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I see 3 people (currently) want us to go the same way as Greece by voting labour, nice one!


Had a bizzare conversation with my father in law last week who has always voted Liberal or Lib/Dem. He told me he had done a lot of soul searching and in the end he had voted Tory (postal) but it had been a very close thing between them and the BNP!! His rational was that the BNP were the only ones standing up and talking about the dirty great elephant in the room (i.e. immigration) and who were talking about things that he (and he felt others) cared about but were too (PC) afraid to stand up and say something in fear of being branded racist and bigotted!! Have to say, I agree with him to a large degree.... get rid of the facist militant (racist) side of the BNP and they stand for probably what a lot of Brits need and want AND for a lot of what this country needs. (I voted Tory by the way.... as I couldn't be sure the BNP were pro shooting :good: just so we're straight on the PC side of things!!!)

Edited by Vipa
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Me & Mrs Woodcock Blue & Blue - Our polling station here in Northern Ireland is busy with a steady stream of voters -


Guess it is because we have DUP [very pro-fieldsports candidate], UUP and some load of morons called "Traditiona Unionist Voice"


See that there was fall out big time amongst the "top brass" in BNP - Website taken down yesterday, threats from one faction to another and threatening to call the police in - at least it will give them a taste of their own medicine after their foul attacks on those that they consider [in their infinite stupidity] should not be here - I agree 100% that there needs to be a serious cap on future immigration but that does not mean that we can chuck out those who are already here legally - the illegal immigrants are another matter and I do NOT agree with silly Master Clegg's idea of an amnesty - as Captain Mainwaring would have said, stupid boy!


Get out and vote - every one counts!

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Well they will just have too keep the doors to the polling station opening just a little after closing time

If they want Mrs Sweepys vote. As i will do it on my way home.

Am feeling a little bit blue today. So i might just vote for the way i feel :lol:



My son was asked the other day by someone canvassing. Who he was going to be voting for.

All i can say is thank god they havent given 12 year olds the right to vote as let.

Otherwise it would be very interesting to see who would be PM

By tomorrow morning. :good:


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I voted ukip


more as a protest really because Labour could put a donkey up round here and it would still get in....(they have in the past judging by the candidates)


we now have the president of the miners union standing here.


" my grandad voted labour and my dad voted labour so i must vote labour as well, and after what maggie did to the miners" blah de blah, makes me sick to be honest. the only real challenge to labour is the libdems and i wil never vote for them.


its great living in an ex mining community......they dont even bother knocking on your door because its accepted that you vote labour, thats why the other parties dont bother knocking either.


the tories and lib dems go round the " posher" estates though, tell you something i suppose


shaun :good:

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I Called in to vote this morning and when I got to the booth I had to think really hard before I did the deed as I hate Liabour so damn much I just had to vote with my head not my heart.


I Prefered the UKIP & BNP policies more than the tories but this time the country needs to get rid of Liabour otherwise we are well and truly finished.


Plus we need to get out of the EU as soon as possible and use the £45.000.000 per day we will save on services and job creation in this country! :good: and not by spending on other poor countries so they can compete with ours!




PS I voted TORY of course!!!!

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Knowing my son Dr W

Most probably Cheryl Cole :good:

And for any party that would put all Mums on the first boat out of England. :lol:



I'm with him on that vote, but I'd probably save the mums, who else is there for you 110%.


I'd leave work early to make sure you get to the polling station in time, too important.

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its a funny one this time round, my other half is a poll clark and has done it 3 times before and this time its manic far busier, maybe just maybe everyone really does want to get Gordon out

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its a funny one this time round, my other half is a poll clark and has done it 3 times before and this time its manic far busier, maybe just maybe everyone really does want to get Gordon out





You are correct.


I am 37 and have voted for the first time EVER this time.


I cant normally be bothered but this time I really do feel that it is time for change. :good:


Although it was made easier by doing it by post this time round...



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You are correct.


I am 37 and have voted for the first time EVER this time.

I cant normally be bothered but this time I really do feel that it is time for change. :good:


Although it was made easier by doing it by post this time round...




Me too! Well i'm 34 but you get the gist. And it'll be Blue for me too when i get there.


It's all a lottery at the end of the day but i'm with the time for a change mentality and my local Tory supports shooting (allegedly!)

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I have just been and put my cross next to the right honourable Bernard Jenkin (CON). He is a shooting man anyway but that wasn't the reason. The labour supporters asked me on the way out if I had supported them.


My reply was "Not on your nelly, The sooner the unelected one eyed jock leaves no.10 the better off the country will be" The two ladies with Blue rosettes standing next to them were weeing themselves with laughter.

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I just hope the PW poll reflects the final out-come.


Everyone I talk to is voting blue, so where they get these labour wins from I do not know. But then again when the do a poll mid week in a town centre during the normal working times, the only people there will mainly be un-employed / benefits.

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Ive voted ever since i turned 18 (49 now)


it was something i felt i had to do, ive only ever voted tory and ukip, (see my previous post)


now i know not everyone wants to vote but what gets me is them that say they cant be bothered then complain about whoever gets in.....


ME, al4x and Markio its nice to finally have you on board, but do you realise by not voting before its all your fault that we have labour in!...yes all three of you, its all your fault :good:



Edited by shaun4860
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I have a bad feeling that the tory party is going to get in, and this poll is a very strong indicator of that, but I hope people on here are voting for a party that they think will help the country and not on the promise that they (tory p\rty) will do something for hunting and shooters.


Everyone has their own opinions formed partly by previous experiences, and mine would suggest that the tory party will be a disaster for the uk as a whole and moreso for N.Ireland. I feel that Labour would be in a better position to get teh country going again. Our politicians over here are still trying to play the same old games, but we as a people need good leadership and sadly are dependant on westminister for that and if tories get in well it will be time to leave the country if you are young enough.


Over here we vote early and often, so don't worry ozzy your vote has been cast... :good: well done mayfly

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simple answer V8 is there are a lot of people who are either on benefit or who work for the government who know which they are better off with.



Yes, my OH is a teacher and she fears for the potential cuts, buts will still be voting blue.


But she said if Labour get in we are leaving this country!


Likewise for my grandparents who have never been so well off since they retired due to labour "free beeies" but they will still vote for the future of the country, even though they might loose out a bit.

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I have a bad feeling that the tory party is going to get in, and this poll is a very strong indicator of that, but I hope people on here are voting for a party that they think will help the country and not on the promise that they (tory p\rty) will do something for hunting and shooters.


Everyone has their own opinions formed partly by previous experiences, and mine would suggest that the tory party will be a disaster for the uk as a whole and moreso for N.Ireland. I feel that Labour would be in a better position to get teh country going again. Our politicians over here are still trying to play the same old games, but we as a people need good leadership and sadly are dependant on westminister for that and if tories get in well it will be time to leave the country if you are young enough.


Over here we vote early and often, so don't worry ozzy your vote has been cast... :good: well done mayfly


probably 5 or 6 times by now :lol:


just back from voting, personal best that, 2 mins 23 seconds in the polling station :hmm:

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Well I wanted to vote for UKIP but as the candidate for my constituency is a local half wit who I know personally ( think he is a result of the care in the community programme) I felt unable to vote for them, which is a shame as I like very much their ideals but they really need to look towards improving the quality of their candidates, maybe next time if we have a hung parliament and a quick re vote I will be able to vote for real change and thats UKIP? so as I despise the present liebour incumbents and I could never bring my self to vote for the flys at the rear libs, I voted Tory ( my late dad will be turning now) but hey it will make no difference where I live stick a labour badge on any out of work boilermaker etc and he will be elected :good: .

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If Liebour get in again I will be straight on the phone to BASC in the morning to cancel my membership. That will be the last glass of Pimm's they have on me if they can't fix this election properly.

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