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Which single barrel shotgun??


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Here's my problem, I shoot miles better with my Beretta Urika than I do with my Miroku MK38 - and I think this is due to my left eye dominance meaning that a single barrel is less confusing to shoot with.


The reason is most likely the wider profile of the o/u barrels from side on. Your left eye can see two barrels as its slightly to one side whereas your right eye can only see the top barrel and therefore your left eye has more to line up with the target. With the semi auto your left eye sees only a single barrel and so it is less likely to 'steal' control from your right eye.


I have tried different 'aids' but I still shoot better with the semi-auto, but at the same time I would like a break barrel to shoot game etc - plus I've never been a fan of side ejection meaning cartridges are left scattered. I'm therefore thinking about a single barrel 12 bore shotgun - I'm not too fussed by only having one shot, as my second shot kill ratio has never been great (as most shooters I know!). At the moment the only decent ones I can find are Browning/Miroku's BT-99 or the Beretta UGB Xcel, but these aren't ideal either considering my other requirements below:


My ideal would be a light single barrel trap gun, wide beavertail foreend, ~32" barrel, 3" chamber (although 2 3/4 would be OK), proofed for steel shot, and ideally light enough for use in the field (although I realise I may have to discard the weight issue with a trap gun...but it's OK, I'm a strong lad!).


I have tried the UGB Xcel, but it's very pricey, and very heavy, plus it just seemed a little odd...but my kill ratio was somewhere between the Urika and the MK38...


Is there such a gun that fits my requirements? Would the BT-99 be too weird/heavy in the field? Can the BT-99 shoot steel?

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The Baikal is the obvious one to come to mind, for what they are they are good guns and can be picked up for an absolute steal these days, I got one at the Game Fair last year for £25!!!!


I understand your issues and it's probably worth a try if you can get the right gun at the right price. My advice would certainly be to pick up something like my Baikal to try, before you invest a huge amout of money!


I have no need for one and no use for one, I got it because I didn't have one, and thought it worth a try for what I could easily spend in the pub in a evening!!!


I have found nothing it does better than my O/U or Semi yet, the balance feels odd to me and and it kicks like a mule!!!!


It's actually going to a pal when he gets his paperwork sorted!



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I bought a Geener GP a couple of months ago , I had heard this myth about kicking like a mule , I took it to a clay shoot last month to try it out . Cant say that I noticed any excess recoil though . Gets my vote .






There is NO myth, nevertheless, any level of kick will be subjective and interpreted by the user!! <_<


The Greener is heavier than my Baikal and my Baikal KICKS!!


This article also makes mention of the Greeners kick!




I have Beretta O/U and Semi, and the Baikal kick is noticeably worse than either!!



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i had a baikal 12b and it kicked like a mule too so i shoved a recoil pad on it then it was a joy to shoot and i shot really well with it (and it had a sling which i also found handy). i can't understand the snobbery toward them though myself you get a virtually indestructable gun for a very reasonable price but each to there own i suppose!


might sound daft but have you tried shooting with your left eye closed? my left eye is my dominant eye but i also shoot right handed i had a tru-glo bead on my hatsan before i sold it which worked a treat, but before i got it i just shot with my left eye closed and it worked for me, my last o/u had two beads one was half way down the barrel and i never had a problem with the eye dominance i'm guessing subconciously i was concerntrating on lining the two beads up with my right so taking my atention away from my left

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might sound daft but have you tried shooting with your left eye closed? my left eye is my dominant eye but i also shoot right handed i had a tru-glo bead on my hatsan before i sold it which worked a treat, but before i got it i just shot with my left eye closed and it worked for me, my last o/u had two beads one was half way down the barrel and i never had a problem with the eye dominance i'm guessing subconciously i was concerntrating on lining the two beads up with my right so taking my atention away from my left


Yep, have the bead, and currently shoot with my left eye closed...still no where near as good as with my semi auto though! ;)

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Yep, have the bead, and currently shoot with my left eye closed...still no where near as good as with my semi auto though! ;)



why not just stick with the semi or practise left handed? when i owned a little clay trap i tried and was hitting more left handed than right i was just slower at mounting the gun but if i'd stuck at it would have got quicker in time other than that just get an eye patch!!

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I,m trying the shotspot patch tomorrow on my shooting specs, not that being left eye dominant bugs me but I,m just curious to see if it works.

It seems to just blur out the left eye's picture abit ,but it still lets light into the eye thus fooling the brain (supposedly).


Easyhit beads and other bead type gizmos are a load of rubbish in my opinion (I have tried them all).


The best thing to do is watch the target and as your mounting the gun just close the lefteye, this gives you the 3d type of image you need to gauge distance properly ,it has become second nature to me now and I dont even realise I'm doing it, the clays I miss are just down to pure missing them and not the left eye dominance problem.


I understand what you mean about seeing the side of your MK38's barrels when you have the gun mounted, but it will happen when you use a single barrel gun aswell. I have a couple of semi auto's that I shoot very well with but I know I would have the same problems if I kept both eyes open.


Left eye dominance can be (cured :) ) I reckon with practice, you have to train your brain to start using your right eye as your dominant eye.


A trick that (TIMPS) showed me was to point at anything with your right hand as though you were aiming at it and then try and get your right eye to focus on the end of your finger and put it onto whatever you are pointing at :good: You need to do this for a few weeks I think.


I will let you know how i get on with this shotspot patch, maybe another load of rubbish but worth a try :good:

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Don't want to use the semi on game shoots, and there is the feeling within many of the shooting comunity that they are a worry - as you can't easily see that they are safe. Shooting left handed - old dog, new tricks!?!?! :hmm:


Don't rule it out i know muscle memory can be a bit of a swine but i bet if you practiced mounting the gun to the shoulder for 5 mins everyday you could over come the muscle memory in a matter of weeks/months I am right handed but left i dominant so shoot from the left shoulder fine and dandy.



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Probably dosen't help much now but i went to a gun auction in Bedford some months ago, and they couldn't give the 12g singles away, the 1st lot went down to £5, but nobody wanted it so the auctioneer put in the next lot as well, which was a single 12g, and still nobody wanted them, 2 12g singles for a fiver!!! looking back on it wish i'd bought them, guess they're not in fashion anymore :hmm:

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