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Best MOD for .22LR


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sorry if this subject has been done already, i did look through previuos posts but couldnt find what i was looking for


I have just got some permission to shoot but the owner has horses. she was just worried that the sound may spook the horses as they are rescue horses and have had an poor upbringing. Rather then risk losing the permission by arguing i think i may but a mod for the job instead


I have a spare slot for a MOD for my .22LR .


I have a heavy Varmint barrel so the over barrel ones are a bit tight and barrel scratching, any opinions please, i want a "phut" sound and no crack if possible.


Thanks in advance

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Have a SAK on my CZ452 .22LR and it's best described as a click rather than a phut. To be honest it's not much different from dry firing it.


This is with Winchester Subs, CB Longs were even quieter but you won't get the range or accuracy out of them. I did have an opportunity to fire off a few rounds without the SAK on the other day, just out of interest and it's remarkable what a good job the little SAK does. Also as mine is only a 16" barrel, without a SAK on it won't stand up in the cabinet properly as it's too short to reach to rack.


Think I paid about £20 for mine, second hand

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SAK, Parker Hale, JLS Stalker, they will all do the job on a .22lr. One may be slightly better than the rest but there's not a lot in it. I've used all of the ones I listed, they will be fine for your needs so just grab whatever the shop has in. :angry:

have to agree, is there really enough difference to notice?

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you can silence a.22rf all you like, but I think the impact noise is more the problem the thud of them 40gr bullets.



That's very true. The impact noise is a lot louder than the report. I shot a trapped Fox a while ago with my .22lr, I was amazed how loud it was when I was stood right next to it!

Edited by njc110381
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Most mods offer much the same in noise reduction, I found the sako slightly better than the sak but hardly indistinguishable. I agree the thwack of the impact limits multiple shots and have had more doubles and triples with the HMR.

You are not going to upset the horses with either the report or the impact if you keep a reasonable distance, my biggest worry is bouncing one into the next field and wounding a horse so on the occasions I have shot in stables the horses are always away for the night.

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As has been said by several members already, most mods are very much the same on sound reduction when fitted to a .22LR. My personal choice is either a SAK which works very well and is quite effective or as an alternative the Parker Hale is a good mod that can be easily stripped down for cleaning and is very reasonably priced but can be a little "end heavy". (I got my Parker Hale new for £25.00)

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