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Things we miss


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Broken Man was singing

in the queue at High Lodge the other day. I remember singing that advert loads.


Made me chuckle, why do you have to put on a funny accent at the "fried onion rings" bit ? (dont worry everyone does it) :oops::lol:

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I miss shooting a round with "mates" and not worrying about


falling for the something on your shoe gag


pulling my trousers up


being caught on camera in a compromising pose


being gassed by the most vilest gaseous stench known to mankind


shooting with a man who carries spare underwear in his cartridge bag (see above :oops: )

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Spanish gold, Lickorish-not even going to attemp to spell it-sherbets, tiffins, Cathy McGowan, Dusty,

bazokas with the small comic inside, my grandad, sex in the strangest of places lol 15, with my girl not my ugh... sheeps brains on toast with, mmm, my gan-gan, Fire Ball XL5, pink panther durum-durum...proper sport on the **** in telle on a saturday, dickie davis et al, Cassius Clay...the moon landing, and wow the 70s ha-ha, T Rex...Elton, hvy rock, and eventually locked in a room with the Pistols for an hour! Sure there are a few things I miss. :oops:

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TV....the X files, being able to wear 30" trousers :oops: , the thrill of riding an X7 for miles and miles.....and miles, being able to get out of bed without a pain in my back, a never ending enthusiasm that 25 years of marriage seems to dull? :good:, my first dog, a Springer that seemed to do everything right without being asked/told...what dog she was :good:

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