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Everything posted by PPP

  1. That’s a good idea, maybe ask for name address and licence number and get FEO to check out before arranging to meet, I don’t think a genuine buyer would be put off.
  2. Short hand, not everyone spends all day in front of the internet trying to troll people
  3. Hi Dont forget, FEO cares about gun law, Vermin control is under general licence, FeO dont enforce general licence the wild bird act does. its worth reading through, it’s not a long read
  4. Yes, it does, suggest you read it. Suggest you read and understand the General Licence, it’s nothing to do with FEO at all.. Ignorance of the conditions under which you control pests is no defence and plays into antis hands.
  5. You forgot to recommend Jaywick...?
  6. Same here, counted 11 released one night, we even stopped the van and explained what would happen. Haven’t seen them since.. two anomious guys wearing RSPCA fleeces ( a career in MI6 seemingly alluding them)
  7. Lovely place, some interesting things nearby, Colchester is a bit of a dump but castle is good, Lavenham, Dedham nice, Mersea is interesting ... loads to do
  8. PPP


    Depends what shooting you are doing but I’d echo boots and gaitors over wellies unless you are attending several driven days per week and don’t have time to clean boots.. For clothing, Seeland and Deerhunter have proven good for me when cost conscious. However Musto stuff is great and lasts well so is good value in the long run.
  9. Have a shower after you swim? Or does the pool count as your bath for the day ?
  10. Suggest you make yourself aware of the general licence, not pussyfooting around but ignoring the law is a threat to shooting.
  11. Potentially a can o’ worms, but if you felt that the Pigeon pooh was a danger to human health ( kids playing in garden city on swings covered in pigeon pooh as an example) and you had tried other methods to scare them then you could shoot them under GL but you might find neighbours get upset and call plod citing ‘ suspicious man waving a rifle out of the window shooting animals’, best to be as quiet as possible.
  12. PPP

    Glass Cleaner

    We have a large black glass garden table that i the domestic technician just can't seem to get the water marks off... any ideas?
  13. PPP


    Hi Im just looking to start out and trying to decide what starter kits to buy.. How long does beer last in pressurised barrels? (I can’t drink 40 pints over a weekend anymore) I’m thinking bottles may be the way forward? Any ideas how ling beer can live in bottles? Bizarely by fluke I picked up a Wherry Kit and St. Peter’s kit on my recent travels so it sounds like the wherry is the best one to start with Can I brew in the garage or is it too cold?.. Im interested in starting due to the economics and variety available Thanks
  14. Still no evidence of the 500M revenue generation... are that many people buying that much wedding tat?
  15. Two things here, should the Royal family be trimmed? Yes, why on earth are Sarah Ferguson and Mike Tyndall on the public expense list? secondly, where have these magical 500M figures come from? How are they arrived at? It’s an awfully convenient number...
  16. I read that 5.56 destabilises and tumbles at 400M + and so key holes and wounds, can’t remember where I read that though, think it was by accident than design
  17. I suppose so... cant really put a roof on the tower!
  18. I’m going to help out a pest control company friend who doesn’t have a rifle ( his work is trapping Vermin and bugs) on some land that has a regular fox issue but is noise sensitive. I understand that you can reload .308 to sub sonic, are there any other options? I’d be looking to ditch my 243 and trade in so I need a rifle that will be leagal for U.K. Deer.
  19. How about shot curtains like they had at Commonwealth Games?
  20. Errr, he opens by saying ‘ we are now going to reenact the conversation and show highlights of the conversation’. ... sadly the ****wits that want to believe this won’t care what the truth is...
  21. PPP

    Plant ID Help Please

    Yep, that’s the stuff! , it’s flipping huge and spiky... good for sheltering under when it rains.. Quite the botanist me!
  22. PPP

    Plant ID Help Please

    Makes sense, it does look quite cool (on someone else’s land) very Jurassic Park... Almost as cool as the huge Rhubarb looking stuff that we also have...
  23. PPP

    Plant ID Help Please

    Brilliant, thanks, it’s all over the woodland trust land here and has spread onto the estate... The kids wanted to plant it in the garden...guess not!
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