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Absolutely disgusting. My Mum told me a story a few years back, when she was 18 she was Driving along the a12 when the car infront opened its door and opend a bag, turned out it was full of puppies and Mum ran them over aswell as all the other cars behind. Some people need serious help, I hope they get the same in return, either hanging or being run over.

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We can rant until we die but the do gooders will always defend the s--t of society. To me anyone who does this deserves to go the same way.

hear hear. Unfortunately I fear you are right about the do-gooders though. Hanging is too good for the worthless scum who did this :angry:

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i know some will disagree, but i say bring back more stringent dog licence and ownership laws, no licence NO DOG,might help, cheers matt



I Definately agree Mandantory Licence, and Microchipping which will also eliminate indescriminate Breeding, is the only way forward.....Responsible Dog owners should have no concerns about such a regeme... :yes:

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Disgusting...barbaric act...Lets hope the dogs were dead before they were hanged this way.


Lets hope the RSPCA manage to find the persons responsible and bring them to Justice..


Dare I say it but looks like ***** work to me.

I have to agree, as soon as I saw this I thought it might be our traveling friends, you know they are above the law though :angry: , when I was doing some work on an industrial estate in Corby there were ####'s camped on the dead end roads and when they left they left 2 dogs and a goat tied up, needless to sat the RSPCA were alerted and soon came and picked them up, as said whoever done this should have the same done to them. :shoot:

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You can introduce legislation till the cows come home-who, in their right mind, thinks that the subhuman scum capable of doing such a thing would go to the bother of Microchipping or licencing the dogs?-The only people to suffer would be the legitimate owners who care for their animals.Lets start the new year as we mean to go on-we just need to bend over and take it from all the bleeding heart do gooder yoghurt knitting liberal ******** who run this country.,

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You can introduce legislation till the cows come home-who, in their right mind, thinks that the subhuman scum capable of doing such a thing would go to the bother of Microchipping or licencing the dogs?


Probably not but it would identify those breaking the law and having unlicenced dogs in their ownership..Its easy to check if a Dogs been microchipped.





-The only people to suffer would be the legitimate owners who care for their animals. How do you work that out ?





Lets start the new year as we mean to go on-we just need to bend over and take it from all the bleeding heart do gooder yoghurt knitting liberal ******** who run this country. I dont

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