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Shotgun ammo storage legislation change?

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Just received the latest issue of the BASC mag, in the news section there was a note saying BASC are fighting against some possible changes to the legislation regarding shotgun ammo being stored 'seperatly' ???


Taken from BASC website BASC 'BASC's opposition to: the separate storage of shotgun ammunition, the 'tagging' of medical records of certificate holders, shortening the life of firearm and shotgun certificates and a proposal to change the shotgun licensing system to that used for firearms.'


Does that mean that shotgun ammo will need to be stored in a locked cabinet like rifle ammo? or just stored seperate to the gun? i thought that shotgun ammo had to be stored in a secure location at the moment, not on the window sill or on the parcel shelf of your car for example


As well as my general concern that shotgun licensing could be upgraded to that of firearm :o

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Just received the latest issue of the BASC mag, in the news section there was a note saying BASC are fighting against some possible changes to the legislation regarding shotgun ammo being stored 'seperatly' ???


Taken from BASC website BASC 'BASC's opposition to: the separate storage of shotgun ammunition, the 'tagging' of medical records of certificate holders, shortening the life of firearm and shotgun certificates and a proposal to change the shotgun licensing system to that used for firearms.'


Does that mean that shotgun ammo will need to be stored in a locked cabinet like rifle ammo? or just stored seperate to the gun? i thought that shotgun ammo had to be stored in a secure location at the moment, not on the window sill or on the parcel shelf of your car for example


As well as my general concern that shotgun licensing could be upgraded to that of firearm :o


Can you just imagine what it would be like if they shortened the license span to 3 years instead of 5. Almost doubling the firearms work load on renewals,its bad enough now, we would almost be continually without a license due to processing, would certainly make shooting safer as none of us would ever be able to buy any ammo.

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The above is very true locking up a decent quantity of carts would be a massive issue. Didn't consider that :blush: I only have 500 at a time in my cabinet so its not an issue but if buying 1000+ it would be unpractical I agree.


Perhaps stored separately means just that. Separate from the shotgun which isn't too bad. If under lock and key is what is being proposed then that would be awkward and unpractical

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Can you just imagine what it would be like if they shortened the license span to 3 years instead of 5. Almost doubling the firearms work load on renewals,its bad enough now, we would almost be continually without a license due to processing, would certainly make shooting safer as none of us would ever be able to buy any ammo.


Don't forget it wasn't that long ago that liscenses were only 3 years any way and i was never without a liscense.

Not that i am saying that i want to go back to the three year liscense

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Aswell as individuals having storage problems, just imagine a strawbaler club with 10,000 to store in a BS 'cabinet'?! :blink: We have ours in a steel locker with two separate anti-attack locks but i doubt they'd be up to full BS level and its not attached to any building (or could it be). :/ And then what about the shooting grounds that might have 100,000??


Personally i've never read or heard a story about shotgun cartridge storage being an issue? :hmm:



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Personally i've never read or heard a story about shotgun cartridge storage being an issue? :hmm:



It is not as far as i am aware an issue at all, but the that wont stop the powers that be deciding that the public will be safer if you have to unlock your carts before you go shooting... :blink: :blink: :blink:

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My cartridges are stored in a home made gun cabinet. I installed shelves in it, and now I can store up to 1000.

Before the cabinet, my ammunition was always stored deperately, in a locked cupboard etc.



as far as I understand it your carts dont need to be stored in a locked cabinet/cupboard etc. I was told at my interview just to keep them out of site in a wardrobe or in a drawer etc. I bet theres plenty of folk who just keep them in their shooting vehicles or jacket pockets.

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Guest cookoff013

does this mean that shotgun cartridges are to be made illegal to hold by non certificated personel?


i bought 2000 last time, but still had a few 1000 left over, where am i going to get a big enough cabinet for it all?

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I went a bit insane before the VAT increase and I must have about 5ooo cartridges in my garage - I thoughtI would get enough for nearly a year's clays at cheap price (also made the petrol costs to collect worth it)! I must admit I keep most of them in some nondescript old bins in the corner, usually covered in scrap wood/rusty toolboxes etc. Having said that, my garage is integral to the house, with an up-to-date 7-point locking pvc door and alarmed, so I suppose they should be safe enough. Considering the small risk in case of fire etc, I don't see why any more security than before is needed.

Edited by Bloke
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why do i see this sudden new market for metal boxes with a four slabs of carts capacity? :hmm:


I'd be most suprised if most clubs arent already storing their carts securely


- for larger volumes of carts there products already made for the construction industry called site boxes. that are large metal boxes designed to store power tools, toolbags, expensive components and the like. they have a variety of locking methods -either well protected dual padlocks or integrated locks. Given that trade quality tools are incredibly expensive, most site boxes are well designed for security - while most would not not meet the bs for a gun cuboard because most have exposed or semi exposed hinges I'd expect to have equal or greater dificulty getting inside than a gun cabinet. I would guess the average site boxes would hold 5000+carts:


for space reasons I have carts in various places in the house and they are not secured, just out of general view and where the dog couldn't get to them. If i had kids i would be inclined to store them in a site box -(the carts that is not the kids :lol: ) along with all other things i didn't want prying young hands to have access to!

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dont see how this would help anyway, as if i remember correctly wasnt the cumbria shooter a shotgun/firearms licence holder therefore hed have access to his own cartages - however securly they were stored?


just the nanny state making pointless laws that only affect those who legaly shoot


a bit like the ban on handguns - only stoped people who legaly held them having them, criminals can and will still get them if they want them.

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Update to this, shooting buddy spoke to firarms officer for hampshire today had quite a chat with him in the end :hmm: When he was asked about this he said it is in the pipeline and could possibly come in this year. They want to stop ammo being stored in the same cabinet as the gun. Another thing they want to stop is people legally holding shotgun ammo without a license which they can at the moment.


It was said the rules might be split for ammo storage. For land owners (for example farmers who 'have due reason for firarms' you know what i mean :rolleyes: ) will be different from general public. If joe blogs has gun cabinet and gun for whatever reason he might be required to store his 'small' quantity of ammo 'securely'. Whether this means in gun cabinet or just metal locked container we will have to wait and see. For the people on land or have more of a reason ect, and apparantly have more of a reason for large quantity of ammo will not be required to store ammo so securely.


Whether this is how it will be we will have to see :unsure:

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