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Everything posted by SuperGoose75

  1. Exactly! Does anyone really think Bellew would have won this had Hayes leg not have went.? I don't like Bellew but watched some of the build up programme's and respect that he clearly fights for his Kids. Cant knock a man for that.
  2. Sound great. I'm getting a mixture of Babyshambles/Killers and Springsteen.
  3. Thanks for the link. A quick scroll and read and I would be in favour of most. Still undecided about one or two damaging shots being scored more than a lot more less damaging shots. I will have to brew on this one. In saying that a lot of fights in both MMA and boxing gave been scored like this and it causes controversy. I suppose this would do away with any controversy and the rounds would be more clear cut to score without any argument. Some of the scoring especially in boxing this past while I just cant get my head around.
  4. Won't be staying up for this one as I've got to much going on at present. Will certainly be watching it the following day though. I don't like Ferguson but I have a feeling he will beat the Russian despite most having it the other way Ferguson has got some tools in his Arsenal and does some unbelievable moves. The bear of a Russian has obviously the better ground game but without it he seems pretty ordinary. No doubt he will over power Ferguson on the ground given his freakish strength.I have seen both of them get tagged and get though it but getting tagged by McGregor is a different story. I would rather see McGregor vs the Russian given all the talk but whomever comes through it will be interesting none the less. The rematch should be good and could go either way also. I haven't had much time to watch much of the build up so what's up with the new rules?
  5. Scotland v England is going to be a Mighty Game. Can Scotland win the Triple Crown? I think they will fancy their Chances.
  6. Well said fella! And I don't think it's just Khan who is after a payday. What's Manny got left to prove.? Should have stayed retired in my opinion.
  7. Fair play to giving your mate consideration and nice shot as you clearly got the goose you were aiming at.
  8. Nice Ollie! Just one observation,Any bird that crashes down onto them rocks on the shore must take a fair auld bruising given the height they fall from Ref- Cara Dillon' I used to get My baps and sausage rolls of her in the mornings when she worked in a bakery yrs ago when we worked in the North. She inquired as to who I was to a couple of the younger labourers but I was way to shy to make a move.lol Shd used to get some "Wolf whistling" when she passed the Job we were working on. She was fine and she had a beautiful voice.
  9. Well done Scotland Well done Scotland
  10. I like Dave Myers,I think he is a great character and very intelligent with an obvious passion for food.I also find him funny but not so keen on Si King who tries to be funny but is anything but!
  11. Been involved in Shooting most of my life and never have felt the need or urge to own a S/A. I have shot with one but never have or probably never will own one.
  12. I have a Dozen or so once fired 3.5 12 bore Remmie case's that I kept. If they are any good to anyone or anyone wants them let me know and I will post them for free.
  13. I have always really enjoyed Fly fishing for Sea trout and Roughshooting but my main passion is Wildfowling. Wildfowling.
  14. Not meaning to derail the thread about fish to terrapin's but think it good manners to reply. That is a very good looking setup you have and way bigger than what we have.However we have a specialized terrapin tank that comes with a shelf that slopes for the terrapins to bask on. We also have a rock type cave that they use to hide in and also it protrudes from the water level that they also lay on. The Kids don't handle them but do feed them with their hands as they come up and take the food from their hands but they always get their hands washed when finished. I clean them out every couple of weeks and I was told to squeeze the filters into the clean water as there is something that the turtle's create and need. They are very happy and active. Just an observation and I'm by no means an expert but that terrapin in your tank looks more like a 'Red Eared Slider' rather than a Musk terrapin.
  15. We have two Musk terrapins for the kids 'Donatello and Michelangelo' aka Mickey and Donnie and a few months back I spent around £20 on tropical fish Guppies ect. It was more for adding interest for the terrapins and I didn't care if they ate them or not. They were pretty to look at but all died in a space of a couple of weeks. The tank has water heater,filter and lamp for the terrapins and I also put in water conditioner. I don't know if the terra's snapped at them or not but they would not eat them as I left them out on the tray to see if they would. Thinking about getting a few basic Gold fish soon to add interest.
  16. Well done Scotland.Totally the better team and deserved of the win.
  17. No bias on this thread then lol. Well none from me either.But I think you should look a little bit harder as there is a Big Green machine coming over the hill. England will need to be well at themselves to bring anything away from The Aviva. I agree about Scotland though,Could be a couple of big games in them.Ireland have a couple of injuries' also and will be missing them for the Scotland game. Looking forward to the games and expectation's are pretty high here.
  18. No one can argue with that decision bar the judge who scored it a draw. Never listened to as much biased **** in my life from The commentators and especially by Haye. Best man won. Hats off to Frampton for giving Cruz his dues. Two warriors and I was on the edge of the sofa and couldn't take my eyes off and enthralling fight.
  19. Right, Here we go! Score card is marked out and hot cuppa in hand. May the best Man Win.
  20. (Donegal is a very beautiful place, apparently it was mentioned in a report about the Laurentic on rte1 and bbc1 tonight!) Now your ******* talking Yes as you probably are aware it is the 100th anniversary this month of the sinking of the SS Laurentic. There was a photo of the Crew and survivors having dinner and being entertained in the Guildhall in Derry/Londonderry in 1907 and they reenacted that the other evening with many relatives of the victims attending the event. The Victim's of the sinking are buried in two graveyards only a couple of miles from me. I thought Frank Carson died in 2012, it seems he is alive and well in The Sperrin's
  21. Nice one. A brace of birds is plenty.Your guide looks to be well clued up as that is a classic decoy pattern. With no wind or anythng to go by he has set out two sets of decoys with a space in the middle for incoming birds to land. It is not Wildfowling by any stretch of the imagination as Anser2 has put but there is still magic to be had on them types of mornings as is in your photo's. I dont need to ask did you enjoy it as your photo say's it all.
  22. I had Santa Cruz for the first fight but also said it wouldnt be a surprise if Frampton beat him. I also said Frampton would need to do his work early as he has a tendency to tire later in the fight.I appreciate the fact that people score fights differently and I have already made my feelings clear about the first fight so will leave it at that. I'm going for a Santa-Cruz win in this rematch. I expect Cruz to approach this fight differently. I think he will use his reach to his advantage this time around and box more on the outside. Frampton is a powerful puncher at this weight and he says he is gonna knock Cruz out this time. Know doubt about he has power in his left hooks and right uppercuts and will want this fight in the 'Pocket'. But I think Santa Cruz is gonna use his reach and hand speed to avoid this. Cruz is no shrinking violet himself and is well able to mix it up in the 'pocket' aswell. Frampton can hurt Cruz but I think he is gonna find it hard to get near him and Cruz is going to box him at range and with clean shots. To summerize I think Santa Cruz will win in decisive fashion but it will not bother me if i'm wrong and I'l give Frampton the dues he deserves if he wins it. Other Boxing- There has been some dodgy decisions at the back end of last year and the start of this one. How BJ Saunders is still in possession of the WBO belt is just beyond me. I feel 'Badou Jack' (What a great name for a boxer) was hard done by against Degale.I and many others thought he done enough to get the win. It was a great fight and Jack surprised a lot of people with his performance and it was far from the one-sided fight many thought it would be. thats another rematch i'd like to see happening. And of Course many were not happy with the Ward v Kovalev decision and Andre ward is not covering himself in any glory with talk of retirement and not giving Sergey a rematch which he totally deserves. I feel as a fan of Andre Ward that it will taint his career achievements if he fails to do so. Anyway roll on Saturday night/Sunday Morning. She is wanting to out on Saturday night which will mean I'd miss the fight. Time to pull a sickie me thinks
  23. Thanks for the reminder for the much anticipated and eagerly awaited WBA featherweight title rematch. I'm sure it escaped the memory of alot of "Boxing Fans". Should be a good fight alright. So any thoughts on how the rematch will go.?
  24. We get Pilot Whale's beaching themselves from time to time.It certainly looks to be the shape and size of one but I wouldn't be 100% sure.
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