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If you was 16 again


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After speaking to a PW member tonight we both agreed that we had boloxed up in our life and with hindsight we would have gone down different roads.


I know that I never achieved my potential through my wayward actions.


So the scenario is this. You are 16, leaving school with good exam results, what is your choice of profession and more importantly, why?


Mine would be to join the army as I was into extreme sports, mugging, TDA, fraud, clipping etc. But that was Brixton for you :devil::devil::lol:




So whats yours?



YP, you can pass on this if you like :o






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I wish I had done something with my hands (no not that...) with either wood or metal. I know I probably wouldn't have made much money out of it but I would like to think I wouldn't be sat there on a Monday morning thinking 'Christ, here we go again :devil: ' But then it may just be case of the other mans grass being greener.


Doing what we do for a pastime the one thing that has become apparant is that to get any real results you need lots of spare time, so any job that would allow that would be a bonus. I am stuck with Saturdays and Sundays to get out there, so if the best day of the week to be out happens to be Friday (like last week) I am stuffed.


So, there you have it, enjoyable creative satisfying job, loads of spare time and loads of money as well - where do I sign up?? :devil:

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Bu&&er all this technology stuff I am sneaking around with, should have become a gamekeeper. Also bought a decent camera and continued with my paints and become famous for British wildlife photography and paintings, dream on...


Anyone require a wannabe gamekeeper, sem me a pm


Lastly - I should have concentrated more on my choice of woman.


Well that has cheered me up on this cold Monday morning :devil::devil::lol:



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I would do SOD ALL different :devil:


My life aint been a bad one granted i am not rich i am on the bones of my *** monetarily speaking BUT what you have to look at is!!


What is saying going back and changing your choices is going to make a better future???


You may get your exams and become a yuppie who dies at 33 due to corperate stress


You may have too much money and not know what to spend it on like these rock star idiots and turn to drugs and waste your life.


Nah i am happy as i am poor but happy for it.


I have my health my freedom (divorced WAHEY) and my young laddy who lives with me.


Mine is a happy existence


Lord Geordie

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Along the same lines as what LG said, I think the trick is to be happy with your lot.


There is no point in beating yourself up over what you could have done, there are loads of people much worse off than us, who would probably give their right arm to have just a little of what we have :*)

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The grass is always greener, as they say but...


I would have spent more time in study to get the much needed qualifications I should have had when I applied to be a Pilot in the RAF and Commercialy.



Do they do booster seats for the tornado :D:lol::D


You would never reach the pedals m8!!!!!!! :lol::lol::)


Ahh the thought of you in G suit :devil: :o :devil::lol:


Thats made my day :D


Thanks m8

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I wish I had answered the calling as a youth and joined the church as a medical missionary. Travelled the world helping others, administering to the poor and the needy. Offering comfort to those less fortunate than myself. I have always felt humble in the presence of, or on hearing of, such selfless acts of devotion. The act of giving in such a selfless manner and the ability to look beyond race, colure, creed or religion in order to assist my fellow man has an appeal that causes me many a moment of guilt and regret.


That said I am as happy as a pig in the proverbial, being a fat selfish bigoted alcoholic pigeon shooting cigar tooting Defender driving middle aged mad as a hatter ******* :devil:

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only being 21 i know i'v still got a good run at it so to speak.

but wasting the last 2 years of my life as a butcher was not in the plan from day one. crappy hours for crappy pay! the one good thing that came of it is that i'm now pritty handy with a knife :devil: ...but that's about it.


like white fox said i need to get the cammera back out a take more pictures. i was alright at that but only did it in school.

nice to hear that you chaps are real people too :devil:



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that when i was a keeper id not got caught with the headkeepers daughter

that id realise moving from the country to a town is a slow painful death

that id regret beer goggles and could ride a beer scooter

that a woman is like suduko,baffles you and when youve done it you lose interest

that being "nice" and "lovely" dont get you laid

that absinth is brewed by the devil

that a dog is for friday nights

and so ad infinitum


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If you was 16 again


i would be ****** off


its taken me 1 year to become 17, and im not going back, i can buy guns and ammo when and where i want, i can use a rifle on my own, i can drive, i dont do gcse's, all the people i didnt like at school have left and turned laying about into a profession, i have a common room, i wear what i want to school and the mortals in the lower years get out of my way.


life is good :devil:


but im taking notes :devil:

Edited by dunganick
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Have to admit it that at 24 i'm quite happy with my years since 16 so far.


Nice house

Swanky 4x4

Great lady (getting married next year)

Beautiful black Lab

and best of all get to go shooting when i want (except when i'm at work!)


Then again I have always wanted to work in the outdoors but the desk job pays for the:




Her expensive taste

Dog food

and the guns, ammo etc


:devil::devil::lol: :o :lol::lol::lol:

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Along the same lines as what LG said, I think the trick is to be happy with your lot.


There is no point in beating yourself up over what you could have done, there are loads of people much worse off than us, who would probably give their right arm to have just a little of what we have :*)

This i totally agree with mate. :devil:


I left school at 16 in Northampton and had the opertunity to become a gamekeeper on a YTS scheem, but turned it down. :devil:


But hay, look at me now, as happy as punch. :lol:

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I think there are alot of things to consider, the first being if i changed it all, would i be smart enough not to get caught this time round (take note LB you wernt the only dark angel :) ) .


i have struggled over the years as have many others, i tried to do the best i could with what i had, two great boys and an ex wife in England (good place for her :) ) dont get to see the boys as much as i'd like but hopefully this year we'll change that, live here in Canada with a great girl, what she see's in me is a wonder but i'm not going to frighten her off with the truth :*), landed a good job here in 93 and hard work prevailed to the position of shop manager, a brighter side is the fact i can buy as many guns as i like here,no stupid restrictions like home, even ventured into archery last year :blink: .


I would have to say to anyone else, play the hand your dealt the best way you can, no regrets :blink: :)





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I think there are alot of things to consider, the first being if i changed it all, would i be smart enough not to get caught this time round (take note LB you wernt the only dark angel :) ) .


i have struggled over the years as have many others, i tried to do the best i could with what i had, two great boys and an ex wife in England (good place for her :D ) dont get to see the boys as much as i'd like but hopefully this year we'll change that, live here in Canada with a great girl, what she see's in me is a wonder but i'm not going to frighten her off with the truth :*), landed a good job here in 93 and hard work prevailed to the position of shop manager, a brighter side is the fact i can buy as many guns as i like here,no stupid restrictions like home, even ventured into archery last year :blink: .


I would have to say to anyone else, play the hand your dealt the best way you can, no regrets :blink: :)





Well said lad :)

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