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Weirdest Things you have found


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One warm morning years ago when I was 'keepering I was doing my usual morning rounds on foot checking the traps and snares when I came across a man and woman pretty much naked and hard at it in a sunny corner of one of my woods. They were so busy they didn't even notice when I approached and sat the dog down. Just as things were getting even hotter I just couldn't help letting out a not so subtle cough - and I've never seen two people stop what they were doing, turn scarlet and then grab their clothes so fast in all my life! :lol:

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One warm morning years ago when I was 'keepering I was doing my usual morning rounds on foot checking the traps and snares when I came across a man and woman pretty much naked and hard at it in a sunny corner of one of my woods. They were so busy they didn't even notice when I approached and sat the dog down. Just as things were getting even hotter I just couldn't help letting out a not so subtle cough - and I've never seen two people stop what they were doing, turn scarlet and then grab their clothes so fast in all my life! :lol:


You spoil sport you. LOL.

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Once whilst driving along, lying in the road was a life like (but oversize) flesh coloured dildo :o


Another occassion,

one weekend whilst driving the Peddars Way which is a Byeway that goes from Suffolk to North Norfolk, we came across a semi naked woman tied over a fallen tree with her rather red bottom exposed :lol::lol:

there was a couple of cars parked nearby by no sign of anyone else, one of our party went and enquired IF she was OK, the rest of us, some of whom had kids in the car drove on and waited a discreet distance away.

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Four years ago on the shoot that I 'keeper we came across a dead body whilst blanking a double hedge in.


Apparently the poor chap had 'escaped' from a home 5 miles away and frozen to death in the ditch.


The police were really good about it and let me carry on with the shoot....they did however confiscate the stick

that one of the beaters 'poked' the body with to see if it was still alive.

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not a very nice find but about two years ago i found a dead person on a shoot i pick up on .last drive of the day and a shot bird fell into some bushes behind me so i sent one of my labs back to pick it .the lab returned to the edge of the bushes and would not go back on comand so after some choice word i walked over and made my way into where i had seen the bird fall only to find a corpse .he had been lying there for 2-3 days we stopped the shoot and sent everyone home i never got out of there till 9pm that night . i would swap that experiance for two people going at it like rabbits any day.


three weeks later the copper that interviewed me phoned to say the family of the dead chap had asked if they could meet me and the dog that found there son so they could thank the dog for finding him that was not a very pleasant experiance ether.

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was looking for old cog bottles and jars in a drying up small farm pond at Thorpe in Essex one summer with my brother and thought we had found a nice pot just inside a rusting water tank............... it moved!


Turned out it was a 6 -1/4 lb eel got farmer and a net it ended up on show in a tank at Clacton pier, never seen anything like it (bet EE has) then or now it was well massive and thought it got into the tank when smaller and ate fish passing by and grew so big it could not get out

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I was with a mate he was driving when In the hedge there was a battered safe so we turned around dragged it out got it in the land rover


It took me a hour to cut the back off.


It was empty

as kids me and my mate found a safe about 5" long at the side or the road spent 2 days trying to get into it with axes turned it over door opened it was empty :lol: :lol:

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