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© of photos

henry d

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I would like opinions on if you felt that rather than letting anyone copy your pictures of good hunts and even what you look like,would some sort of copyrighting and photo disguising be the way ahead?

The design doesn`t have to be as the photo it could be your name(user or other).


Good or bad comments welcome :)

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Someone must teach me how to shoot with one of those mask's on.


Good idea Henry I think it should be done. If you want a copy of a picture you can always e mail the poster.





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Every shooting magazine has pictures of people shooting and their results. At the end of the day we are doing legal activities and I certainly feel that I am not doing anything wrong- so I wont be blanking out my face. The watermarking idea seems to be a good one though, at least then if your photos are used anywhere else people will know where to come to get the full story about them. I think that PW is on the whole a pretty good advert for pigeon shooting, and country pursuits in general and I like to think that more than a few people have come into shooting after reading stuff on the site. :)

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I dont mind the disguising bit much, as I think its nice to see the people in the pictures, but I do think its a good idea to put the trade mark (so to speak) of PW on it in transparant form, or even put the web address on it so anyone who sees the pictures can fin the website :)


Is it possible to make it so the pictures dont show the writing in the middle, but only if they are copied or printed? that would be ideal :yes:

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If I did it like this then it could be cropped and then published so the name would be removed and the name would be the owner,I only put PW as a trial.

Lastly I know of no way to make the w/mark invisible only to re-appear when copied(cos i is fick) :)

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I know for a fact that if some of my work"colleagues"knew that I was a fieldsport enthusiast,then I would be shunned by them and also be passed over for promotion etc.

Thats why I no longer post my puss :yes:



Fair shout HD, pity there are so many misinformed people out there that can affect your work prospects :)

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Sorry Henry D i nearly ****** myself when i saw those two black eyed moutach clad warriors. :yes: :o I unstand the principle, i think that putting the 'copyright pigeon watch' writing in a faded colour across the whole picture is probabaly the best way to do it. :):yes:

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Any piccys i've posted , i've always blamked my face . True it's a legit sport and everything is legal , but . I blank my face not for my safety , but for those who live with me .

If the worst happened and you got a vist by some morons , when you were out , but your better half or kids were in the house , could you forgive yourself :yes:

Black them faces up fella's , for the other folks in your life .


all the best yis yp :)

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If I did it like this then it could be cropped and then published so the name would be removed and the name would be the owner,I only put PW as a trial.

Lastly I know of no way to make the w/mark invisible only to re-appear when copied(cos i is fick) :yes:



Christ I think I recognise those dogs!

I never knew they were into 'country sports' that is disgraceful!!




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Any piccys i've posted , i've always blamked my face . True it's a legit sport and everything is legal , but . I blank my face not for my safety , but for those who live with me .

If the worst happened and you got a vist by some morons , when you were out , but your better half or kids were in the house , could you forgive yourself :yes:

Black them faces up fella's , for the other folks in your life .


all the best yis yp :yes:


I agree. :)


Hows the little one yp?

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I personally would post a photograph without me on it rather than blank myself out. It just seems a bit like making ourselves out to be ashamed of ourselves but i do agree with those who dont want their ID shown. Please Dont flame me but I think no person on the photo at at all is better than a blanked out face. I have a mate who is very good at taking photos and missing your face off anyway lol

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There is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of being a hunter, or a fisherman for that. If you haven't got the cahoonas to show your face, why put your body in the pic, just photograph the kills. I see no need for watermarked copyright images, and especially not for disguising the faces of real sportsmen and women.


Think how non shooters would read this, it does nothing to improve the image of our noble sport.


Could you imagine watching golf on TV with all the golfers faces smudged out, or snooker, or horse racing? All legal activities.


I work in a game fishing and shooting outlet and I am proud of doing so. I do not break any laws enjoying my country sports, I am extremely courteous and considerate and respect all animals as I respect all people.


Sporting photography is all about showing the pride created by beating nature in her own back yard in a sporting manner. Not pest control, not widespread culling, but true, Brittish sportingness.



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I think it should be up to the individual, we all have our concerns family whatever, and should not be "ashamed" of what we do.


Although I (in any photograph, weddings or whatever), do not like having a photo taken, is just personal to me, but I openely talk about / defend field sports. But I do like sharing with other interested people photos of a sucessful hunt or foray.


Best way to shut up someone who slags off pigeon shooting is to reply " If it wasn't for people like me loaves of bread would cost £5", then they are stumped for an answer.

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