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Everything posted by PPP

  1. PPP

    Pump or Semi?

    Take your point but I’d like a pump for either wildfowling or Vermin shooting, I already have one semi auto
  2. Flipping horses got the hump with moderated 17hmr tonight, unfortunately they tell the owners (don’t trust horses, they grass, the French have the right idea...) as exciting as angry jodhpur clad girls are, I need a quieter solution (2 foxes didn’t argue though)
  3. Hi Guys Any suggestions? Not really looking to join a club but just to pay and play (if that’s possible) Thanks
  4. PPP

    Pump or Semi?

    Ooh, how do I find this pleAse?
  5. Crikey, 10 years of dog chews for a bargain price!
  6. PPP

    Pump or Semi?

    That’s what I was thinking around costs, plus if i go semi route I need to allow for costs to convert back..
  7. PPP

    Pump or Semi?

    Sorry, didn’t explain that very well, I need an FAC shotgun for Vermin control so can’t use one gun. is semi auto or pump better for wildfowling?
  8. Thanks, already have 17 which can’t be sub sonic and a free slot for 22rf but that’s low priority at the mo..
  9. PPP

    Pump or Semi?

    I have an FAC semi which I can’t use for wild-fowling, I curious as to whether I should convert it back to three shot and by a FAC pump for Vermin or whether to buy 3 shot pump for wildfowling. Aprreciate thoughts
  10. Insurance is going to be volatile Until the Ogden impact is understood I’m afraid... However you have had a right result, saves looking through all the aggregators!
  11. Ok, excellent, thanks!
  12. Before I put in for variation just looking for pointers on FaO view on this (Essex)... i have a slot for 243 and ground in cleared for 243, I’m thinking of putting in for 308 as that will mean I really only need one CF rifle and can be loaded to sub sonic for fox which would be handy as A couple of dens are close to horse paddocks. Should I expect any FAO objections as they are both CF and equally dangerous if mis used? Currently conditioned for AOLQ which I wish to keep Thanks
  13. I have a Beretta signature gunslip which has significant sentimental value to me, plus it’s nicely ‘aged’. Any ideas of how to get it relined?
  14. Good for you Kiffy, very brave and hats off to you noticing you have a problem. I would suggest looking into non GP based support networks first, if you can solve the problem without going ‘on record’ it can only be a good thing
  15. Equities ... sorry for typo
  16. I’d split between property and equity, both good long term plays if you can keep your hands off the cash in the interim, look at FTSE 20 year charts..
  17. PPP

    Mortgage help

    You need development finance, usually lenders need a big deposit as they are expecting you to effectively have a big slug of cash to buy the existing property and it’s deemed high risk..
  18. That’s a good idea, maybe ask for name address and licence number and get FEO to check out before arranging to meet, I don’t think a genuine buyer would be put off.
  19. Short hand, not everyone spends all day in front of the internet trying to troll people
  20. Hi Dont forget, FEO cares about gun law, Vermin control is under general licence, FeO dont enforce general licence the wild bird act does. its worth reading through, it’s not a long read
  21. Yes, it does, suggest you read it. Suggest you read and understand the General Licence, it’s nothing to do with FEO at all.. Ignorance of the conditions under which you control pests is no defence and plays into antis hands.
  22. You forgot to recommend Jaywick...?
  23. Same here, counted 11 released one night, we even stopped the van and explained what would happen. Haven’t seen them since.. two anomious guys wearing RSPCA fleeces ( a career in MI6 seemingly alluding them)
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