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Are you a bigot?

Doc Holliday

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Does it make you a bigot if you do not agree with anothers point of view? After such heavy censorship on here, which seems to increase with every passing month, I've found myself to be wondering what it is the mods call being bigotted. The dictionary meaning gives it as being intolerent to anothers race, religion or sexual orientation. Intolerent... now there's a broad description.


It would seem to come down to the situation as follows. If 2 people of similar appearance, religeous beliefs, sexual orientation, etc, have a disgreement about any given subject then that would be fine and no one would have a problem with it (least of all the mods on here).


Now, if the 2 people in question differed to each other in one or more of any of the following - race, religeon, sexual orientation, etc - and they had a difference on a particular belief or point of view about the others belief, yet they were happy to accept it although they didn't agree with it, does that mean they are bigotted?

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The site is for certain littered with hypocrites I think we need a honest poll on members thoughts of the quality and amount of moderation would be good for site so the moderators can see if the members if think the site moderation amounts are either correct or over moderated or under moderated.


Cheers OTH

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What annoys me, Paulos, is the censoring for censorships sake. It's beyond a joke. The thread in question was, as far as I can recall, didn't have anything threatening or whatever the mods want to call it. There were a few posts where guys (including myself) aired their beliefs about how some people wish to conduct themselves in public. That's basically what it came down to. Wasn't saying anything about how it should be outlawed or anything of that nature just that we, or rather I, believed it not to be right. Doesn't make me a bigot. I'm a very tolerent person. I just don't agree with how some people choose to live their lives. Now, I'm not out to lecture them as I do believe it is up to them how they live their life.

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The site is for certain littered with hypocrites I think we need a honest poll on members thoughts of the quality and amount of moderation would be good for site so the moderators can see if the members if think the site moderation amounts are either correct or over moderated or under moderated.


Cheers OTH

The mods seem to take the stance of "It's ok to have your say so long as you don't offend anyone." Now that is being hypocrytical.

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I am not really suprised that some posts get stopped. The majority of people on the many forums I use are like myself: NOT bigots, racists or homophobes, just normal geezers who stop problems ever occuring by using humour and laughter to deal with life.

I meet my gay mate in the pub on a regular basis, and the usual greeting is a very derogatory one followed by a hug (yes, really!). My black friend, best man when I got married, is worse, he actively seeks out a lively bantering with anybody, when we get going people stand aghast and say "you can't say that!"

But we difuse any bad feeling by laughing at ourselves first, simples :good:

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Unfortunately most of us have to sit on the fence in our day to day routine holding back our true thoughts weather right or wrong ,what ever we do can be condemned by many ,if I use fois gras I am plagued by antis ,and so on,we are all entitled to our views but is a shooting forum the place,yes no it's not up to me to say,were do you place the line not to offend people ,every forum has to be moderated and has specific rules to be policed, :look:

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The site is for certain littered with hypocrites I think we need a honest poll on members thoughts of the quality and amount of moderation would be good for site so the moderators can see if the members if think the site moderation amounts are either correct or over moderated or under moderated.


Cheers OTH



If you don't like it, close the door on your way out.

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To be honest .....I think we all are going to be classed as a biggot at some point or another.

But what Doc and Simon and myself (and many others) probably know is that there are/seems to be far too many followers of fashion on here .

What I mean by this is that I think that if there is a post that is attracting a lot of attention ,this will get the usual followers to post things they probably dont mean ,or dont agree with ,just so they can following in others footsteps just to keep in with the certain crowd.

There are also the members who like to post total rubbish that has little meaning to the post and are no help to the origonal poster whatsoever,this in turn sets of the silly chain ,where people stray from the first post and end up lost.

Regards Darren

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If you think thats its bad here, you should see the lengths they go to on a music site I use which is predominantly American.

I got censured for using the word Pom in a description of myself...they argue its an offensive term.

I argued since I am a Pom and was not offended at all and in fact viewed it as a form of endearment then where was the problem.

BIG Problem they said...as far they in the USA were concerned, it was offensive and if I used it again I would be banned.

I got banned....

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If you don't like it, close the door on your way out.



To be honest .....I think we all are going to be classed as a biggot at some point or another.

But what Doc and Simon and myself (and many others) probably know is that there are/seems to be far too many followers of fashion on here


There the first of type of member you highlitgted, nowt construtive to say as always .

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To be honest .....I think we all are going to be classed as a biggot at some point or another.

But what Doc and Simon and myself (and many others) probably know is that there are/seems to be far too many followers of fashion on here .

What I mean by this is that I think that if there is a post that is attracting a lot of attention ,this will get the usual followers to post things they probably dont mean ,or dont agree with ,just so they can following in others footsteps just to keep in with the certain crowd.

There are also the members who like to post total rubbish that has little meaning to the post and are no help to the origonal poster whatsoever,this in turn sets of the silly chain ,where people stray from the first post and end up lost.

Regards Darren




Well said, 'O sensible one :good:


(Im not following your fashion . . . . . I said that of my own free will :D )

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You will never please everybody, it`s a fact of life and the way the world is going.

Too much time and money is wasted on worrying about who may read a certain post or say a cerain thing and take offence.


Why not make it a closed forum where you can only read posts if your logged in, that way you only offend the members :P

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I could understand if there was compliants about certain posts ,but for most people dont even have time to read them before there pulled .

There must be a mod sitting in ambush for these obscene and abusive post so they can pull them asap.

Regards Darren


A Stalker Mod :yp:


Who are you :hmm:

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You will never please everybody, it`s a fact of life and the way the world is going.

Too much time and money is wasted on worrying about who may read a certain post or say a cerain thing and take offence.


Why not make it a closed forum where you can only read posts if your logged in, that way you only offend the members :P

Exactly ...........And the thing is we are all mainly grown up who can understand this and have to come to terms that not all will agree with our thoughts and answers.

I agree that if it was a closed forum it could leave certain posts ,but this wil then stop newcomers viewing the post and realising what a cracking forum it really is............... :lol:

Regards Darren

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I am a member of a number of fora. This is probably the most heavily moderated site and all the better for it. I have been involved in differences of opinion with people on here and elsewhere.


The difference here is the plug is only pulled when posters get a bit silly. You can argue with that, but, in my book, you would be wrong. I just don't see free speech be stifled at all. :good: :good: :good:

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The thing is, in the thread "What happened to the judge's decision thread" Nickbeardo said that the thread was closed as it was becoming a platform for the bigoted.


Unfortunately, the original thread was removed completely and no explaination was given so I wanted to challenge the mods decision that there were bigotted comments posted on there. Or if the mods thought they were bigotted in any way then they should have asked for clarification instead of doing the usual communist thing of removing the thread before it MAY cause offense.


I know this website is no democracy, but for cryin' out loud, stop acting like a load of pussies in fear of upsetting all and sundry. In any case, you've upset me by removing the thread as I find it an insult to my intelligence that you feel we can't have an adult discussion about the rights/wrongs of homosexuality without it degenerating in to a total homophobic platform. Let's face it, this site will have a majority of red blooded males who have a good laugh at certain subjects like that so I don't see the problem in letting us have our say. Ok, if it gets out of hand then close it but don't remove it totally, so all can see those who are the uneducated numpties and yet can at least read the intelligent comments that the majority have posted.

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