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Muddy Funker

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Everything posted by Muddy Funker

  1. As long as they keep dying it's all good.
  2. Great set up, Wish I had the dosh!!!
  3. Yeah, hearing/eye protection and gun care kit next for sure these are a must. If you're gonna have a crack at the pigeons in the field you will need to camo up. Any hint of white and these guys will see you a mile away literally!!! Boonie hat is a good shout, swivel stool,,,,, Some things are essential others just make life easier. Just build it up week by week, month by month. Enjoy
  4. The last few song posts are reason enough to stay lol. People here have a great sense of humour, just ignore the tossbags! Edit: hopefully I'm not one of the tossbags?
  5. Ahh, I'm referring to boasters biscuits http://www.mcvities.co.uk/product/boasters, not boasting haha!! You'll do fine
  6. Me too, Got 22LR and 17HMR, recently without any drama. 17 conditioned for fox as well but I know that's just the county lottery. You're not asking for much, as has already been said just be yourself. Oh and don't listen to advice about getting hobnobs ready, it's all about boasters!!!
  7. LOL It's the internet. Why should this place be any different from any other, real world or not? There's tools everywhere mate.
  8. Muddy Funker


    I believe in an eye for an eye also, but then that makes us no better than the people that did it. The sad thing about this is that whatever sentence imposed if any will be pretty worthless.
  9. Around a year ago I bought some hanging baskets, I also get excited about going to a garden centre, I also have an allotment lol. I'm 36,,,,,jesus. However I've had an absolute blast getting here, my 20's I was away every winter snowboarding all season in Meribel, I've done loads of things. When people find out my age they normally put me in my mid to late 20's so I'm doing something right
  10. Looks like really crisp work, good artist no doubt. Last one? Yeah good luck with that haha!!!!
  11. I've probably posted this before, Surrey to Sussex, moved cabinet and guns in one go, notified both forces and sent cert to Surrey (kept photocopy) Sussex FEO came around quite a while later checked it was okay and not long after that Sussex issued a new cert.
  12. They're both good lads in my opinion. They have the balls to be out there fighting for the country, more than the majority in the UK do.
  13. Nice video, I've got the same rifle, it's epic!
  14. It's all about fit. When I first started on clays around 6 years ago I used a Beretta 686E I think, lovely gun. I got my licence, did some overtime and had the money to buy one. Went to the gun shop with an experienced shooter but with his and the dealers advice ended up with a Miroku MK38 sporter, my heart was set on a Beretta. Whatever way I looked at it Berettas off the shelf don't fit me, the gun I bought was the closest I could get to fit of the shelf, I found out later that it's a rather a decent gun too. Go to some recommended shops with an open mind, buy the gun that fits best that's in your budget is my advice. Don't get caught up on price or brand, they all go bang at the end of the day.
  15. That is superb, really made me chuckle!!!
  16. It's not something that keeps me up at night but I'd have liked to have done a small stint in the armed forces when I was younger.
  17. I'm going to reply then read the thread. 1, Is this going to be in the public interest to prosecute? Doubt it as most decent people will be chearing his actions I imagine. 2, Was the force used reasonable in the circumstances? I'd go with yes, remote farmhouse, hugely outnumbered, only fired twice was it? If this ever makes court which I doubt it will I'd hope a jury would clear him. I don't want to see a country where this type of instant justice for whatever reason becomes the norm. What I would like to see is a rule brought in that is loud and clear. If someone is in your house that shouldn't be then they are fair game for whatever force you deem fit. Give some power back to the hardworking homeowner that's who the law should protect, not the criminal.
  18. This is the problem I have. Surely the gun isn't on ticket until it has been registered as a firearm? What would happen if I take my HW100 in for a service and it's found to be over the limit? It doesn't get confiscated and destroyed because it's now a firearm, surely it's adjusted and returned? It's a wonder any of us leave the house with the amount of laws that can be broken lol, still I'll persevre
  19. The above sounds like common sense dare I say it. I can't see any reason why the gun can't be released to an RFD so it can be de tuned then given back? If it's only marginally over. I have to say I wouldn't just bend over and lose a £500 rifle for the sake of 0.5ftlb Is there any case law on this as that is what defines most real world situations, or is everyone getting their knickers in a twist over nothing?
  20. I would like to think that a common sense approach would exist, please don't mock. Like others have said there's a huge difference between something clearly modified and something that has just crept over because of a pellet type. Yes it's an offence but believe me it isn't as black and white as some of you think, common sense and discretion depending on the circs.
  21. I had an FN12 many many years ago, great little rifle, I loved it!
  22. Some very in depth and intelligent answers in this thread. Mine is simple, if i wasn't supposed to eat meat I wouldn't have evolved canine teeth in my head
  23. I've just cut and pasted this from the story "There are nearly two million licensed firearms in the UK and 3,000 represents a tiny 0.15% of that figure," Talk about the gun control network clutching at straws lol.
  24. Around a month for me co terminous, SGC was being renewed FAC granted. West Sussex. Brilliant.
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