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Browning x-bolt or Tikka T3 .308


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Basically, Im buying a .308 rifle. I had my eyes on a Tikka T3 varmint .308 second hand fired 300 rounds with picantinny rail and leupold Quick release mounts for £550 although not screw cut. My other option is a brand new Browning X-Bolt .308 standard barrel, screw cut for £550. I would be using it for stalking so Im kind of thinking varmint barrel is pointless! What do you guys think in regard to reliability of the two brands etc?

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I've never seen the Browning in the flesh but I bought a Tikka T3 and I gotta say this particular rifle is nothing short of superb.It's got a very smooth bolt that glides so smoothly plus the rifle is superbly accurate.If I was going for another CF rifle then I would definately buy another T3!Excellent!

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When I was looking at 243's I did alot of research on em all, somebody told me Tikka can suffer from bolt problems ,costly to fix and the recoil lug is abit pathetic,but this is second hand information. I liked what I had read about the down right gritty reliability of the Remington 700. When I went into a shop to buy the rifle it was a balance between the x bolt and 700. Once I handled the two guns the 700 felt better so that is what I have with no regrets.

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I have the X-Bolt in .223 and love it, smooth bolt, great safety and I like that you can cycle the bolt to unload at the press of a button even when on safe.

Stock is stiff enought that it stays fully floated even shooting off a bipod with a heavy Pess T12 on the front, accuracy has been spot on.



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I wouldn't buy a varmint rifle for Deer stalking. Carrying the gun for miles is hard, then you shoot something and potentially have to drag that and carry the gun at the same time. You will never fire a string of shots in the field that will overheat your barrel.


I had a Tikka which was a good rifle. I know people with Brownings and they're not bad either. Both are good budget rifles.


I'd buy the Browning - it's screwcut too which is another bonus.

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Basically, Im buying a .308 rifle. I had my eyes on a Tikka T3 varmint .308 second hand fired 300 rounds with picantinny rail and leupold Quick release mounts for £550 although not screw cut. My other option is a brand new Browning X-Bolt .308 standard barrel, screw cut for £550. I would be using it for stalking so Im kind of thinking varmint barrel is pointless! What do you guys think in regard to reliability of the two brands etc?



I have a Tikka T3 in super Varmint .243, I think its a great rifle, very accurate if you get the load sorted. Only problem is it is very heavy with a mod on and I gotta be honest, the stock is a bit plastic feeling. Having said that I wouldn't be in a hurry to sell it and the adjustable cheek support is very helpful with the Nightforce 56mm objective lens.


I have never had or shot an X-Bolt so I cannot pass comment on one.

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Thanks for the suggestions, think Im gunna go with the X-bolt, as I have heard rumours of tikkas being faulty occassionally! Plus I like the safety on the Xbolt with the bolt design feature!



Me thinks you made your mind up before you asked the question, T3 for stalking all the way, but NOT the Varmint or Lite!

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Tikka t3 for me … great rifle and would buy same again with no hesitation.


I haven't heard about the supposed issues with the tikka!?

Mine has been faultless.


I've never heard of the fault issues either with the T3!?As soon as I saw one in the flesh I just had to have one!I'm not blowing my trumpet but I now quality when I see it and this rifle is QUALITY!

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The Duratouch stock on the X-bolt is a lot better than the T3 stock in my view. Though Sako now have a similar stock on the latest 85's I have also heard a rumour that the discontinued A7 (which is like a T3/Sako 75 hybrid) will be brought out next year with a Duratouch style stock but I have had no confirmation of this. So it's possible the Tikkas will also get a revamp. We sell a lot of T3's in the shop where I work and we don't have any complaints about accuracy or faults with them. The only one I can recall being brought back as faulty was caused by the half-wit who owned it spilling his coffee in the action. It dried out and clogged the extractor spring. He neglected to mention he had done this unsurpisingly. We have though had several Brownings returned with various defects. Not specifically X bolts, they have also been A-bolts and BLR's. One thing I have noticed on the bolts of the stainless X-bolts is the amount that have surface rust. We wipe them down often, but with the amount of handling some of the bolts now have rust issues. None of the Tikkas seem affected in the same manner.

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Don't limit yourself to Tikka or the Browning X-Bolt.


I had a Tikka in .243 and thought it wasn't bad at all. Yes the stock was a bit plasticy and whilst the bolt was smooth it wasn't a feeling of 'smooth and well engineered' but 'smooth and a bit loose'. It was however very accurate.


I haven't heard that many good things about the Browning apart from that they are cheap to buy brand new and so no need to buy second hand and hold your breath to see if the bloke selling it who honestly proclaimed "no more than 100 rounds through it" was telling the truth or actually a range monkey who has worn it out.


I haven't actually "owned" a Browning and the problem is that you ask any question like the one you have on a forum and then all the Tikka and Browning owners arrive by the bus load and you are none the wiser.


If it were me, I would sit tight and wait for the right Sauer or Steyr to pop up.

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