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At the going down of the sun


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Here Here. Highest respect. Especially to the ones that paid the ultimate sacrifice in Ulster, thank you.


John Birch (28)

Ulster Defence Regiment (UDR)

Killed in land mine attack on Ulster Defence Regiment mobile patrol, Ballydugan Road, Downpatrick, County Down 09/04/1990.


Gone but never forgotten :P



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highest respect from me also.i watch the passing by parade every year.i love to see the old vets with medals pinned on their chests.what bravery and sacrifice.i watched that old welsh gaurd visiting a friends grave last night. brought a huge lump in my throat.support and respect our troops past and present. they deserve it big time

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was at a parade this morning with a few mates 1 of them whos farther was shot in the back of the head by scum RIP, at least the gunman involved got the same treatment a number of years ago when he got 1 in the head by his own kind in a drugs fued in dublin



Edited by monkeyboots
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Here Here. Highest respect. Especially to the ones that paid the ultimate sacrifice in Ulster, thank you.


John Birch (28)

Ulster Defence Regiment (UDR)

Killed in land mine attack on Ulster Defence Regiment mobile patrol, Ballydugan Road, Downpatrick, County Down 09/04/1990.


Gone but never forgotten :P




Makes you sick when read stuff like this - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/northern_ireland/8349136.stm


Seriously just ***, have some respect!

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i am a young scout leader at a small group a few miles out of high wycombe and it is a fairly small villiage, 1 pub and a church and few farms and houses, we do the parade every year and eevry year we get more and more people come and watch and today it was really touching to see so many people crying and hugging eachother, war affects everyone, even in this small village.

the thing that really gets me is that there are so many names that i recognise, even from the second world war there are surnames of people i know.



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I have a large lump in my throat at present, my own brother gave his own life to see that ulster would be be free of republican rule!! Dazza was that the bomb on the road to seaford?


They were traveling from Ballykinler army barracks towards Downpatrick on the Ballydougan Road. A granite memorial was placed where they died but every year it's smashed to pieces and has to be rebuilt. Wreaths were laid this morning but by this afternoon they had been burnt.

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If you ever get the opportunity, go to the daily 8pm Last Post performed at the Menin Gate in Ypres by the Belgian Fire Brigade buglers. They have been doing it since WW1 (except of course for the brief interlude of WWII).

Invariably a respectful crowd even after all these years

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They were traveling from Ballykinler army barracks towards Downpatrick on the Ballydougan Road. A granite memorial was placed where they died but every year it's smashed to pieces and has to be rebuilt. Wreaths were laid this morning but by this afternoon they had been burnt.



I am stunned and saddened that this has happened. I guess from your comment Dazza that this is a regular thing? Who is doing it, the republicans or the kids? I really can't believe it, I thought in death the soldiers their families and any memorial to them would be treated with respect from both sides, I assume now that's not the case?

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If you ever get the opportunity, go to the daily 8pm Last Post performed at the Menin Gate in Ypres by the Belgian Fire Brigade buglers. They have been doing it since WW1 (except of course for the brief interlude of WWII).

Invariably a respectful crowd even after all these years



This is every day, come rain or shine and by members of the same family, all in the fire service.

I have been more than once, and it has never failed to leave me in floods of tears. The service is different from time to time, including bag pipes, I went once and a girl played the most hauntin and sweet sounding version of Danny Boy on violin, which is another tune guaranteed to make me weep

Rest in peace Tommy Atkins

Lest we forget

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