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House Names


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I knew a couple that lived in a rather grand house and it was called "Elland hall".To cut a long story,he was a dodgy solicitor into some very dodgy dealings and did a runner leaving the country with everyone looking for him.He also left her with the debt and she renamed the house "F... hall" even putting it on a plaque outside wich was quite funny.

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a friend of mine bought some land and had 2 neighbours that were a pain in the bum, the land above was called upper tack and was a stables, the house below was called lower tack and was a croft and when he came to name his land he called it Blutack just to annoy them... :good:


Even the solicitor laughed when he heard!

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A friend had a house on Clapham Common in London that he called "Sea View". That really did confuse the neighbours!


Also saw a house in the South of France called "Boules d'Or" which was the rather rude nickname [in English] for someone called Sir James Goldsmith, who seemed to be suing everyone at the time - maybe a Frenchman with a sense of humour???

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