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Everything posted by Mice!

  1. Doubt this is just in your trade mate, we have a guy who is 65 and i doubt he's ever been any good, must have just done simple stuff all his life, if you follow him and others on a machine you just start again its easier.
  2. Stu, that's first class my wife wants to kidnap you for a while. Have a look a the play fort at Lowther castle, i thought you had built it for a minute. Your right there, my inlaws had real trouble getting folk round, when they eventually turned up they charged top dollar for average work.
  3. Very nice as always Winnie, I'm agreeing with some of the above comments, I've always worked the unsocial shifts to earn more money but now I'm looking for a better shift meaning more time off without looking for the maximum wage, horses for courses.
  4. Not at all sir, they do look grand mind 😄
  5. How did you lot miss all the innuendos possible with "in the ditchman club" I'm thinking of the only fools and horses episode where they went to France with Grandad and all the fellas looked like him, is it like this in Norfolk??
  6. Nearly bought more tools 😅😅😅 very nice of you to pass on stuff you don't need, but you may need sn intervention. And you didn't miss much not going to Blackpool although the M55 is nice when it's quiet
  7. very nice, typical comment from the misses " they would look better if the wood was all the same colour" don't you just love women 🤣🤣
  8. My old dog once brought back a headless cock pheasant that others hadn't been able to find, whilst everyone else was happily ripping the urine out of me saying he had simply killed another bird the keeper walked up and said the bird must have been hanging in a tree, silence 😃 Dogs along with your children have the power to make you feel proud and ashamed all within minutes. sounds your going to be having fun oowee.
  9. I would say yes that's too cheap Stu considering you'll provide your own van tools etc, but I'm guessing your booked solid, so where would people draw the line between knowing you have work or charging a top rate? my missis likes to point out I'm useless because i set/run machines in work, that won't build her extension 😂
  10. Belting, i used to get followed round a farm by a westy 👍
  11. Ha ha, we've all been there, Rowse certainly does crystallize easily, I've done the hot water, microwave. I think its down to storage temperature?
  12. Great going soulboy, and really good news finding bird watchers that acknowledge the need for squirrel control. You probably don't need to use peanuts plenty of folk just use wheat or maize depending on what else is available, also people saying the squirrels like a bit of aniseed in there like folk do with pheasants.
  13. very jealous, always amazes me the speed and power tigers have, from lay down to full tilt and covering distance like a racing car. Here's one, everyone knows there have been big cats out in the countryside at some point, has one ever attacked a human? In this country?? One of the programmes i watched showed the habitat changes after wolves were reintroduced and it was amazing, from flora regrowing because deer and elk couldn't graze at leisure to smaller mammals recovering because the wolves killed lots of coyotes
  14. Cheers old'un, i think the shot turkey necks are most similar looking but still not as clear as the swan images
  15. Back to actual topic of the dead swans, anyone know a friendly vet with an x ray machine? Be interesting to see what a pheasant looks like that was shot?
  16. Might well hit the 3000 yet when Jerry adds in his totals, Having a 1000 acre wood on your doorstep would certainly explain where all your squirrels are coming from Walker.
  17. We'll let's hope the coppers are backed to the hilt, send out a clear message, criminals aren't safe!!
  18. Mice!

    Gun cabinet

    No messing about, sounds like s bargain
  19. Mice!

    Employee woes..

    My uncle is taking early retirement, he had to change job because of redundancy but the new shifts and travel don't suit, if your only a year from "official" retirement age then it must be an option or thought?? Hope things went well today
  20. Sounds like she knows you shoot and doesn't like it, that's my guess? Unless you stop someone and ask them what's been said I'm afraid were all just whistling in the wind. And what is Huss?
  21. At least 3 possibly 4, Is the magpie the white dot in the pheasant pic? And I'm sure someone near you is breeding these squirrels there seems no end to them. I had one appear on my sunflower seeds Saturday afternoon just as we were heading out, it'll be back.
  22. I'm sorry sir, all evidence was burned due to the possibility of the truth getting out, i mean health and safety. Would you like to make a donation sir?
  23. I'm going back twenty years but i never had problems getting ferreting permission, if you can see a warren with activity then so can the farmer, if you can find the farmer. Have a drive round or cycle, its easy to look about and ask if you could come and work that warren tomorrow? It's normally easier than asking to shoot. Always go and say thanks afterwards say you've enjoyed the opportunity, hopefully you get chatting and see where it leads.
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