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Help please!


Got raided by a fox this morning which took one of the chicken! I need to deal with him!

Now I have the fire power to do it... but one small problem! I live in the middle of an estate! so shooting is out of the question!


the other problem is cats and dogs etc! how do I deal with this little critter? trap? snare?





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Surely this is short term though, another fox / predator is likely to fill the void? Is it not possible to secure the chickens further. Last month my neighbours cat killed both my lovely bantums, and as much as I was annoyed I shouldn't have been so niave to think they could run around in there little happy world without any interest form others! I've decided to put off getting any more birds till spring when I'll make things a lot more secure! As much as I'd love to shoot the ******* cat I doubt my FEO would be too impressed!

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try and see if you can get a safe shot from an upstairs window i use a 22lr as long as the round does not go across your boundry you should be ok good luck

I would not do the above, first you need an open licence, then anyone sees you and it gets reported you run the risk of losing you licence, we all know how bouncy the 22lr round is it could end up anywhere worst case. Shooting a firearm in a housing estate is not a good idea.

Try the trap then get rid of it somewhere where you have permission to shoot.

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Snare every time, a trap needs to have a fox go into it, a snare can be set where a fox is expected to walk.


Inform your neighbours that you will be setting snares on X date please keep your animals inside or secure on that night. Not much to ask and if they don`t, well they were informed.

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In one of D. Brian Plummer's books he quotes an aquaintance that uses:

'a piece of sping steel, folded, and bound with 'gut'. Pressed into a ball of 'putrid' mutton'


Fox eats 'baited' ball of meat, stomach juices dissolve 'gut' , spring steel expands, horrilble death for Chas. James


Not nice, but taken with usual 'pinch of NaCl'

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In one of D. Brian Plummer's books he quotes an aquaintance that uses:

'a piece of sping steel, folded, and bound with 'gut'. Pressed into a ball of 'putrid' mutton'


Fox eats 'baited' ball of meat, stomach juices dissolve 'gut' , spring steel expands, horrilble death for Chas. James


Not nice, but taken with usual 'pinch of NaCl'


If a fox needs to be killed it needs to done humanely. I know you are not advocating the above, simply quoting from a book, but if you post that on here, some feckwit scumbag just might try it "for a laugh". Sicker than a very sick thing :good:

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Has to be the use of a snare. Have you any idea of where the fox broke in? Check around your boundry you should see a pad (run) that the fox entered, usually will be under a fence. Make sure the snare is securly attached to the wire fence or a stake driven into the earth, and split a small length of Hazel to rest the snare on. I will guarantee if you have the snare on the run that Charlie will return to snatch more of your chickens. Good luck :hmm:


P.S. like Henry said make sure you tell your neighbours so they can keep their pets restrained and also so if they see a fox in the snare that they don't freak out and ring the RSPCA. Check the snare at least once daily.

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In one of D. Brian Plummer's books he quotes an aquaintance that uses:

'a piece of sping steel, folded, and bound with 'gut'. Pressed into a ball of 'putrid' mutton'


Fox eats 'baited' ball of meat, stomach juices dissolve 'gut' , spring steel expands, horrilble death for Chas. James



If my memory serves me well Brian Plumber was talking about a notorious Black Country poacher called "Billy Robbins" in his book "Rogues and Running Dogs" when he told of this method for putting an end to Charlie! As I remember "Billy" had no morals or scrupuls as far as foxes were concerned and served a prison sentence for poaching as well as getting himself shot in the backside. The book makes great reading, if you haven't read it already you ought to try to get a copy.

However, this type of behavoiur should NEVER be tried nowadays as it is highly illegal and very inhumane, as is shooting Charlie with a sub 12 ft/lb air rifle.

I hope you manage to put a stop to Charlies antics, but whatever you do you should do it legally and, as you live on a housing estate try to do it discretely!

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Wouldnt it be easier to just secure the run and coop or even the garden? I keep chickens and often get foxes scrabbling at the fence trying to get in the garden,but being 7ft its too high and they cant burrow under as i fixed mesh to bottom then dug it underground.Drives the foxes nuts cause they can smell the chickens,but cant get at em'.

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