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When I watched the news this morning, they reported that the pound was no more unstable than it had been for the past few weeks. Some expert said it wasn't just the thought of looming hung parliament but more likely the effects of the economies in europe that was causing the pound to fluctuate.


Not being an economist I can't say, but it seemed to make sense to me.

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the sad thing for UKIP voters are that they probably had enough clout to kick Gordon out but by their protest vote they helped him possibly stay in No 10, they were predicted to go a lot higher so looks like about 2% of their voters saw sense. Seems an odd thing to want





It's been wrecked by the likes of the UKIP voters. Why? Because the UKIP vote is aligned to the Tory vote; there probably weren't many UKIP voters waivering between Labour and UKIP.


And now the bleeting from the UKIP voters about proportional representation. Can you lot read? Did you understand the rules of the game before you cast your vote?


If you look at the labour majorities on the key constituencies it's wafer thin. Add the UKIP vote to the Tory vote and it would have sealed the deal.


The UKIP voters need to ask themselves the question of precisely what "deal" were they looking for and realistically what they thought they would achieve?


The only "deal" currently on the table and the primary objective must be to keep labour out of office.


Well done the UKIP voters.


850,000 completely and utterly wasted votes and handed another term to the left.


No seriously, well done.

Edited by Mungler
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If you look at the labour majorities on the key constituencies it's wafer thin. Add the UKIP vote to the Tory vote and it would have sealed the deal.


If the 1.5% who voted UKIP had voted tory then Ed Balls would have been ousted.




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It's been wrecked by the likes of the UKIP voters. Why? Because the UKIP vote is aligned to the Tory vote; there probably weren't many UKIP voters waivering between Labour and UKIP.


And now the bleeting from the UKIP voters about proportional representation. Can you lot read? Did you understand the rules of the game before you cast your vote?


If you look at the labour majorities on the key constituencies it's wafer thin. Add the UKIP vote to the Tory vote and it would have sealed the deal.


The UKIP voters need to ask themselves the question of precisely what "deal" were they looking for and realistically what they thought they would achieve?


The only "deal" currently on the table and the primary objective must be to keep labour out of office.


Well done the UKIP voters.


850,000 completely and utterly wasted votes and handed another term to the left.


No seriously, well done.

:yes: And the same can be said for most of those who voted bnp, well done ??? enjoy :good:




Fuel will be going up at the pumps soon enough with the pound loosing strength, inflation will now start to kick in

here we gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :/

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Looks like Mungler has got a strop-on because his team didn't get a clear win. As I said in previous post, non of the main 3 have earned my vote. I don't give a **** how much you want to throw your toys around and try and make people who voted UKIP feel like they've caused this mess, we know the real deal and that is that none of the main 3 are worth a ****. Ok, you're probably going to get on your soap box now and start sounding off about how it was about picking the best of bad bunch & keeping Brown out and it looks like that effect has been achieved. But if that's the way you want to play politics then that's your prerogative, just don't sit there whining about it and trying to lecture me on the rights & wrongs on how I voted as that was my democratic right. I voted for the party I felt would do this country good, not vote for a party just because I didn't like the other bloke.

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Looks like Mungler has got a strop-on because his team didn't get a clear win. As I said in previous post, non of the main 3 have earned my vote. I don't give a **** how much you want to throw your toys around and try and make people who voted UKIP feel like they've caused this mess, we know the real deal and that is that none of the main 3 are worth a ****. Ok, you're probably going to get on your soap box now and start sounding off about how it was about picking the best of bad bunch & keeping Brown out and it looks like that effect has been achieved. But if that's the way you want to play politics then that's your prerogative, just don't sit there whining about it and trying to lecture me on the rights & wrongs on how I voted as that was my democratic right. I voted for the party I felt would do this country good, not vote for a party just because I didn't like the other bloke.


You should tell that to your any elected local UKIP MP :good:

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Never realised you supported an african type banan voting system. Can I suggest you move to Africa where if your mate is a politician you can vote as many times as you like, discount basic mathematics and statistics and murder your opponents.



Not on a "witch hunt" but exactly how much time you spent in said continent?


FWIW I completely agree on the points made by Mung, Henry MC et al. Opportunity lost, or at least delayed ...

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Actually I could have understood a tatical vote by UKIP supporters for the Lib Dems if the long term goal was proportional representation. But hey, throwing votes away on UKIP vote is a democratic right. Mind you, there would have been more street cred in being able to tell people you had voted for the Monster Raving Loonies or the Land is Power Party :good:

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If there is no PR, Clegg won't go with the tories...



And if he goes with the looney left any chance of any forgivness from the electrate as far as the LDs are concerned will be gone after we end up like Greece with untrammeled borrowing and the 40% of the population who are not "public service workers" supporting the rest :good:???


Whilst I don't object to the health service, even the so called managers who are just the old fashion senior staff with different names, I object to the large numbers of town hall staff who do very little except send each other emails and memos.


I have experienced the situation with folks I know. - Fred has a short period each year when he can't cope with his workload in normal hours, so unlike the real world where overtime is worked for this period he gets assistance.

Now the grading system is such that a single assistant would soon know as much and demand the same pay so he gets 2.


Now we have 3 doing the work previously done mostly by 1


these 3 have to keep up with each other so they start to have meetings and email/memo each other. soon this takes up so much of their time that the assistants need assistance to cover the work but as before the cannot have 1 each.


Result a department of 7 - Fred now pushes for a big pay rise which he now gets as he has a department of 7 - and so on


I cr** you not - it still goes on, particularly with the reds in power :yes::/:hmm:???



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If that is a genuine ad then that's brilliant.


Also, good luck to any company that engages in advertising that is witty. It requires a sense of humour and an appreciation of risk because any ad campaign has the potential to boomerang.


It just reminds me how repetitively banal the ad campaigns of the like of "Go compare" or "We buy any car" are.

Edited by Mungler
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Hmm, I am trying to recolect who banned semi-auto centrefire rifles? Was it Labour was it Liberal Democrats?


Can anyone help me my memory has eluded me.


Regrettable knee-jerk reactions, obviously the wrong thing to do..


On the other hand, who let mass immigration destroy our culture, spend to the point that a Nigerian man called 'Dave' has a better credit rating than our country, pushed 74 new taxes through, raised existing taxes, out-lawed fox hunting and made driving to work part of your 'risk assesment'...... etc etc etc.

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Hmm, I am trying to recolect who banned semi-auto centrefire rifles? Was it Labour was it Liberal Democrats?


Can anyone help me my memory has eluded me.



And how has your life changed by that decision?


Apart from you have to have a single shot conversion done on your walting fantasy AK-47 lookalike. Did you really ever need a semi auto centrefire rifle? Or did you just want one along with all the FAC shotgun wanting "lock and load boys"


No real reason it would just be cool

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