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Everything posted by Mice!

  1. Mice!

    New Gundog

    I haven't seen much of it this year due to my shifts, normally watch it with the wife tutting at the so called perfect examples of the breeds, I used to live near the fella who got his large Munsterlander to the final and that was a lovely dog. I have just read in todays sun about caddie the yellow lab an autistic assistance dog which has changed a little lads life completely its for things like this we watch it, looks a nice dog unlike the one that won a while back.
  2. Andy, it hurts because you care, my old boy is 14 now and wont be long its a struggle just to type this. Think Steve b poem sums it up perfectly Mice!
  3. That sounds like a good deal, I'll have to check my local co op
  4. You have to remember a lot of Scots look back not forward, when I lived in Arbroath ( lovely place) had people banging on about how we won the world cup in 66 but they beat us at Wembley, I couldn't care less I wasn't even born. So it seems if she keeps making enough noise about the old enemy no one will care or notice the mess she is making
  5. Finally got around to reading the mag, it wasn't amazing but its about what I expected and for a quid I ain't going to grumble. Mice!
  6. Fair point, think the original post may have started about birds being found dumped and then people were saying about what you get at the dealers
  7. When I was growing up we had three pad locks on the shed so some scrote pried the hinges off instead, I would look at getting one of the metal covers that stop them getting at the lock to begin with and if you have plenty of stuff in there maybe a cheap alarm. And a bone for the dog, good girl
  8. It was in a fancy farm shop, where I get minced chicken carcass at £1 a kg, what surprised me was people saying in the original post I couldn't find was game dealers saying they would take birds but not pay for them then you see them at £4
  9. Ok this isn't new, I was reading a thread a while ago about how little is payed at the game dealers for pheasant anyway cant find it now. I was surprised to find frozen pheasant duck and rabbit were all just over £4 I cant imagine anyone paying that for rabbit but someone must be?? Mice!
  10. Mice!


    Pure curiosity, how long were the traps down for you to catch that number over what sort of area? Sounds like your busy and enjoying your work what more could you want 😊 Mice!
  11. Mice!

    Rhino poaching

    I'm surprised they cant grow fake horn in a lab these days flood the market with that hopefully giving the rhinos a chance.
  12. Hi all can anyone recommend or just as important warn against a kennel within ten miles of Leyland, doing the usual on line checking but can't hurt to ask. Thanks in advance Mice!
  13. Mice!


    On the topic of moles, small strip of grass by us probably 15mtrs wide 120 ish long river on one side road on the other really wet but as others have said loads of mole activity, does wet ground not make them move on??
  14. Didn't seem like he was getting hurt, you don't put your hands down if someone is hurting you or you think they can, if fury sorts himself out either one would probably be an easy warm up fight for him. As sako says should retire before he gets really hurt but money talks.
  15. Must say wasn't impressed how does a guy not get finished on one leg, haye probably saved face by keeping going but thought the towel going in so late was a bit pointless bellew wasn't hurting him, might as well as stopped after one round once the Achilles had gone, Joshua or klitsh would have finished the fight in one round and probably hurt a one legged opponent badly
  16. I have read the series at least three times but wouldn't read game of thrones again it seemed to have small bits of really great stuff going on then nothing much, kept reading as my brother in law had bought them all
  17. I read all the books before watching any of the shows, seen series one and six think the books are better but didn't realise that the books weren't finished when I started reading!!! Conn Iggulden Genghis Khan series is a much better read, no dragons tho 😊
  18. I've also been reading and enjoying the idea of different woods to contrast sounds really good. I also thought it might end up looking like laminate all be it expensive laminate but the pegs certainly give it an edge, bet you sick off them come the end tho 😊
  19. Like others have said speaking to an accountant is a good idea, if your new to working for yourself you could be missing out on things that you can claim for. The other thing is remembering to put money aside for your tax bills next year its easy to think all is rosey then get a three or four grand bill, but if you set everything up right it can work out well. The other thing to think about is no sick pay if you had any and holidays cost you double because your not earning while your away. Good luck
  20. Is your blade width 2mm? If your timber is sticking out to the left and your blade is cutting on The line is it the left edge or right edge of blade that is on the mark, might just be set up opposite to how your using it if that makes sense
  21. Sounds off to me, have they got any money off you already? I had loads of hassle when we went Prague with people dropping out and hotel being well out the way. You need a hotel that expects a stag party if rugby lads are showing up you know its going to get messy. Good luck
  22. http://vi.raptor.ebaydesc.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItemDescV4&item=292026507893&category=83880&pm=1&ds=0&t=1487495406692
  23. Yes 1989 it says I had to have a look 😊
  24. There is a really nice looking pair on the bay carl zeiss Jena 8*30 look brand new, 20 bids ends tomorrow. I have a pair of 10*50 that I inherited and yes they are chunky but they are brilliant if the pair on sale are a good bit smaller and lighter could be a good buy
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