Winchester cases for all my O/U would recommend them as a good piece of kit and it is fun trying to find cases and cartridge mags and all from that era
  10. only got Thurs next week to come for 1500 Muffin[Stew]

  11. Hi macwest good a years few back had a pair of tornado pilots gloves they where thin because they made to have an inner silk glove mine where green
  12. Knew him saw him not very often always liked him
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