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Everything posted by 12gauge82

  1. I don't think she'll answer and I don't think she'll be explaining herself to me. Thanks for your efforts though. I might well write to my MP over this and not just Charles, but the vast number of celebrities and other rich and powerful people who's lives are being prioritised over everyone else's.
  2. Yes and I agree, I certainly wouldn't wish harm on anyone Not saying your refering to me, but I'm just making the point that particularly when it comes to saving life, the rich and powerful should not be getting priority and yet they clearly are.
  3. It's not royal bashing. I agree with the point you make Which is why Charles and all the other celebrities who are displaying minor symptoms should not be tested and priority should be given to doctors and nurses allowing them to get back to work and save further life Do it and you'll see I've spoken out several times in support of many of those groups as long as they're not impacting other people's beliefs and lives
  4. And that's definitely not called for. That's just making it personal.
  5. Yes, like anyone, I really hope he makes a full recovery. I still don't see anyone putting up a credible reason why he and many others lives are being prioritised over everyone else.
  6. 😂😂😂👍 On a serious note though. I still don't see anyone giving a sensible explanation as to why his life is worth more than everyone else I'd love to see you explain that to the relative of a loved one.
  7. Why can he get tested, when doctors and nurses who have mild symptoms and could otherwise return to work saving life, can't get a test? That is outrageous
  8. Agreed, however he shouldn't get special treatment where life is concerned, unless you think that being rich and powerful makes your life more important than someone without money? So explain to me why he should get tested over and above anyone else, the same goes for a long list of celebrities? I don't think it'd have much effect. You got her number by any chance?
  9. He certainly didn't, he's got mild symptoms, for which the advice is to self isolate.
  10. How did he get tested then? Front line workers can't get a test yet he's got mild symptoms and gets a test. Why's his life more important than anyone else's. Outrageous!
  11. Hats off to you, there are many members of society right now who usually don't get so much as a thank you for their jobs, many of which are low paid and hard going. They're now being relied on to keep the country going and are in high risk positions. I really hope after this is over, we see a change in the way employees are treated, unfortunately I doubt it will happen with the likes of Richard Branson and Mike Astley ect, but I'll keep hoping. Thanks for your efforts
  12. 12gauge82


    It's not free if they're ripping off a couple of young lads to do it though.
  13. Sounds possible. Good luck mate, everything crossed for you
  14. Thank you very much for that. I think it's really helpful because everyone seems to get different combinations of symptoms and it helps everyone on here identify if they may have it, rather than just a normal cold
  15. 😂😂😂 I'm sure you'll be fine 👍
  16. I would call it irrational fear, but then if you watch clouds for long enough looking for a certain pattern, you'll eventually see what you want to see.
  17. Thanks for that 👍
  18. Were you tested for it, or are you guessing you have it?
  19. Like I said, very nice of them, but either a massive coincidence, or a very strange choice of meals considering what's going on at the moment. Sales of Chinese takeaway have taken a huge hit, more so than other options and although irrational, it's not hard to guess why.
  20. Very well intentioned but I'm not sure it's the best idea unless there's literally no better option. Very nice of them none the less. My only question is why of all the meals Chinese?
  21. Yes it is. I don't think it will change unless they enforce it.
  22. Anyone with confirmed Corona virus happy to share their experience of the symptoms, it might help everyone know what to look out for.
  23. The majority might get mild symptoms, however, they class mild as not going on oxygen. Trust me, most who get it might not die, but they're gonna feel like they are
  24. Agreed, however you can't rely on official figures. Italy locked down when there were less than 500 deaths, I'm not sure how many positive tests, however, they only test you if your on deaths door, anyone showing symptoms gets told to self isolate, without a test, so there's no telling how many infected there are, I'll guarantee you one thing, there's vastly more than 20 cases in Glos
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