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what 12 gauge carts for pheasant ??

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hi iam going on my fist pheasant shoot in a couple of weeks and wanted to know what 12 gauge carts are best for pheasant ive been told that hull high pheasant 30gr 6 shot whould be ok what are your thoughts? my gun is a beretta silver pigeon 1 sporter if that makes any diffrence. cheers james

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I've been using lyalvale supreme game, 32g no 5 shot. Great all rounder and perfect for those higher birds :)


I used those last year in 34g and they were awesome. This year i've gone for Black Gold 32g5's and they are also very good.


jmoz82, last weekend i used 27 on a day with a 92 bird bag, but it'll depend on how many birds you expect to get and how good a shot you are. I always have spare boxes in the car just in case.



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Hull Sterling Game 6 shot 32grm felts they are 1450 fps and hit hard, i always put a case of 250 in the car then fill my cartridge bag with 50 and add more if / when needed you wont ever get caught out with that lot, unless like my mates who have been known to forget there shells or in kevs case his gun!!! rgds phil

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hi iam going on my fist pheasant shoot in a couple of weeks and wanted to know what 12 gauge carts are best for pheasant ive been told that hull high pheasant 30gr 6 shot whould be ok what are your thoughts? my gun is a beretta silver pigeon 1 sporter if that makes any diffrence. cheers james

What ever shell you shoot well with and patterns good from your gun in 7,6,5,or 4s. :good:



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hi iam going on my fist pheasant shoot in a couple of weeks and wanted to know what 12 gauge carts are best for pheasant ive been told that hull high pheasant 30gr 6 shot whould be ok what are your thoughts? my gun is a beretta silver pigeon 1 sporter if that makes any diffrence. cheers james

30g of no6 is fine, but if the shoot is known for testing high birds I'd go up to 32 of no5


Also how many carts do you need for an average pheasant shoot?

As others have said, depends on the bag but do not run out - that's the ultimate faux pas :yes: . Don't work on an average per gun as it might be 'peggy' and allow for misses.

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Hull Sterling Game 6 shot 32grm felts they are 1450 fps and hit hard, i always put a case of 250 in the car then fill my cartridge bag with 50 and add more if / when needed you wont ever get caught out with that lot, unless like my mates who have been known to forget there shells or in kevs case his gun!!! rgds phil


:stupid: Brilliant shell.

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Eley Impax 28g 6's don't forget to ask plastic or fibre some get arsy about plastic


best thing is take a range of different carts if you haven't been before then you are prepared for any thing high bird or hedge hoppers

Edited by dazsl
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Depends on what type of shoot it is. Our shoot is a syndicate rough shoot so I take both 32g 7's and 32g 6's. For the drives I walk I use 7's as the birds are normally quite close and there is always a chance for a woodcock. For the drives that I stand I will put in 6's for the birds which are that bit higher and further.

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