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need some life advice


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Right im in a right dilema and need some advice on what best to do.

Im 20 years old and i have a girlfriend i have been with a year.


My parents live up in Hampshire but i am moving back to Sussex where i grew up as all my mates are there everything im used to. My g/f currently lives with me and my rents in Hampshire. When i/we move back i have 3 lad mates who all want to flat/house share. I also have a g/f to consider though! Her mum lives in Sussex so she could easily go home but doesnt want to. She hates living at her house, for various reasons and is set on the idea of the 2 of us settling down. I considered renting with my mates and g/f but i dont think this would work.


Any advice please?



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This is a tough one to answer on a forum. Not nearly enough details. I think things to consider in order of importance are...


What do you want?


If you do want to maybe settle down a bit, what does she/your mates think of her and them living in the same house? Will they annoy her? Will she annoy them?


What she wants doesn't count for much if you don't want the same thing. At 20 you've got plenty of time to play yet if that's what you want, but at the same time if settling down is what you think you want then go for it. Don't let your mates or this rabble tell you otherwise. You're unlikely to do anything in this situation that can't be undone but one thing I will say is don't completely give up on your mates for a woman. They should accept her being there and she should accept them, otherwise words need to be had. :yes:

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As some of the others have said, you have asked on here so that tells me you are being pushed in to living with her. You want your bird but want to live with your mates.

It could work out but only you would know that.

I moved in with my misses when I was 18. I'm 31 next week, been married nearly six years and have three kids. I don't regret it one bit.

Only you can decide but if you tell her you don't want her to move in with you, be prepared for a major row!!

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depends on you, and her 20 is young although i have been with my missus for along time we didn't live together properly (just the 2 of us) until 24? we shared a house with another couple while at uni (4 bed house). I do find living together at parents houses slightly odd tho must be a weird dynamic in the house. Also be wary of living with "your best mates" as you have no where to go when they pee you off etc I didnt speak to my best mate for quite a while after we lived together, you can spend too much time with one person and needs your mates as an alternative.

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It's a bloody tough question mate and it's great to just spend a few more years getting your leg over and partying, but that might not be your cup of tea.

If you're into that sort of thing and fancy fooling around for a bit longer, then do that.

But at the minute you don't have to go far to have a good time with your girlfriend.


If you've been getting on really well with her and everything's rosy, then what have you really got to lose? It's not like you're buying a house together or anything... if the worse happens you'll only lose a few month's rent and then pick up the pieces and start again.


Best of luck with whatever you decide though :good:

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A few of my mates have settled down with girls, all aged around 21 and they just have no life compared to those of us that haven't! They never come out as they just get hassle! It is however only you that can make the decision.

Or they are just too knackered.... word of advice don't leave it too long unless you want your pick of the single mums and bunny boilers.......in some areas by 21 there isn't much left that doesn't have lots of baggage (either physical or emotional/mental)

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I settled down early - mistake! all fell apart, missed out on some great times with the lads (holidays, nights out, renting a house with them) and regretted it ever since!


Older now and ready to settle down with the current missus, but in the 4 months between the last missus and this one I got it out of my system and feel much better for it! :good:


Tell your missus you're moving in with the lads, she's not invited but you'd still like to bang her every so often. :yes:

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Move in withn your mates, all the time in the world for you to live with your gf/wife/partner but you only get a few years to live with your mates and it's proper laugh (well assuming your mates aren't *****).


I had 3 years living with mates at uni then another 4 living with mates in a place in London, had the same gf (now wife) for those latter 4 years but she had her own place and we had ours. We then moved in together and it's great but I wouldn't have missed out on those years living with mates.

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