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Prescription Charges


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I just have to point out that people who may well be well off but have children get them free or work shy dole dossers get them free but someone like me who used to work but is now unfit for work due to illness and disability has to pay full price. I think that is just stupid the healthy get them free the sick are flogged to death.

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I just have to point out that people who may well be well off but have children get them free or work shy dole dossers get them free but someone like me who used to work but is now unfit for work due to illness and disability has to pay full price. I think that is just stupid the healthy get them free the sick are flogged to death.


what about people on low incomes ???

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Being; white, male, English, employed and earning an average salary, I am, along with others who fall into my category, the worst off when it comes to being looked after by the government in the UK.


fairly soon we can form our own ethnic minority :yes:

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I'm fortunate in one respect. I have a medical exemption certificate, and therefore don't pay prescription charges.


I do however feel that we should drop United Kingdom, as I no longer see anything united about the once Great Britain, so maybe the Great needs dropping as well!



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we're just mugs, how we set up Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales so that stuff like this can happen and us fund it is beyond me.


It isn't as simple as high level funding to Wales and Scotland being too high. Wales and Scotland have there own administrations that can decide how to spend their allocations as they please. Here in Wales we have free prescriptions but only some 40% of the population would pay anyway. We now have free 'morning-after' pills as well (My link) But against these relatively low cost 'headline grabbing' decisions we have far longer waiting times for hospital treatment, somtimes 50% longer than in England. I know which I'd prefer.

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As a Scotsman married to an English Rose ( Well a hardnosed Scumbrian) with a couple of halfbreed brats i actually felt sorry for everybody over the solway for this latest kick in the teeth regarding perscriptions. It doesnt seem fair but then i saw on the news that the money spent subsidising wasters, Poles and also hard working low income Scots means that there is no money for services enjoyed by those south of the border ie. Cancer screening within 2 weeks and new treatment clinics. It also said 9 out of 10 perscriptions in England would be dispensed for free? A lot of things seem badly reported and intent on causing trouble between the two countries. I wish things were more transparent and we could all get on with standing shoulder to shoulder and putting the Great back in to our Britain and protecting the things we all have in common!

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I posted on this subject a couple of weeks ago, and agree with the above. We should all be treated in the same time, get free prescriptions, and everything else!

This is after all the United Kingdom, but won't be so for much longer if our rulers are left to carry on as they are :angry:

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The point here is that as a nation, we should all get equal treatment, literally!

Unlike a car repair, we pay every week/month towards healthcare, in NI contributions, yet when we need something from this service, ie prescriptions, dental care etc., we have to pay :angry:

If I had never worked, or just arrived in the UK, I would get the very same treatment for nothing...now Scotland and Wales get free treatment as well, leaving the English Mugs to pick up the bill, as per usual!

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The point here is that as a nation, we should all get equal treatment, literally!

Unlike a car repair, we pay every week/month towards healthcare, in NI contributions, yet when we need something from this service, ie prescriptions, dental care etc., we have to pay :angry:

If I had never worked, or just arrived in the UK, I would get the very same treatment for nothing...now Scotland and Wales get free treatment as well, leaving the English Mugs to pick up the bill, as per usual!

So how much of your deductions on your pay statement comes under the heading "payment to Scotland,Wales and N I.

You have in many posts said you are paying for all three getting this that and the othe that you are paying for ! Rubbish,go and have a proper look into it.It is for me,the Scottish government that is picking up the bill for my reatment and prescriptions,and I'm afraid your government is riping you off,again.If you don't like it speak to your MP,after all you vote for themjohn

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