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Everything posted by clangerman

  1. welcome to the police state think I’m joking? when did you last speak your mind without double checking the thought!
  2. nobody can say my bunch are inappropriate we never call slap head bald!
  3. as I made no claim of a monetary cost to game shooting they can definitely afford it mate
  4. advise you ask fox hunting then if field sports survive on money or support lol
  5. s200 with a mag system quality to last punch for the job and light as a feather other options are out there but few tick all three boxes
  6. game shootings biggest amount of support comes from all those grassroots boys struggling with cost thanks to game shooting pushing this rubbish they will simply switch to cheaper forms such as air rifles and dump all their support for game shooting in return a fair exchange!
  7. it’s even more preferable not to jump of a cliff until pushed and fight without your own side shooting you in the back
  8. some people wouldn’t admit they have been sold down the river if they were on a boat might as well give up now unreal!
  9. swear filter prevents the sort of comment this deserves!
  10. clangerman

    HW 57

    it’s your lucky day I had both new air arms was class hw piece of trash a lesson learnt the expensive hard way won’t make that mistake again used a s510 for last five years nothing comes close to it keep the s200
  11. and how many are the arms WE send killing maiming or scarring for life let’s have no pretence of OUR sickening shameful role
  12. loathsome as the legal weasels are blame belongs with the ungrateful
  13. must be bout of amnesia going around gump had tinsel birthday cake told lie after lie after bare faced lie taking everyone for fools the other idiot had food and drink at a work meeting he won’t be fined a penny
  14. seen the pull of water today have 80 acres of peas next door to rovers training ground not a bird to be seen yet their pitch looked like a pigeon holiday camp birds piling in to enjoy the sprinklers now home cursing football!
  15. only tories would think making fuss over a beer and sarnie would distract people from the fact they were destroyed in local elections hilarious!
  16. left your mark denny I couldn’t make it to the right spot yesterday but still shot couple for the dog seen plenty of wildlife and got a tan what more could we want
  17. hear hear sold out yet again by the SELF appointed voice of shooting for their own ends
  18. try the airgun owners club forum several experts who know their rapid stuff one might be local to you
  19. blame where it belongs full square down to basc arrogance in taking a decision that was not theirs to make sooner they are out of business the better!
  20. best reply this thread will see that’s exactly how it works
  21. couldn’t find enough today for a one man dinner all the rape and peas empty barley drilled three days ago outside the woods should have been a given yet also bare
  22. think it’s just as bad to see a working dog clearly under weight shot with a few who wonder why their bag of bones is flagging after just half a slab land rover won’t run on empty why should my dog
  23. and what do you get? muddy soaking wet frozen scratched topped of by ungratefulness and chicken feed wage best of all shooting a few pige is treated like your getting the world with zero mention of all the feeding or favs YOU do for free! keeper friend has a top notch team because both he and the owner know how to treat people who are doing YOU the fav!
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