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Dead Dogs

The Essex Hunter

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you have to wonder if it is a consequence of having proper vehicles that you can leave sealed with dogs in whenever they are at work. I struggle to see how it happens or that professionals would be quite this slack but it seems it can be done by people that have their dogs with them all the time in cars.

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It's quite easy for them to fit kits to the vehicles which allow them to continue running while the keys are out of the ignition. Police and Highways Agency vehicles have them. With these fitted, they could leave the engine running safely and have the aircon on while the dogs are in the car. The car cannot be driven away in this state.


This can then be connected to a GSM unit which sends a text message or dials a number if the engine stops.


Problem solved.

Edited by J@mes
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How long would you leave an engine running for? They have put up signs round where I live saying they'll fine motorists £20 who idle the engines. The policeman responsible should of known better. I hope he does time, What a way to die for a dog and a young pup.

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who has put signs up saying they'll fine you for idling your engine?


I can accept that there are situations where dogs have to be left in the car - for example if the officer is called to an incident or emergency where the dogs are not required. But if they get left in a car while the officer goes for lunch or in to the station for paperwork then that is wrong. They should be removed and kenneled.

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You just don't leave a dog in a car in weather like yesterday and today.




come on what about when you have to carry them as part of your job, none of us know the circumstances a tragic accident has happened and you can be fairly sure the person involved is absolutely gutted. Whether they were going to work or not we don't know we also don't know if they were parked in the shade about all we do know is they were at the Mets dog training centre.

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It's quite easy for them to fit kits to the vehicles which allow them to continue running while the keys are out of the ignition. Police and Highways Agency vehicles have them. With these fitted, they could leave the engine running safely and have the aircon on while the dogs are in the car. The car cannot be driven away in this state.


This can then be connected to a GSM unit which sends a text message or dials a number if the engine stops.


Problem solved.


Yep,a friend of mine is a dog handler for UK border agency and her van does excally this.


Im not one to jump on the Police bashing bandwagon,but i do hope this isnt swept under the carpet.A professional dog handler should know better.

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Poor dogs, what an awful needless death,

There seems to be about two incidents a year with police dogs being killed like this.

Still, they still like to call themselves professionals,

Shame the dog handler can't be locked in a hot car in a gorgilla suit till he expires.


The article I read a while ago about dog breeders not supplying the police with pups makes sense now,

You wouldn't would you.

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A review of Police vehicles won't do anything. They were in his own car.

They were in his private car,but he is still a police dog handler and should know better than to leave two dogs in a car with no windows open.

I seriously hope that he is fined and sacked from the force for incompetence/cruelty to animals and banned from ever keeping dogs again,there is NO excuse for for his actions.

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not being a dog owner or a lover of dogs even I wouldn't leave any animal or kid in a car in the sort of temperatures we are having - dog handler or not he should be hung by his danglies till they rot off. No animal deserves to die in any way that is long and drawn out.



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What a complete and utter wazzock :yes:


Unless a human's life was in definite danger, the dog's welfare should take priority - end of!.


If he couldn't get them out of the car where he was, then he should have moved to somewhere where he could. If it was a personal appointment, then he should have cancelled or re-arranged. It's not tricky to work out, is it?


For most of us gross neglect/use of company equipment would get us the sack - at the very least :yes:. Hope he gets that - plus a lifetime ban from keeping animals. After all, we'd all be looking at the same sentence if it were us.

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absolute horse ****.


Exactly. Anyone (who is not in Scotland) remember just how hot yesterday and today were?


No excuses.


I wouldn't do it and I don't know anyone else who would. And I don't know any "professional" dog handlers

Edited by Mungler
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The weather thing is a fair point. When I got to work at 8.30 it was scorching! I even dunked my hat in a bucket of water to help cool me down. By lunch time we were heading home because it was overcast and raining so if that had happened the other way round wherever this took place then it does point to the copper not being a complete w***er?

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Dogs don't sweat so they can overheat very quickly and its almost irreversable. The blood doesn't take the heat to the skin it takes it to the lungs so if the air is hotter inside the car than body temperature the are in real trouble.

Edited by Vince Green
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I know several dog handlers and lots of my family are in the job so im normally defend the police. But this is an absolute disgrace. They need to be punished. It's horrendous if a civilian dog is killed this way but he was a professional dog handler. This is an outrage. There is no excuse. And I don't care how gutted the handler at least he is still alive!!!


He needs sacking and prosecuting. What a total w&@*er!!!

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