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Car insurance for 17 year olds


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As the above says What are the best options for getting a 17 year old insured? I know which ever way you do it its going to cost money but I wondered if any members had managed to reasonably insure a 17 years new qualified driver?


I am aware if you take the pass plus scheme this is supposed to lower it a bit, providing the insurer accepts it.

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Sounds like you and myself are in the same boat Mr starlight

Poor Little Sweepy has been doing the rounds of the insurers

And we have come to the conclusion if he wants the insurance he cant have the car. :blink: It would seem that vans are cheaper to insure.

I must admit i am a bit miffed about it as i would rather he spent the money on the better car. Then the insurance it self.

Like you i am interested to see what options their are for new drivers.


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Alot of it depends on the car, friends of mine have had easily sub 1k quotes at 17 when its only Third Party Fire and Theft on a gutless car.


However if its Fully Comp (if the car is worth covering), then it is going to be expensive, you can get it down a bit by putting an adult with no claims or convictions on the policy as a named driver.


There are also two options regarding Main/Named drivers.


(bare in mind that a named driver must not actually be the main driver)


You could make your son/daughter a named driver for the first few years (this will get the insurance down, but they wont build any no claims..... apart from possibly inside that company) Then once they are old enough that insurance starts getting reasonable (20ish) then they start their own policy. But if they need to do more miles in the car than you then this isnt an option.


Alternatively you make them get their own policy from the start (maybe with you as a named driver if it helps the price) it will cost a bomb if its fully comp, but they will earn their own no-claims and as long as they dont claim the price will fall very fast.


My advice: Buy them a rubbish car with no value and a low insurance group, get them 3rd party F+T insurance for the first year. Once they have some no-claims and are a bit older they can look at a decent car/full comp.

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Well being 17 with my test on wednesday, i am in the same boat!

Mum and Dad bought me a Yaris 1.0 petrol, and to insure that for me alone is £632 while im provisional, and £1345 when i pass my test, thats fully comp, and that will be reduced if i do the pass plus scheme.

My insurer, Quinn Direct, but dont go on the comparison websites as you can get a cheaper quote directly from the company.




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Please don't be tempted to ghost your son / daughter.


I.e insuring youself as the main driver of their car and adding them as the named driver.


Its illegal and you risk the insurance company refusing to pay you out in the event of a crash or damage........... or worse they might cancel a polict on a police enquiry due to the misrepresentation, leaving the driver and proposer open to criminal offences..............


They might ask why a 40 year old lady needs a banging stereo and a body kit on a Citroen Saxo when making a claim assesment.


Get a cheap car and go fo the TPFT option to build no claims

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Best one i heard of was at 16 insure them on a tractor with NFU insurance its only about £60-100 but the no claim can count on a car! by 18 they 2 years hopefully.




You do need a vintage small tractor tho.....


When i had my first policy it was £1700 then £1200 then 900 and down now to under £400 doing 25k business miles... The frist 2 years the insurance was more than the value of the car but fully comp was cheaper than TPFT....


My cousin who is 17 was cheaper to insure on Defender 110 2.5 turbo, than his mums 206 1.1 as a named driver.....

Edited by HDAV
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Sounds a good option with Quinn insurance, but what is a good choice of car then?


Like all lads at that age they unfortunately have an opinion and a Renault clio seems the preferred option.......


Don't get me wrong I have an opinion too-Being of you get what you are given as I am doing the paying, but again the wife always disagrees that its not very democratic in thisd modern world:lol: :blink:

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Good idea with the small tractors :good: I know a farmer who has 7 or 8 of them 'hanging' around, I bet most on here will know of farmers with the odd fergie parked up :lol:


What i find astounding is that i have a traders policy which allows me to drive what i like, be it bike car or truck, for business and private purposes, but not trucks or super cars for private use :blink: ( like I'm ever going to own a Ferrari :hmm: ), the policy costs me less than £500 a year!!

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Good idea with the small tractors :good: I know a farmer who has 7 or 8 of them 'hanging' around, I bet most on here will know of farmers with the odd fergie parked up :lol:


What i find astounding is that i have a traders policy which allows me to drive what i like, be it bike car or truck, for business and private purposes, but not trucks or super cars for private use :blink: ( like I'm ever going to own a Ferrari :hmm: ), the policy costs me less than £500 a year!!


Are'nt they hard to get these days unless you are a motor trader? I know alot of people got away with having them by classing themselves as a part time trader but I thought they had clamped own on that.

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What i find astounding is that i have a traders policy which allows me to drive what i like, be it bike car or truck, for business and private purposes, but not trucks or super cars for private use :blink: ( like I'm ever going to own a Ferrari :good: ), the policy costs me less than £500 a year!!


No no claims but trader policies are very cost effective especially if you have several cars (cant have other business use tho IIRC)

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Get a very old low spec non chav car that neither of you will mind scrapping if it gets damaged rather than make a claim: The sort of car that no-one wants to nick or goad the driver into a race. Apart from the cheaper insurance the lad will not have to worry about scratching the paint or whatever as he perfects his reverse parking and such between pallets and supermarket trolleys etc.

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Good idea with the small tractors :/ I know a farmer who has 7 or 8 of them 'hanging' around, I bet most on here will know of farmers with the odd fergie parked up :good:


What i find astounding is that i have a traders policy which allows me to drive what i like, be it bike car or truck, for business and private purposes, but not trucks or super cars for private use ;) ( like I'm ever going to own a Ferrari :good: ), the policy costs me less than £500 a year!!



My dad has a similar policy but can also allow anyone to drive any car in his responsibility or possession verbally, fully comp. That was why me and my two brothers could drive at 17 otherwise insuring three 17 year old male drivers each two year after each other wouldn't of been possible. A Peugeot 206 are cheap and safer than the clio. As has already been mentioned look eastward. Susuki swifts are quite popular along with the yaris. I cant remember the name but one car comparison site does an average price to insure a 17yr old on. If you google it i'm sure u'll find it. Hope this helps.




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It's a difficult choice really between keeping costs down and protecting your child. The newer the car the safer it will be in the event of an accident. I wrote off my Mum's 4 year old Polo by sticking it in a river 2 weeks after passing my test back in 1999. I lost the back end, did a 180, rolled it down the bank and ended up right way up in a river (actually a big drain but most people don't know what that is unless they're from Lincolnshire lol). I got out, swam to the bank and went and phoned home from a local farm house. Went and saw the car at the recovery yard the next day and it was the least damaged out of all the cars there but it was also the newest. The newer the car generally the safer they are, but also more expensive to insure. Based on my own experience and experiences of my mates most accidents at that age are caused by excessive speed so an old car whilst cheap to insure will not be the safest option when it comes to your nearest and dearest being able to walk out of a crash. Even a couple of years driving experience and a couple of extra years on their age will make a big difference without any NCD. It may be a cheaper option to name them on your policy and let them borrow the car. That's what I did for 2 years until I bought my own car at 19 which came with 2 years free insurance and whilst I lost a load on depreciation it probably worked out about square since I didn't have to pay insurance premiums!


If they have to have their own car then try and get something as new as possible. Insurance grouping is a good thing to go by for reference. Group 1 or 2 will be the cheapest, probably something like a 107, C1 or Aygo type of thing. Then just shop around for insurance.


Here's a good vid of old and big vs new and small. I was surprised by the outcome!


Volvo Estate vs Renault Modus

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