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energy saveing light bulbs


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I work on power staions and there health and safety mad we have just got this photo as a hazard alert and thought id show you lot it


the damage to his foot happened when he was changeing a low voltage bulb in office he droped the bulb as it was still hot then managed to stand on broken glass

i never new they had mercury in them which is more poisonous than lead or arsenic or so they say in the report.


i think he s was a tool and think he wont be tap dancein for a few week hope it dont put you lot off your tea .


sorry for rubbish picks i dont no how to use scanner lol





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I work on power staions and there health and safety mad we have just got this photo as a hazard alert and thought id show you lot it


the damage to his foot happened when he was changeing a low voltage bulb in office he droped the bulb as it was still hot then managed to stand on broken glass

i never new they had mercury in them which is more poisonous than lead or arsenic or so they say in the report.


i think he s was a tool and think he wont be tap dancein for a few week hope it dont put you lot off your tea .


sorry for rubbish picks i dont no how to use scanner lol




How did it go through the sole of his shoe/boot? Was he in stockinged feet? as you say Tony, seems like he was a bit of a tool. I did know about the mercury bit, but that damage seems excessive, even then! Idiots beware - glass can cut you ! :hmm:

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I find it hard to believe the difference it would have made if it were an old type bulb he had put his foot on. The amount of mercury in the energy saving bulbs is so small you would have difficulty seeing it on the end of a ball point pen, it seems to me it is just another frightning story agains energy saving bulbs simalar to the ones from the early days.

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I also work at a power station, and some of the mad things that come out of it is unbelief.


But seeing that photo I just can not see how it happened. Why bare feet? How such a massive injury?


I used to be a convert to energy saving bulbs, mainly because I bought LOADS when tescos was selling them @ 5 for 50p, but we have just bought some new lamps and given I no longer have spare bulbs or can find an offer, energy bulbs are very expensive compared to a normal bulb.


I do not believe the life span quoted of ESB,


I do not believe the true energy saved on ESB


Factor in the higher energy cost to make ESB + the mercury used in there making, they are overall not very green at all.

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dont work with dimmer switches and give me bad eyes as well.

Energy saving is a useless term, there are many types from LED to CFL and few others, there are dimmable CFL/LED's but you need to know what you are doing (some you need to down rate dimmer by 90%, and many have huge inrush currents) I am having issues with a certain type at present. the simple fact is for light output compared to elec input Halogen is hard to beat (12V especially) domestic lighting is still in a very basic stage most control is on/off or basic dimming, actual lighting control is a better solution offering useable light in all circumstances and maximum energy saving opportunities.


Also the source of info/images seems dodgy to me

Edited by HDAV
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Is that text above the photo translated from Swahili or something?


Very strange English for an official document...... :hmm:


Oh yes, I can see it's one of those New World Order tin foil hat anti-semitic websites.


That'll be accurate reporting then :lol:

Edited by Chard
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it is! :blink:

He was changing a bulb, but when he undid it, it was hot and burnt his hand. He was so annoyed, he took off his shoe and sock and jumped on the bulb, to teach it a lesson....simples! :lol:

That's nothing, the next day he had to change another bulb while trying to eat a whole orange, but he'd forgotten to put his trousers on that morning and after he dropped it he slipped and fell right on top of it.


Some people are so accident prone.

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That's nothing, the next day he had to change another bulb while trying to eat a whole orange, but he'd forgotten to put his trousers on that morning and after he dropped it he slipped and fell right on top of it.




The shock of which caused him to run out of his house and in to the back of his neighbour's daughters shetland. I love a contrived story, they must hear them up A&E all day long.

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