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When do you shoot pigeons the most ?


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I know quite a few of my pigeon shooting friends have stopped serious pigeon shooting now and have got out their fishing rods.

They will still go for the occasional couple of hours, or a quick walk round, but no serious sessions until harvest time.


When you actually consider a full 12 month year, most of my serious shooting is done in about 6 months.

part January/February/March/April/, then part August/ September/ part October.


This has nothing to do with breeding seaons, just that the birds are usually difficult to locate in any numbers and not committed to any specific food source, to provide a consistent days shooting.


Shooting pigeons only, does anyone shoot 12 months of the year ?

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Yes i shoot over the 12 months.

The reason being that, generally they sow peas around this time on my bit.

This coincides with birds leaving the rape alone as its to tall.

Also in a few weeks (hopefully) juveniles will be coming off the nest and onto them.

This usually takes me through to laid barley etc and Harvest.

It has to be said though that numbers shot from now untill harvest are not "red letter days"

But the old saying goes "if i dont keep shooting them someone else will".

At this time of year its more about keeping in touch with the Farmer as opposed to serious stuff.


Cheers Sutty :good:

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Pigeon numbers are just as easy to find this time of year if not the easiest time is now, What have they got to feed on?:crazy: Once you spot em get stuck in!!! I will be out again on saturday and by the looks of things on the field at the moment should have a stonking day!!!! If you have a good reputation in your area then theres few times of the year that you will be stuck for pigeon shooting :good: All the best Phil

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The months of May,June and July are the months I spend doing all the jobs the wife has moaned at me to do all through the shooting season. Then its on to the woodpigeons on the swathed rape ,then the stubble and by that time its time to go beating. Then the cock shoots come round and its the rape again followed by the drilling and its back to the wifes list of jobs again.No wonder the years fly in!!!!!!!!!!!



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Though I've only been going for a few years, the decoying has usually stopped from when the rape is too high to julyish. I have only got a small amount of clover to shoot over but I haven't ever tried decoying over it, maybe have a go this year, though there is a superb island of trees in the middle of some very large fields that usually draws pigeons in from every direction, so will usually get in there for a couple of hours every now and then.



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Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb. generally when the birds are flocked up and feeding in numbers. Occassionally I will shoot over stubble or laid wheat or barley but more often than not its not worth getting the kit out.


On stubble I usually let them get on with it.. most of the Farmers I know would rather have the birds clean it up than have it germinate, particularly as field burning is now prohibited.


Incidently I did have 1/2 day on a freshly cut silage field ( grass) last week and shot 38 out of 50. the deeks were stood out like a sore thumb and the pigeons were coming in nicely from the canopy of a 500 acre mixed wood which borders the field on 2 sides. Probably could have shot all day but only took the 2 boxes.



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  • 2 weeks later...
I know quite a few of my pigeon shooting friends have stopped serious pigeon shooting now and have got out their fishing rods.

They will still go for the occasional couple of hours, or a quick walk round, but no serious sessions until harvest time.


When you actually consider a full 12 month year, most of my serious shooting is done in about 6 months.

part January/February/March/April/, then part August/ September/ part October.


This has nothing to do with breeding seaons, just that the birds are usually difficult to locate in any numbers and not committed to any specific food source, to provide a consistent days shooting.


Shooting pigeons only, does anyone shoot 12 months of the year ?

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