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Everything posted by Windswept

  1. I've tried the Lee and RCBS but much prefer "Imperial Redding Sizing Die Wax". Just a light smear with fingers and a little cotton bud for inside the neck and it works a treat. Expensive but my tin is hardly touched after sizing a few 1000 cases. Easy to wipe off with a cloth.
  2. If it has any material that would be pruned this winter you could take cuttings or even try grafting some more. I've had some heavily damaged apple trees survive deer damage removing about half the bark so yours could be fine. It might be worth protecting the base of this one and the other one with chicken wire. As for variety, the original tree could have been a self sown one so one of a kind. I've got a couple of trees here I've grafted from unknown trees that have produced good apples in previous homes.
  3. Windswept

    Hedge ID

    I think there's more than one tree in the pics. The first photo, the twig on the laptop, looks like a dogwood because of the flowers. Some of mine have green or brown stems, mostly new growth but also some grown in the shade. Most does have reddish stems though. The 2nd photo does look like alder, the third I would say dogwood again.
  4. Windswept

    Hedge ID

    Your photo looks like common dogwood to me, Latin name Cornus sanguinea. It is quite variable and over the years cultivars have been bred that have more vivid stems and leaves, so the garden center stuff could be the same plant.
  5. In case you don't know they are Berdan 5620 type primers, suitable for Berdan rifle cases (with the anvil in the case), not the more common Boxer primer. Price wise who knows, primer prices seem very variable at the moment and Berdan primers are not that common. Finding someone who wants them might be tricky.
  6. There's a big range of 10/22s so I wouldn't rule out shooting past 25m. I shoot a lot of gallery rifle comps and many of them have 50m stages. They can be almost as accurate as a good bolt action. Some comps are hard to shoot with anything other than a semi. Personally I wouldn't rule out 2nd hand if you know what you're looking at or know someone who does. I've not known problems with subsonic target rounds but have seen people struggle with hollow point subs. Also high spec match barrels might look good but often need match grade ammo or they can be prone to jams due to narrow chambers. I would check over a new gun carefully as I've seen a a few where the stock to receiver fit isn't great and I didnt like the plastic trigger housing either. One thing to watch out for is dirt around the chamber, 22 can be a dirty round and you often get a bit of build up which hampers cycling.
  7. It still is used for pistol rounds, 38 & 357 in LBRs and rifles. There's shotgun data on the Gualandi site for it. As for the age, some people don't like to risk old powders so it seems to be personal choice.
  8. I don't think that is exactly correct. The circle with the line at the bottom means reset, so it's the distance since the trip computer was last reset. So nothing to be shocked about.
  9. How do they distinguish between multiple replies from the same person or different people replying with the same IP, e.g. two people who shoot who live together? I do get your point though. I decided not to give my name and address as the survey was not hosted on a government site and there didnt seem any guarantee who would have access to the data.
  10. It might help* if the name was correct , it GAEP and I think this is what's wanted: https://www.ballisticproducts.com/GAEP-BN2-Star-Crimp-Finisher-Steel-12ga/productinfo/GAEPC0112/ * Or it might not!
  11. I'm not an expert but have been sorting out problems for someone else. Firstly, bills rising is more likely to be down to the general rise in energy costs. If anything the smart meter should reduce bills. The smart meter should be able to send automatic readings. But, you can opt out of this so have you opted out? Secondly some areas don't have great mobile coverage and as the smart meter uses a similar network then it may not be picking up automatic readings. You provider can fit an aerial to it to improve matters. Smart meters can also go wrong, even power cuts can affect them and stop them sending signals. The solution is to call your provider and ask why they want a reading. If the meter isn't sending readings and you want it to ask them to fix it asap and if they refuse log a complaint.
  12. You may struggle to get hold of similar powders and most are going to be just as expensive. Ramshot TAC for example is more expensive in some places pound for pound as it's only 454g vs 1kg for Viht.
  13. Dorset, Devon & Cornwall insist you use their online form. It works fine and you get an email notification. The email notification does list all the details you've provided though in plain text, including DoB, full name, address etc!
  14. Even if you reload there's no wads for the .410 for steel or TSS - TPS wads always seem to be out of stock and their doesn't seem to be a European wad for steel in a .410 despite claims than various countries have been shooting non-lead for years.
  15. I would have thought the most likely reason to buy them is for home loading because you have slug on your FAC, just like thousands of people who reload for pistol and rifle calibres in the UK.
  16. You can buy the lump of lead without a licence. Some companies insist of seeing a licence before they will sell you them or other components but that's just their own rules. Edit to add, if you look around the Folkstone Engineering Supplies site they only say you need to show a licence for powder.
  17. Are you able to say roughly what Hortonium contains yet? For example does it contain Bismuth at all? Sounds very interesting to me as I shoot a .410s and .22LR a fair bit and there doesn't seem to anything that comes close to lead available.
  18. Looks like the fungus Taphrina pruni. https://www.rhs.org.uk/disease/pocket-plum
  19. That looks like the remains of old rope glue to me and I've only used rope glue. Once set and heated by the fire the glue sets very hard and is quite brittle. You do need to clear off and old glue, rust and dirt well before using the new stuff.
  20. Unfortunately both of the ones I use are no longer sold. You can often buy them in old school hardware shops or large camping shops. I prefer stainless steel but most importantly you need one where the base touches the surface - some have a rim that is lower than the base and are fine for gas rings but not a wood burner. Also worth checking the base is flat and the kettle doesn't rock.
  21. I also use a wood burner to heat much of our water but I'd strongly recommend using a couple of flat bottomed kettles instead and they are much safer.
  22. The native queen hornets are about at this time of year and often hunt around buildings. We get them going around our roof, flying in one hole and emerging some time later out of another. If we have our windows open they can come in, often hunt around the ceiling and then fly out. We've only had them nesting in our woodland. Lovely things to see.
  23. Well I've completed the online consultation. I've tried to stress that many of the items they are suggesting to ban are tools used by many people. But it is very one sided and aimed to get you to agree with a ban of some sort.
  24. I dont think they're elm as the base of the leaf is even. They look more like hazel, any sign old the old nut at the base? Purple hazel is quite common as well.
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