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Well that hurt.....

mr lee

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Went over on my ankle today off the kerb whilst at work. My ankle flipped left and then almost under. I went down on the deck like a sack of ****! Horrendous pain in my foot. Managed to get up and hobble around whilst cursing every word under the sun. Got home around 10pm as I didn't want to go to the hospital over 100 miles from home. Had a few beers and removed the tubigrip I stuck on it for support. Wasn't quite expecting that much bruising... :beer:


Think a run up to A&E in the morning is required. Got to pick the new pup up too tomorrow. Gonna struggle to play with him in my current state... :lol:



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my wife did the same a ferw years back. the swelling never totally left. still a lump there yet
I can handle the odd lump if needs be. My feet aren't exactly my best pulling power feature. :beer: Just hope to chuff it's not broken as i'm self employed. Can't afford time off work as we are busy at the minute.
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looks like mine did when i recked it last summer, lots of bruising :beer:


probably not the best idea, but i just wore tight boots and took lots of nurofen for a few days (had no option), pain passed after 48 hours, though even up til halloween my ankle still hurt every so often, so id say go get it checked asap! :lol:

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Did something very simular just before Xmas.


I was completly ******, so I thought I'd bike down to the shop and get some cider, getting there and back was fine, but as I dropped a bottle on my own doorstep; I reached round to get it and ****** over. The Results look very simular to what you had.


I never went to A&E, but I wobbled about for about a week, the pain lessend (and the bruising) but stayed for around 7 weeks.

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had a few ankle injurys like that goin over on ankle playing football. just badly sprained what you need to do is RICE....,rest,ice,compression an elevation. i always found it worked ,take a aspirine every 4 hours to thin the blood .start moving the ankle when sat down in circular movements with the heel on the floor,and squeeze toes to gether ,stand on tiptoes. all these exercises do 6 reps ,more frequent the better.this stops scare tissue forming which impairs mobility.to realy excelerate recovery wear a tight tubigrip but not in bed,an keep off alcahol for aweek.good luck

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I walked about for 6 months on a fracture in the distal femur before the wife eventually bullied me into going to the GP :lol: , and I ended up with avascular necrosis :lol: . Four years on and at the ripe old age of 42 I either hobble about in pain or submit to a knee replacement :beer: . Some times stoicism is not the best idea gents. :wacko:


Get it looked at, at least that way there is someone to sue if it all goes pair shaped. ( oh and it stops the wife nagging you about it :stupid: )

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Yep, high heels will do that everytime.


Obviously if your missus asks, we will all go along with your cover story of "I tripped over on a curb whilst at work". Mums the word about the high heels and all.

:stupid: Busted! Seeing as I won't be needing the high heels for a while Mung, do you want me to post them back to you? Oh and thanks for the loan of them. :beer::lol:


Going to hospital late this morning. Had a poor nights sleep due to knocking it occasionally.


Cheers for the advice guys. :lol:

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:lol: Busted! Seeing as I won't be needing the high heels for a while Mung, do you want me to post them back to you? Oh and thanks for the loan of them. :beer::lol:


and the matching hand bag. I know you liked it, but you can't keep it.


Good luck at the hospital.


Don't forget to practice the *story* about the curb in case they erm try and wrong foot you about it all :stupid:

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See if you can still pick up the new puppy too.


A warm puppy laid on that will be soooooo sooooothing :beer:

Till it chews my toes with it's needle type teeth.. :wacko: :lol:


and the matching hand bag. I know you liked it, but you can't keep it.


Good luck at the hospital.


Don't forget to practice the *story* about the curb in case they erm try and wrong foot you about it all :stupid:

I'll post the bag and shoes back asap fella. I'll also leave the love note in the inside pocket that you wrote to Pavman when he last borrowed it. :lol:

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I walked about for 6 months on a fracture in the distal femur before the wife eventually bullied me into going to the GP :lol: , and I ended up with avascular necrosis :lol: . Four years on and at the ripe old age of 42 I either hobble about in pain or submit to a knee replacement :beer: . Some times stoicism is not the best idea gents. :wacko:


Get it looked at, at least that way there is someone to sue if it all goes pair shaped. ( oh and it stops the wife nagging you about it :stupid: )


Six months!? Hesus alex, I'd probably have given it a week or so and then been down the A&E to get it x-rayed. I did both of mine at the same time a couple of years back. I was trying to be a smartarse and was timing myself on a route over rocks and back over the 7 sisters. Made it about 3/4 of the way along the rocks before I slipped and twisted both ankles. Now that really was a case of damned if you do and damned if you don't.


Just for the record, I decided it was easier to press on and come back over the hills as it would be a little more even ground.


Good luck with the ankle. Hope it mends soon and isn't as bad as it looks.

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I walked about for 6 months on a fracture in the distal femur before the wife eventually bullied me into going to the GP :lol: , and I ended up with avascular necrosis :lol: . Four years on and at the ripe old age of 42 I either hobble about in pain or submit to a knee replacement :beer: . Some times stoicism is not the best idea gents. :wacko:


Get it looked at, at least that way there is someone to sue if it all goes pair shaped. ( oh and it stops the wife nagging you about it :stupid: )



Dont risk a lifelong problem just becasye hospitals smell funny and are full of mentalists! Really get it checked out!

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I'll post the bag and shoes back asap fella. I'll also leave the love note in the inside pocket that you wrote to Pavman when he last borrowed it. :beer:




You saw that. Don't be jealous now.


Dont risk a lifelong problem just becasye hospitals smell funny and are full of mentalists! Really get it checked out!


Remember if you get Bazzer or Vole giving your ankle an exam - remember despite what they say, you *can* keep your pants on.

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You saw that. Don't be jealous now.




Remember if you get Bazzer or Vole giving your ankle an exam - remember despite what they say, you *can* keep your pants on.

*shudders* So i'm guessing the last time he checked my mates prostate gland and had both hands on his shoulders wasn't in accordance with regular procedure then? :rolleyes:

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