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Everything posted by CaptainBeaky

  1. Hi Scully Thanks B) The rail is actually there to mount a case-deflector for lamping from a vehicle (so the cases land in the bed of the pickup). This may be coming off again, as I may mount the deflector plate direct onto the receiver using the Weaver mounting screws (now I have found out what size hex key to use ) No1 son is badgering to have a go at PSG, so I will probably try it sooner or later - being only 4 miles from the nearest PSG club helps here! The bolt handle was more because I am missing the last joint of my right index finger, and the original bolt handle was a bit harsh on either the stump or my little finger, and the bolt release was, well, just because... Interesting project, and good to get back into making things on a lathe again. And yes, go and try one! They're not pretty, but they are a good tool.
  2. Yeah, we've done a bit of fly-fishing down there with a friend who is a keen angler. Didn't catch anything, but a very pleasant way to spend an afternoon
  3. Having made an oversize bolt handle, I set to making an oversize bolt release, as the original is specced for the same gorilla who does the stock bolts up at the factory... There wasn't enough metal in the original button to tap, so I turned up a replacement from my stock of silver steel, but made the foot bigger to change the leverage. The release lever is dural, held on with an M3x0.5 cap-head screw., the general design being lovingly ripped off from Vitaly Kruchin's gun, as here : MP153 fast loading video These are available in Russia, but like the fabled factory magazine extensions, they don't get exported at all due to the vagaries of Russian firearms laws. I've shot with it a couple of times, and it seems to work very well, with a sharp nudge of the lever dropping the bolt, rather than the normal "training for the World Thumb-Wrestling Championship" effort. The mark 1 version, as it turned out, didn't have quite enough threads in the button to stay tightened up, so I made up a mark 2 button, this time drilling out the spring cavity with a end-reamer to give a square end to the hole, and hence greater centre thickness than with a normal conical drilled hole. This one has stayed tight. Next, the case deflector...
  4. I will be heading off to South Devon with No 1 son on holiday in the near future - does the PW hive-mind know of any clay shoots in the Kingsbridge/Salcombe/Totnes area?
  5. Yup, sound weird, but works - I watched our mech supervisor at work undo a seized 3" pipe union using a 2lb hammer and his hands. Couldn't shift it with a 3 foot Stilson, but came off just by clouting it and turning by hand!
  6. That really is an excellent piece of work!
  7. Hmmmm... On the way down to South Hams on holiday - know the route pretty well, and use the sat nav just to give an idea of eta, and as an accurate speedo. Anyway... Missed my junction off the A38 due to darkness and persisting rain, so took the next junction, thinking say nav would get me back on track. Not so: it insisted that I took a left turn onto a farm track across a ploughed field. I'm fairly sure my truck would have got across, but wasn't convinced it was actually a right of way! Had to resort to navigating by seat of the pants/using the Force. Bizarrely, the ETA was still bang on...
  8. If your fuel is dry, a Kelly Kettle makes hardly any smoke. As above, they are great fun to use, and (at least the stainless ones) last for ever. My scouts love mine!
  9. Another vote for Navfree. Mind you it sometimes gets confused if you are way out in the sticks - it couldn't tell the difference between a B road and a footpath in the South Hams last year.
  10. Hence the reason for the mk2 version! Not enough thread in the button to hold the paddle screw sufficiently firmly. Thread lock a good idea here. The £60 charged to fit was probably the minimum of an hour's labour - bit much for a 10 minute job (or 20 if he had to drill and tap the original button), but gunsmiths do have to make a living.
  11. Nice Good bit of suspension travel there... Surely that is a Disco with RR running gear, not a Rangie with a Disco body? May be taking the proverbial calling it tax exempt!
  12. So you are, in fact displaying mechanismism?
  13. Wasn't aware that the chain widths varied that much. My Husq has the narrower gauge chain, I forget what they call it, and the Oregon chain I put on to replace the original didn't last very long (although that is more to do with finding a nail embedded in a birch than any issue of fit!). I then bought a Stihl chain on the recommendation of the dealer, and it has been great. Cuts well, stays cool, seem to get plenty of oil to the tip, no abnormal wear on the bar.
  14. Yup, them little knobs can be a right chore! Ok, that could have been phrased better The release on my MP153 is stiff enough to be painful in the summer, so I dread to think what it would be like with frozen try fingers. Sooooo much easier with a bigger bolt handle and release (more pics in the DIY sub forum when I've finished the mk2 bolt release).
  15. +1 for the Baikal MP153. Cycles anything down to 28g, seemingly irrespective of cartridge length. It appears to be a very fussy on length for 24g loads - doesn't like 67mm, but will cycle 70mm. As SW says above, they're a bit heavy (especially if you add a little ballast under the recoil pad to bring the balance back to somewhere sensible), but if you're not doing walked-up shooting, they soak up recoil wonderfully. Tough as old boots as well. You should be able to get one plus a slab of cartridges for your £300 budget.
  16. PPE first! Husqy or Stihl seems to be a perennial Ford/Chevy type debate. personally, I use a Husq 442, but with a Stihl chain, as they seems to last longer between sharpenings.
  17. If the legislation is to be extended to cover the rest of the UK, they will have to re-do the consultation - if/when that happens we need to make sure the response is a resounding "f##k off!"
  18. Wow! That is seriously gorgeous Pics in the water, pretty please...
  19. I've taken to fitting an open brass ferrule on the ends of mine, made out of worn out safety valves. Makes a nice tip and certainly stops any splitting. Danish oil all the way for me. 3 - 4 coats over a week, then once a week for another month.
  20. Ghenghis Khan? I'd be wary of quoting that dangerously left-wing pinko subversive around here...
  21. +1 Congratulations to you and Lady S - have you booked the youngster's first shooting lesson yet?
  22. Never tested it on a chronograph, although it seemed ok for what it was. It doesn't shoot at all at the moment - the trigger valve stem broke, and it's still waiting for me to make a new one (long wait - must be 30-plus years since I shot it)
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