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White Woodie


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Had a couple of days shooting last week, one up in Suffolk and one in Essex. On Friday I managed to bag 94 woodies, amongst which was a white woodie. I was promptly informed that these are quite rare and I was very fortunate to have seen one let alone shoot it. Saturday I went out with one of the guns from our syndicate shoot to one of his permissions in Essex. Would you believe I manage to bag yet another white woodie. The chap I was with said he had never seen one before and he has been shooting for 40+ years!! Now my question is........Have I comitted the ultimate pigeon shooting cardinal sin shooting a white one white woodie, let alone 2? (like shooting a white pheasant is sometime frowned upon) Or have I just been a very fortunate and jammy fella to have seen and shot 2 white woodies in 2 days?

Edited by Batch
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Bloody typical, an 'out of towner' comes up to Gods own country (Suffolk NOT Ethics) for a days shooting and bags the only white woody we've seen round here in many a year! :yes:


Rare they certainly are and to bag two in two days has to be (almost) unheard of. I think you've used up all your luck for now so I wouldn't bother with the lottery this week! :sneaky2:

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Bloody typical, an 'out of towner' comes up to Gods own country (Suffolk NOT Ethics) for a days shooting and bags the only white woody we've seen round here in many a year! :yes:


Rare they certainly are and to bag two in two days has to be (almost) unheard of. I think you've used up all your luck for now so I wouldn't bother with the lottery this week! :sneaky2:


he never came to yorkshire m8 :P:shifty::P:shifty::P:lol:

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Whilst shooting a highly worshipped white wood pigeon is said to bring you seven years of bad luck I hate to think what shooting two of them might do for you! :P :o :lol: :o :P There is however a way to "balance up the scales of wildlife". :P You need to make an offering to the god of pigeon shooting who is known as HypaFlappa, he will accept a large cash offering (The larger the better as this will also bring you good luck) which he will use to help balance the "scales of wildlife" and make things right again for you. :sneaky2::D:shifty: I have worshipped this HypaFlappa for many years now and have built up a close personal relationship with him :D so if you would like me to help out you can deposit the "large cash donation" in my bank account and I will pass it on to him and put in a good word for you at the same time. :shifty::yes:

Please note carefully: HypaFlappa does not give receipts for donations and they are not tax deductable) but offerings that run into a four figured sum will qualify you for a free entry into last weeks Euro Lottery with one of my losing tickets but a failure to act on this advice will result in a great deal of bad luck, a lack of pigeons on your flight line, a great shortage of lead in your cartridges, your wife running off with the milkman and your dog biting your backside causing considerable infection and discomfort. :P:no: :( :no::P

Ignore the warnings at your own peril!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will pass on my bank details to you in the near future! :P:good::P

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looks like it was edited out by the OP- maybe this curse thing has got to him :( :P:P or Frenchieboy asking for cash lol


Les :good:


Les my man, surely you nkow me better than that. I would happily share the "procedes" around with several deserving causes - Let me think now, the wife wants a new pair of shoes, I want a new 4X4, David Ike needs a new brain cell, oh yes and Les needs some lead for his cartridges. Have I covered it all mate? :good::yes::P

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Bloody typical, an 'out of towner' comes up to Gods own country (Suffolk NOT Ethics) for a days shooting and bags the only white woody we've seen round here in many a year! :good:


Rare they certainly are and to bag two in two days has to be (almost) unheard of. I think you've used up all your luck for now so I wouldn't bother with the lottery this week! :good:



What he didn't tell you is that he actually hit the second one in his car.

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