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Everything posted by clangerman

  1. show me a french man who could stop us with a firearm shoved up his nose!
  2. might be down to the top two at Gloucestershire getting the boot recently
  3. thick as a brick starmer should be pleased she’s about as attractive to voters as rat poison!
  4. what an earner for Charlie and co over £20 million a piece for the pair of them from contracts with nhs schools charities and our forces tax free! not hard to see the fools in this country are us!
  5. clangerman


    the fact we put up with no more power than a pathetic vote is actually an insult to every brave soul who fought for something better such as a land fit for heroes being honest enough to admit that’s the case shows both respect for their sacrifice and gives more right to complain than those who refuse to admit we are powerless
  6. clangerman


    I made no claim it would stop them I just prefer not to feel foolish when shaving!
  7. clangerman


    your right I don’t even vote yet have to suffer consequences from those who do and these poverty stricken farmers are the SAME people who will watch 300 pigeons strip their crop clean but refuse an offer to clear them show me a poor man who could afford to do that!
  8. clangerman


    when you sow election posters on your land along side rds you reap the rewards of voting!
  9. that’s the beauty of video a farmer can see for himself if his friend or old boy (and I’m one) is slacking and why I’m asking farms next to town here are so hard to crack no is your starting point while everyone else is using normal methods I’m dressed to go with kit on board and video from ten mins before I knocked offering to keep them of for the day which gets my foot in the door while they go looking for their next no thank you
  10. would know as I’m rarely in mc Donald’s!
  11. ads a perfect excuse to check what’s on the other channels!
  12. I’m beginning to suspect some are knocking on farmers doors without phone footage of birds eating his profits!
  13. just back from the rape shot everything I seen all five of them!
  14. positive I’m still ok but see plenty who are not the way they crawl along is a good sign they are no longer confident or competent enough to drive
  15. and it won’t be the first time they FAIL to rebuild either! lol
  16. spot on only people with attack as defence are the police courts rightly expect everyone else to walk away he doesn’t have a leg to stand on anyone else caught on footage like this would have been charged within hrs it’s stinks of a cop out already
  17. going to the trouble of planting for crows doubt he wants anyone shooting but every farmer is entitled to let them eat the profits!
  18. all part of a police state showing they will not stand for any sign of defiance same system who will do everything possible to stop an mp facing justice who should already have been charged for a vicious assault!
  19. about as close as it comes to carrying out a one punch killing can’t wait to see the pathetic charge they come up with!
  20. nice one few less nest thieves find I have to use up to three wires to get a good decoy stance with corvids proper picky things
  21. would get a long holiday for saying what we should do already had my solution removed once! lol
  22. take your pick the system is only geared to offer same self serving rats who won’t permit anything to upset their trough just look at the riots swift action harsh sentences we are all now trapped in a police state with no way out but don’t let that stop you voting reform next it’s what hard lessons are for!
  23. your persistence attempts to woo me are wasted I’m not gay!
  24. more case of nothing to show because fools and their money are easily parted and you lot won’t stop electing them! lol
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