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Everything posted by Walker570

  1. Didn't put this in trade because I don't want anything for these. If anyone has a 600 and wants to load 20 gauge I have a set of dies to get you started .. you collect or pay the postage, otherwise a freebee. In good order, I purchased the unit for 410s and have no use for the 20s.
  2. I'm an absolute beginner at loading 410s and went for advice at Clay & Game for a load using non toxic in 3 inch for ducks. They came back with H110 pistol powder and I have loaded up a supply , done some penetration and pattern tests and am happy to go shootin'. BUT, I will certainly look at SP3 now you more experienced have suggested it. At a measured 30yrds with a full choke barrel I am averaging 12 hits in the kill area of the pattern and the pellets penetrated a 3/4 inch thick wad of compressed wet news print and then buried themselves in hard 3/8 ply to the depth of the pellet. 1st October will be the field trial.
  3. I am fortunate in having a tractor driven hydraulic feed saw bench but have a look at the SIP Chainsaw log horse. There are a number of companies selling the same tool. I have one and when I have a few awkward logs I use that. Simple safe way to produce neat logs for the fire. Don't know what happened there. The first attempt did not register and then when I re did it , both came up. Hmmm!!
  4. I'm fortunate in having a tractor driven hydraulic feed logging bench to cut my logs, but occasionally I have to cut some small awkward pieces and I have a folding metal bench which the chain saw bolts on to, with a safety shield. Has a length stop as well. Punch in log sawing bench on google and am sure one or two versions will come up. Not cheap but will last a lifetime and make cutting logs easy and as safe as you can be with a chain saw.
  5. Have not tried them as yet in my 22BR, but interested in how they perform for those who have. Struggling to find a Barnes supplier. Their bullets appear to be like rocking horse droppings in the UK.
  6. and another this morning !! Could not ignore the peanut feeder in the trap. (137 our score now in 10 acres of woodland) 652
  7. N120 doesn't rate highly in the manuals I have. BUT that doesn't mean to say it will not produce good groups and that is what your most interested in I suppose. N130 produces slightly better MZ but that doesn't always add up to tight groups. The proof of the pudding is in the eating I'm afraid. H335 also performs well with 55grbullets.
  8. Apart from the issue of a mistaken hit causing undue pain etc etc. In my view a good shot through the arteries and lungs of a deer makes for far better eating venison. The meat bleeds out almost 100%. I could never see the point in sticking a knife in the animals throat when the pump had closed down. You might get nice clean meat for the butcher but I would prefer not to buy meat from him. Many years ago in Scotland I was instructed by the stalker to shoot a hind at the base of the neck as she would not present a sideways shot and the whole bunch was about to leave the county. I did as I was told and she went down like a sack of spuds. He patted me on the back, stood up and marched towards the animal, where I would have preferred to lie there and watch for a while. He got about halfway and was directly between me and the hind when she jumped up and vanished over the brow. The last we saw of her was cresting a hill three quarters of a mile away ..with a large 308 diameter hole in her shoulder and neck area. I was told right from the first animal I shot, to sit back, keep the rifle up and give the animal time to die in dignity. Shot a Silver Medal boar in Slovenia this last May and as we approached it was still very much alive. The TTSX from my 375JDJ had gone a little high and fortunately severed the spine or it would without have come across and attempted to give us a good sucking. Approaching from the blind side a second shot between the shoulder blades tidied up a poor job. Doesn't matter how many animals you might have shot **** happens occasionally. My view, if it hasn't happened to you yet then you haven't shot enough. My Slovenian guide told me that as my rifle spoke the boar stepped forward and down slightly which resulted in the high shot. That animal weighed in at 196kg with the guts out and was best to date.
  9. Did not see the program but have seen enough deer walking around with jaws blown off in the last 40yrs to tell me not to advocate head shooting them in any event.
  10. My pop up is now covered with everything imaginable, having added stuff as it rotted or got torn over the years. Always add some local natural to blend a bit better, but find pigeons and crows shy away from a bad decoy set more than the colour of the hide net as that is where they are looking in the main. Had twelve reals and four plastics out last week and saw about one in five pigeons jink away, so pulled the plastics and shot fourteen straight in the next 50 minutes. They just did not like those plastics one bit. This last windy/wet Saturday had 14 reals and six plastics plus my plastic flapper and had pigeons landing alongside the flapper !!! You know that word ALWAYS. It don't apply to pigeon shooting OR stalking for that matter.
  11. Another two immigrants tried to take up residence this week and one managed 12hrs (trapped) the other managed almost 72hrs and met 25grns of plastic copper and lead going the other way, so two more to add. 651
  12. On 550 pheasants I would estimate you will work hard to get 150 ...all down to your available cover, feeding regime and OF COURSE how well your guns can shoot. Don't expect to shoot any of the greys and if you do that is a bonus. They are the one game bird which can make absolute fools of you, but lovely to see on the ground. I have the pleasure to shoot on a small bit of ground which has a regular wild population and we might just manage two a season. Great to hear of someone actually putting some down, well done.
  13. Purchased a second hand (like new) TX200 about 5 weeks ago from Solware. Pretty sure whoever had it first did not like the weight, BUT I do, it is VERY stable and scary accurate. Have no knowledge of the other model but I am VERY pleased with the TX200 and have no problem with the cocking mechanism or the 'bear trap'. The cocking might just be heavy for a lady or someone strength impaired.
  14. From what I read they will all be lucky to not come back with a dose of the runs. The accommodation is disgusting, water running down the walls, the water for the water sports is very badly polluted, then that little midge flying round biting every warm blooded thing it can get it's teeth into. Haven't had a TV in the house for over 30yrs, so will certainly not be watching any of it. Will scan the sports pages to see how Froomy and Lizzie get on but that's about all. Like football it is so riddled by corruption these days, it is not what it was originally designed to be.
  15. Yes, the 20 odd hen pheasants I normally see on the feeder in my wood have gone very quiet, so I hope they are all on second clutches. Only a couple of old cock birds on patrol but they have lost the need to chase each other. Any day now we should see the results.
  16. Just use 1 click to 1/4 inch until you get within fine tuning distance. EG if your first shot is six inches low and 3 inches to the right at a KNOWN 100yrds, then putting24 clicks up and 12 clicks left should put you very close to centre. It will also show you just how accurate the clicks are because over some 40 odd years almost every scope I have owned has been just that little bit different. Don't forget to tap the turrets with an empty round just to make sure the reticle has settled ...even on your expensive scope, believe me!!
  17. My everyday ... well evening medicine... purely medicinal you understand is Morrisons Own Brand blended 3yr old plus oak cask matured Glen Stag. I cannot fault it and it is a good price. As said some of the expensive singles have a rare flavour but not to my taste.
  18. I have refused to purchase anything made in France for 40 yrs or more ... why?? ..... remember our lambs being burnt in the delivery lorries at French ports ? ... no, you probably was still a glint in your fathers eye back then, so why should you. Well they are at it again but this time with wine. Hijacked a number of tankers filled with Spanish wine and drained it onto the streets as they crossed the border and now have opened the taps on storage vats of an importer in southern France. It has increased my resolve to check everything I buy ........ a friend recently brought half a dozen small bottles of French beer to a Barbie, I had drunk a couple of mouthfuls before asking what it was, because it was pathetically awful, like maidens water. I poured the remainder down the drain where it belonged. If we are going to get any problems with Brexit, it will come from the French, without a doubt.
  19. You'll provide a net I hope, same as that guy in California. That was awesome, just watched it all on youtube. Wish you well sorting something out. If you enjoy just a small wild day with nice folks and good food then give me a pm, might have something to fill un between the big days.
  20. Stabbing in London last night. If someone there was a 'concealed carry' user then maybe one or perhaps two would have been stabbed not five or six and we would not have to keep the useless criminal for the rest of his life, just pay for the cremation.
  21. Yep, that is the big question , would you and could you ? Shooting an animal/bird is one thing but shooting another human being is different. It takes a different sort of person to do that, believe me, and lots of training both physical and mental to be proficient. That is what concerns me about open/concealed carry without that training. We have to have training to drive a car and pass a test, therefore why not for carrying another 'weapon' just as deadly. Training at the moment in the USA is spasmodic to say the least. I have spent time with a number of friends in Texas who had license to carry concealed but they were a few who I would happily have shoot an apple off the top of my head.
  22. I was given a joint of CWD and it was awful, put me off for life. Perhaps it had not been handled/hung correctly. Anyway :- 1.Muntie without a doubt 2. Pronghorn (am I allowed a non native species) It is good. 3. Roe 4. Wild boar 5. Mouflon 6 Wild goat (cabrito) My favourite way to cook backstrap is to cut in 1 1/2 inch steaks at an angle, having carefully taken off the silver skins. Then gentle beat each steak out until about 1/4 inch thick. Heat a skillet, drop in a large knob of butter and some crushed/chopped fresh garlic and black pepper. When this is seriously sizzling lay in the meat and keep turning until brown on the outside and pink in the middle. Brilliant hot or cold. I call them New Zealand Venison chips because my guide in New Zealand cooked the backstraps from the tahr I had just shot in the same way in a cast iron skillet on a wood fire. Awesome.
  23. Lots of activity round the yard this morning, silaging etc etc., so maggies pretty jumpy. Managed only one, but they are starting to get a bit thin on the ground, I'm pleased to say (42 to date with this new TX200). 2899
  24. Any of you drive down a motorway recently ... would you allow some of them to have a driving license and take control of a car and I am not just on about the fast drivers either. Came back down from Doncaster last week and because of my previous training saw an accident about to happen and pulled well back. There was a woman in the middle lane doing at most 40mph and refusing to budge. You can not imagine the peril she put other drivers into with truckers piling up behind her. More people killed in the USA every year with cars than with guns and only on rare occasions are shootings not criminally related.
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