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Section 1 Shotgun advice please.


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While I have to admit that I love my old Side by Side I have been thinking of getting a Semi Auto 12 bore which would be "mainly" used for decoying! I have thought about this and spoken to a few of the "leading members" of my gun club and they are saying that I would be better applying for a Section 1 Shotgun to be added to my FAC. What I am basically after is a "one gun to cover all" situation - Decoying pigeons and crows, general rough shooting, fox drives and of course the occasional wildfowling should I ever be given an invite.

Most of my time with a shotgun is taken up with farmers that want crow control as we have masses of crows in our area that really tend to hammer the foodstuff put out for cattle and sheep as well as one situation where I am asked to do the "vermin control" which has 13,000 free range hens! We don't really have any crops grown in our area that need "crop protection"!

I have spoke to one of the ladies in my firearms office (Who was very helpful as always) and she has sent me the variation form but she did say "off the record" that I might get "knocked back" for a Section 1 Shotgun as they only really issue section 1 on a FAC for Gamekeepers and Full Time Vermin Controllers to be used for "Crop Protection" and "Protection of Birds under the Wildlife Act".

This doesn't sound quite right to me so I would welcome your thoughts on this matter guys!

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yup you can't use one on wildfowl or game so really whats the point. If you can't hit it with 3 shots more are unlikely to help ;)

Its also very rare to get time to take more than 3 shots in a row, possible but not usual. Sticking with one on a SGC is really all you need

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I wasn't aware that you could not use one for wildfowling Al4x, that'll teach me to make sure that I know ALL of the gun laws before I open my mouth in future! :yes:

I agree with what you say about if you can't hit them with the forst 3 shots then it is unlikely that you are going to hit the at all but that was not what I was thinking about. I was thinking more on the situations where I frequently get "flocks" of maybe 6 to 8 crows coming in at a time, which often happens where I shoot - This is where I believe a Section 1 would be of a great advantage to me!

I was however keeping the option open and firmly in my mind to get a 3 shot semi (3 inch chamber and variable choke) if I did apply for a section 1 and got knocked back, but I wanted others thoughts and advice before applying for a section 1.


Thanks for pointing out about not being allowed a section 1 for wildfowling, you have educated me! :good:

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I wasn't aware that you could not use one for wildfowling Al4x, that'll teach me to make sure that I know ALL of the gun laws before I open my mouth in future! :yes:

I agree with what you say about if you can't hit them with the forst 3 shots then it is unlikely that you are going to hit the at all but that was not what I was thinking about. I was thinking more on the situations where I frequently get "flocks" of maybe 6 to 8 crows coming in at a time, which often happens where I shoot - This is where I believe a Section 1 would be of a great advantage to me!

I was however keeping the option open and firmly in my mind to get a 3 shot semi (3 inch chamber and variable choke) if I did apply for a section 1 and got knocked back, but I wanted others thoughts and advice before applying for a section 1.


Thanks for pointing out about not being allowed a section 1 for wildfowling, you have educated me! :good:


Yep, not allowed for the ducky wuckys. It's a silly law, much like the lead really. But, rules are rules...


Prohibited Methods


A number of methods of killing or taking wild birds are prohibited. These include gin, spring, leg and pole traps, snares, nets, electrical scaring devices, poisonous substances, bows or crossbows, explosives (other than firearm ammunition), artificial light, mirror or dazzling devices, devices for illuminating a target or sighting device for night shooting, automatic or semi-automatic weapon (unless it is incapable of holding more than 2 rounds in the magazine), or shotgun with an internal diameter at muzzle more than 1 3/4 inches.


section one shotguns are usualy issued for tactical shotgun use and if i recall to use it for decoying and such you have to have the land vetted the same as a rimmy or fullbore... it is the license class not the weapon that they check on


I've not heard that before. I have a section 1 multi-shot and have it for pest control and target/clay shooting. I have no land tied to it's use... that I am aware of (although I do have land cleared to 308 so maybe they include it in there). But regardless, seems a silly way to do it and doesn't sound quite right to me.

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section one shotguns are usualy issued for tactical shotgun use and if i recall to use it for decoying and such you have to have the land vetted the same as a rimmy or fullbore... it is the license class not the weapon that they check on



You do NOT need to get land cleared for one. It is still a shotgun at the end of the day, not a rifle.


You can't game shoot with one legally, so that can be a constraint. I didn't think you could shoot ducks/geese with one, but I could be wrong. That said, I love mine for pigeons. I do load it with 5 most of the time, and when roost shooting I can get 4 or 5 shots off (rarely other times). A 3-shot would be just about as good roost shooting and would be fine for general shooting. For the large numbers of crows you mention, an S1 shotgun might be nice. Otherwise, I'd say stick to a S2 since they are more plentiful and easier to buy/sell.




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You do NOT need to get land cleared for one. It is still a shotgun at the end of the day, not a rifle.


You can't game shoot with one legally, so that can be a constraint. I didn't think you could shoot ducks/geese with one, but I could be wrong. That said, I love mine for pigeons. I do load it with 5 most of the time, and when roost shooting I can get 4 or 5 shots off (rarely other times). A 3-shot would be just about as good roost shooting and would be fine for general shooting. For the large numbers of crows you mention, an S1 shotgun might be nice. Otherwise, I'd say stick to a S2 since they are more plentiful and easier to buy/sell.




i will bow to your greater knowledge sir so will i be able to shoot slug on land too as that can be allowed for tactical shotgun also on sec 1



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i will bow to your greater knowledge sir so will i be able to shoot slug on land too as that can be allowed for tactical shotgun also on sec 1



Slug is seperate to FAC shotgun you need slug on FAC for ammo you can shoots slugs through section 2 shotgun but need an FAC for the ammo (not sure on land checks for slugs) but i cant see anyone without an open FAC getting slug for anything but Practical target shooting on a range. Or Deer Boar abroad...


Frenchie why not try a few a section 2 semi's and see how you get on, some can be easily converted fron section 2 to 1 3-5 shot (as most are 5 from the factory IIRC) and you can borrow a section 2 for 72 hours

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HDAV - That about the section 2 is on my mind but I will try for the section 1 first.

Just as a foot note I have just been on to the Chairman of our gun and clay shooting club and he tells me that not only are section 1 shotguns allowed on our clay grounds but that we are "affiliated" with another club that invites us to their range occasionally for "tactical shotgun shooting" which would also support my application for a section 1 Shotgun!

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i will bow to your greater knowledge sir so will i be able to shoot slug on land too as that can be allowed for tactical shotgun also on sec 1




What are you on about? It is scary you have a section 1 shotgun and not know the rules, legalities and obligations surrounding it. Don't say sorry then add another dig in. Especially when you clearly don't know what you are talking about!

Edited by huffhuff
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What are you on about? It is scary you have a section 1 shotgun and not know the rules, legalities and obligations surrounding it. Don't say sorry then add another dig in. Especially when you clearly don't know what you are talking about!

wind your neck in and get off your soap box matey it's a discussion lighten up...... jeez some people are just out for the argument aren't you :lol::lol::lol:

where did i say i had a section 1 shotgun

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I meant to try a semi rather than instead of FAC but if you have SGC you can just go and buy/borrow a 2+1 while waiting for variation and if/when you get a slot either buy another or just get it moved across tickets.

I had guessed that was what you meant and I appreciate the advice as it would make a lot of sense to try a semi auto shotgun before making a final decision. As it is I have just had a kind offer from another member to come over so that I can try his semi auto but I have thankfully declined the (Very thughtful and kind) offer as I do have some experience of using a semi auto and a pumper with the clay shooting section of our club and I am quite comfortable using a semi auto.

Many thanks for the advice given by all, that is what makes this forum as good as it is! :good:

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i will bow to your greater knowledge sir so will i be able to shoot slug on land too as that can be allowed for tactical shotgun also on sec 1




Well, my greater knowledge can tell you that I can use slugs on any land for deer. If you can demonstrate a need then even you may be permitted to but don't hold your breath.

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wind your neck in and get off your soap box matey it's a discussion lighten up...... jeez some people are just out for the argument aren't you :lol::lol::lol:

where did i say i had a section 1 shotgun


I'm not on any soap box (even they're too high for me to get up onto).


I was merely stating you shouldn't offer advice if you don't know what you are saying is factual or not. Frenchie has asked our opinion on something, so by all means give your opinion...but don't taint it with incorrect facts.


Here is where you give the impression you have a section 1;


i will bow to your greater knowledge sir so will i be able to shoot slug on land too as that can be allowed for tactical shotgun also on sec 1




All the best and happy, safe shooting!

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If you can show 'good reason' for wanting a section 1,then no other justification is necessary.

My first application for one some years ago wasturned down as I had stated that the 20 bore pump(also section 1)I already owned and used for bolting bunnies was choked full and therefore rendered the meat unsellable,but was excellent in a hide.and therefore was applying for a section 1 12 bore.My FEO explained to me that if I altered the reason to read for use on birds in compliance with the countryside act 1988 etc etc,then licensing would be more likely to accept it.Licensing knows many rabbits are shot with shotguns,but in essence it isn't in keeping with the above mentioned act.

Licensing accepted the 'reason' no problem.If you can show good reason,then go for it.

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I'm not on any soap box (even they're too high for me to get up onto).


I was merely stating you shouldn't offer advice if you don't know what you are saying is factual or not. Frenchie has asked our opinion on something, so by all means give your opinion...but don't taint it with incorrect facts.


Here is where you give the impression you have a section 1;




All the best and happy, safe shooting!

ok my hackles are back down my apologies take care :good:

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While I have to admit that I love my old Side by Side I have been thinking of getting a Semi Auto 12 bore which would be "mainly" used for decoying! I have thought about this and spoken to a few of the "leading members" of my gun club and they are saying that I would be better applying for a Section 1 Shotgun to be added to my FAC. What I am basically after is a "one gun to cover all" situation - Decoying pigeons and crows, general rough shooting, fox drives and of course the occasional wildfowling should I ever be given an invite.

Most of my time with a shotgun is taken up with farmers that want crow control as we have masses of crows in our area that really tend to hammer the foodstuff put out for cattle and sheep as well as one situation where I am asked to do the "vermin control" which has 13,000 free range hens! We don't really have any crops grown in our area that need "crop protection"!

I have spoke to one of the ladies in my firearms office (Who was very helpful as always) and she has sent me the variation form but she did say "off the record" that I might get "knocked back" for a Section 1 Shotgun as they only really issue section 1 on a FAC for Gamekeepers and Full Time Vermin Controllers to be used for "Crop Protection" and "Protection of Birds under the Wildlife Act".

This doesn't sound quite right to me so I would welcome your thoughts on this matter guys!

Don't bother Mate auto's & pumps are to be honest are just a pain in the **** ! have you seen the experts using them ? have a look at Cris Greens Wildfowling dvd's & watch & listen carefully & you will see why !.

Stick with a good s/s ejector or an o/u , easier to load easier to carry & people near you can always see with ease if your gun is broken & safe & they are not so prone to problems auto's have like jamming ect & dont spit shells out all over the place & smack your shooting mates in the ear ! . I had one for a few years & saw the light thank God ! . YEH ! YEH! YEH ! I know all the RAMBO's are frothing at the mouth & spitting all over the pc but facts are facts ! :rolleyes:

Edited by Pole Star
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