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At this time of year, we often get a healthy debate about whether one should or should not shoot pigeons at this time of year. My personal preference is to desist whilst in the spring, and I usually stop after I have seen the first Swallow etc of the year.


It was the 24th of March when I was fishing on the Tweed that I first saw one of our migratory friends (In that case a Sand Martin - I think) last year. It being 23rd today I haven't yet seen the first of this year yet. So it seems they haven't got here to Northumberland yet.


What about the rest of the country?



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I saw loads on 30th March last year whilst up in Nottingham, however in my area (Herts), they don't seem to show until about the second week in April.


I reckon Spring is running at least a month late this year, so who knows when they will arrive..??



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I saw the title of this thread and thought.....OH NO !!!!!!!!! ????????????


Then a big sigh of relief. ???


We haven't seen any swallows, house martins, swifts , or the like yet.

We still have large flocks of fieldfares hanging around.


Daffodils haven't opened properly yet either.


As Cat says, Spring is late this year.

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Lets not "go there" Pavman, :lol::lol:

(But with that topic name it was always going to happen :thumbs: :))


Anyway, no swallows here, they would be wet through. its done nowt but **** down all day.

Be nice to see them whirling around the house tops again though!


Regards Sutty :lol:

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I usually stop after I have seen the first Swallow etc of the year.




I am still waiting for Mrs Pavman to have the first swallow of 06 :thumbs:


Me too, I mean Mrs Whitebridges, not Mrs Pavman.



Usually see the first swallow aroung the 25th March ( tomorrow). No chance this year, things are 2-3 weeks behind. Of the hirundines the Sand Martin is usually the first to arrive, then swallows and martins and lastly swifts.

The fist real spring migrant we get is the wheatear, they normal arrive in the middle of the month and as far as I am aware we haven't had any. This is a sure sign that spring is late.

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The fist real spring migrant we get is the wheatear, they normal arrive in the middle of the month and as far as I am aware we haven't had any. This is a sure sign that spring is late.



Either that or they have all died of bird flu before they got here. :thumbs:


Either that or they will be bring it over soon as its gone awfully quiet on that front for a couple of weeks.


Trev (P!ssed off at work and feeling gloomy)

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Hi all,

I was pleased but very surprised to see a single House Martin feeding over a fresh water lake in south Yorkshire on thursday 30th march!

This is by far the earliest sighting of any hirundine for me, and a real joy. I was able to sit and watch this early visiter for a full 15 minutes zipping around in the wind and brief spells of sunshine feeding over the water.

A real treat!




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I realise it's slightly off topic, but what's happened to the poor old Turtle Dove..??


I used to see quite a few in the Summer in my area, (Herts), back in the 70's & 80's, but I haven't seen one for over 5 years.


Have the froggies wiped them all out..??



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They are declining for a number of reasons although Fisherman Mike will probably be able to explain better I will give it a shot. They are declining like Grey Partridges because of food etc but yes the shooting abroard does lower their numbers. What does annoy me is so called 'British sportsmen' go abroard to shoot them when the are migrating so they are effectively shooting their own countries birds when they are migrating and causing no harm so it could be said that it is these British shooters who fund the market that are to blame. :lol:


FM :<

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