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Everything posted by clangerman

  1. buy once buy right air arms s510 light reliable and drops them like a brick!
  2. fact the gov will leave you in agony or let you die to save money on treatment or drugs says this has nothing to do with ease of suffering and everything to do with a cheap bullet for those they see as a burden!
  3. that’s why the gov allow you no more power than a pathetic vote signing will achieve nothing but give them a free laugh at how trapped they have us!
  4. tips are appreciation of good service only give one if i think it’s deserved
  5. happy birthday mm hope it was a good one
  6. stones from the charity commission who if they really cared about abuse of funds their first port of call would be the outrageous wages drawn by heads of charities!
  7. come on peeps by now one of you should have noticed if it’s one go all go how come the ONLY ones who have gone are those who kill animals with a large pack of dogs!
  8. clangerman


    about the only time I would serve spam is if I wanted to punish the grand children for something lol
  9. that would be greed you rarely make a wedge from your own labour it comes from paying others crumbs while keeping the cake yourself and I liked cake but money is just a rich man’s toilet paper or I would swiftly turn another wedge to buy a pair of lungs
  10. surely royals get the same incident room full of detectives working 24 hrs until the culprits are caught as the rest of us do! lol
  11. good work as always there shot one myself today seems to be more of them about than ever
  12. no I’m more than happy here 99% are very nice chaps
  13. thank you young man I have grown tired of your needless abuse and will now put a stop to it
  14. can I take that as you volunteering to find out how seriously the police now take on line abuse?
  15. good on you found a old boy wandering about in his pyjamas and dressing gown luckily ambulance come past managed to flag them down to take him
  16. quote we are aware of both thread and content in view of comments to incite aggression they could be seen as grounds to remove firearms unquote think trolls are the ones who should be sweating not the bizarre!
  17. I would have sweated buckets fighting the adrenaline back while struggling to decide in mil secs at which point do I inflict injuries that bring a warped mind set and nightmares at 3am until those who make excuses or criticise enjoy the consequences of inflicting serious injuries they don’t have a clue what they are talking about!
  18. the only response you have left after smearing comment from a high ranking police officer!
  19. my comment came from a extremely HIGH RANKING POLICE OFFICER who used it to explain how he knew the feo managers “version” of our meeting was a lie so while you collect a red face for your needless abuse I will question or criticise anyone who lives of my taxes!
  20. funny thing about the true version of an event is the way it never changes unlike the excuses people make for it!
  21. fair play your efforts paid of against better judgement put 11 fresh birds out to test them today they wouldn’t come in if I paid them with bird seed lol
  22. the reality of starmers grand plan to smash the people smugglers prosecute some chap who sells boats! lol
  23. the needless insults on here tell you that one!
  24. college of policing mate it’s all there
  25. if theres no cause for complaint let’s examine the recent figures 593 barred 125 cases of dishonesty 87 instances abuse of power or procedures 74 instances of SEXUAL offences or sexual misconduct and between 15-12-2017 and 31-3–2024 TWO THOUSAND and 98 officers added to the barred list and the above figs are from the police so pinch of salt required as that’s bad enough I will give the amount of officers serving with criminal convictions a pass!
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