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Best Smartphone


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Interesting thread, due an upgrade with Virgin and tryed the Samsung Wave 525 and it sucked, couldn`t use it as the screen was so small and kept locking up on Wi-Fi downloading apps and stuff.

I`m now looking at Samsung Galaxy Ace, Samsung Omnia 7, HTC Desire, Nokia N8. I have no idea which to go for as they all seem the same.

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I've tried them all... Blackberry, HTC, was a nokia communicator user for years before the smartphone revolution! My first true smat=rtphone was an orange something or other that kept crashing left right and centre !!! (even had a Psion organizer II many moons ago, I know it wasn't a phone but I got a real chill down my spine when I found one in a museum a couple of weeks ago!!!! felt bloody old!)


Anyhoo, what I am trying to say is... whilst the HTC desire HD is very nice (and big) and the samsung galaxy has all the processing power etc.. etc.. and all the top end smartphones have SOMETHING that puts them ahead of the pack... NOTHING and I'm speaking from an end users experience here with all the above, NOTHING offers a complete package that just works... VERY, VERY well like the iPhone 4. The user interface is beautiful, functional and simple, the processing power is far more than adequate, the display is jaw droppingly superb, the number of apps is unbeatable, the battery life (after the first weeks, possibly months, playing with it constantly!) is excellent, with normal use (and normal for me is probably heavy for most) I get 2-3 days, during heavy periods 1 day between necessary charges although I tend to just plug it in every night anyway. And.... the touch screen interface is just a joy to use, MILES ahead of the competition and if that lot were not enough, I paid £190 for my iphone 3GS and then sold it to Mazuma 1 year later for £230!! try doing that with an HTC, mine went for £80 after a year!!! iPhones hold their value far better than anything else out there


The package just works, beautifully and although there are other contenders out there that can boast 1 or 2 things they excell at, the iPhone 4 just excells at everything... I wouldn't look anywhere else and I'm the guy that has spent the last 5 years trying everything under the sun (I have 4 different mobile contracts through the business which has meant 4 upgrades per year!!!)

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messed around with a few of the chaps phones at work ( iphone4 htc desire and the htc wildfire ) just before christmas i ended up getting the htc wildfire paid £130 new on payg liked it that much i bought her indoors one as well :good:

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If you use a phone for work blackberry is the way but for the best all rounder iPhone 4 ,seen the Microsoft phone which is ok but iPhone is the way forward :good:

The only thing the Blackberry is excellent at is email (I've had 3, a curve, a Bold & a storm) but they don't do anything else particularly well. The keyboard on the Bold was quite nice but I was reluctant to go for an iPhone after my touch-screen experience with the Storm.... god awful piece of **** imho!


The whole blackberry / work argument is based around the email functionality of the phone. Most big corporates use Microsoft Exchange Server and up until recently, if that was the case, you needed a Blackberry to make it work easily and efficiently. But... the iPhone will run Exchange Server, and it does it very well too so, push email and contacts and diary sharing is all there (it is running on mine now!) iPhone also have Mobile Me which means you can effectively have the functionality of Exchange Server, i.e. push email and calandar/contact synchronisation without needing the corporate ES infrastructure to run it!


Just buy an iPhone.... Like I said, I've tried pretty much all of the competition and, at the end of the day, they are all just trying to play catch up and market themselves as the best just because they have one or two outstanding features but, at the end of the day, NONE of them offer as good a complete & rounded product and experience as Apple, I'm sure the time will come but it's not here yet by a long way!!

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The only thing the Blackberry is excellent at is email (I've had 3, a curve, a Bold & a storm) but they don't do anything else particularly well. The keyboard on the Bold was quite nice but I was reluctant to go for an iPhone after my touch-screen experience with the Storm.... god awful piece of **** imho!


The whole blackberry / work argument is based around the email functionality of the phone. Most big corporates use Microsoft Exchange Server and up until recently, if that was the case, you needed a Blackberry to make it work easily and efficiently. But... the iPhone will run Exchange Server, and it does it very well too so, push email and contacts and diary sharing is all there (it is running on mine now!) iPhone also have Mobile Me which means you can effectively have the functionality of Exchange Server, i.e. push email and calandar/contact synchronisation without needing the corporate ES infrastructure to run it!


Just buy an iPhone.... Like I said, I've tried pretty much all of the competition and, at the end of the day, they are all just trying to play catch up and market themselves as the best just because they have one or two outstanding features but, at the end of the day, NONE of them offer as good a complete & rounded product and experience as Apple, I'm sure the time will come but it's not here yet by a long way!!


We are piloting 'Good' (www.good.com)to access corporate e-mail through personal iPhones and iPads. Seems good so far!

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