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Stirring up a hornets nest?


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How expected :yes: public sector workers this jock percentage that, old hat you have posted over and over, oh by the way I never mentioned a job for life, never intimated a job for life, I did state I thought it a tad unfair to alter the goalposts for existing pension scheme members,so the reference to job for life is reflective of your thoughts or is your mind playing tricks and you are seeing words that are not there?( I can understand how easy that will be for anyone with such a large set of blinkers as yours )


Its one thing to stop new membership of a scheme, that I can understand, but to change the terms for someone who has been subscribing for say 30 years and who rightly is expecting the scheme to pay what was promised and worked for, then that to me is nothing short of theft simple's


So to close it appears your brain keeps urging you to spout your bigoted self-employed mantra, at each and every opportunity ( double whammy if a council worker is involved) Janus is alive and well is he not ( avoided any tax lately? :hmm: )after all we ARE all in it together are we not,ooh me ribs again


randomly yours KW


You been on the pop?


Well, we can all look back on this thread in years to come and reflect on how it all panned out and the success or otherwise of public sector industrial action.

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unlike the surgeon you cant get to see for many weeks, but who is strangely available tommorow if you stump up the cash :hmm: presume thats dedication rather than own gain then ;)





Sorry i wouldnt start talking about things you have no idea about, its poor management causing most of the waiting list, Doctors/surgeons work the hours they are contracted for, private work is outside that, I dont have a private practice, thats my choice, I like to get home, my friends who do have a large private practice are working 12 to 14 hours a day and work sat and sunday, they are also on call for the NHS, and by the way most, if not all the surgeons I work with do considerably more hours for the NHS than we are paid for. ( you may be grateful for that one day) If we worked the hours we are paid waiting lists would be twice what they are now

I will be taking a pay drop next year and probably end up working longer hours. You wont hear me going on strike, it has been discussed and thats the way it is. my wife a BA Captain has taken a significant decrease in pension again it was accepted after long discussions with the company, some of us realize that if we want a job we all have to adapt, if the money isnt there its no good some plonker ranting come on brothers all out. it just wont work.

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i'd like to really give them something to moan about. How about working a proper week none of this 34 hours ******** with quite so many days off. My other half if she is in the office from 8 till 4 has to have a day off a month so she doesn't work too long :rolleyes: she isn't union but like a few I know is bothered about crossing the picket line, i volunteered to help but apparently my views make me unsuitable to help :/

By the way mm are you on Bob Crows personal christmas card list?

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hope they are of benefit to you then




theft is a bit of a strong word. so if a politician gets into power and promises something on behalf of the taxpayer then future politicians aren't able to pay for it, you think the money should just be conjured up?


there is a queue of people ready to take these public sector jobs including teaching. so the market should set the price.

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its not that they wont work more than 34 hrs its becaus they are not allowed to they rather get in relief staff to cover the extra hours so as not to pay the permanent staff overtime girls working with me are crying out to work extra hours but do they get them NO


then get a pension ive had to pay for mine for 40 yrs

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i'd like to really give them something to moan about. How about working a proper week none of this 34 hours ******** with quite so many days off. My other half if she is in the office from 8 till 4 has to have a day off a month so she doesn't work too long :rolleyes: she isn't union but like a few I know is bothered about crossing the picket line, i volunteered to help but apparently my views make me unsuitable to help :/

By the way mm are you on Bob Crows personal christmas card list?


I'll mention a 34 hour working week to my sister whose a teacher. I suspect she'll fall off her chair with laughter. She's in by 8 and doesn't leave until 5. With preparation time added in I think you're closer to 50 hours a week. Now she has to work to 67. She reckons with the way kids are these days she doesn't need the pension as they'll be carrying her out of the school in a coffin :lol: :lol: :lol:


There's currently 2.62 million people unemployed that have no pension...nothing at the moment. I say give the jobs to these unemployed people that would be grateful. As what has already been said, we are now going through what the private sector has been going through already.



Would you consider that suitable justification then?

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The banks ****** up the private sector, so lets **** up the public sector too. Attacking the pensions of people in the public sector because the finance sector collapsed is like going to A & E with a broken left leg and asking the Dr to break the right one so they both match.

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Same as the steel industry, we'll find a government who contract everything out and private business will do it (more efficiently) because the government don't want the hassle or cost induced due to unions. Rightly so.


No, what tends to happen is the level of quality goes down, the directors of the company makes a killing, the employees are on low wages and the contract changes and it all starts over again.

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If the country was run like a private company the administrators would have been called in long ago. UK PLC's finances are in a truly shocking state and we need to get the credit card bill down before the bailiffs move in.


At the end of the day it's simple maths - we can't afford the public sector wages and pensions, what is the government supposed to do? No one is offering up any viable alternatives because there aren't any, we need to reduce public spending and fast.


Those going on strike need to remove their rose tinted glasses and have a look at what's going on in the world.

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One of my relations worked for a london council for 15years approx. They had quite a few absences for hospital appointments but they were certainly capable of doing the job, and it was only a matter of a few months of being sick in total. One day they were offered to be pensioned off at age 45 with a decent sick pension plus lump sum. They had annual rises for inflation and even xmas bonuses. The payments received on the sick pension had credits in them to help qualify for a proper pension at age 60. They are now 65 and going strong and receiving a great old age pension from the council, index linked until the day they die. I wonder how many private workers get this! p.s. They dont even seem grateful for it, just 'entitled' as they like to point out!

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I am a public sector worker, and am not part of the strike, but i look at Greece and the idiots out there saying they want same pay etc when there is just no money, it does make me think public sector workers need a reality check, strike is wrong, 100%, we had all better get used to less. end off. There just isnt shed loads of money in the public sector to fund things anymore, its all going to be rationed


Hard to square when we waste billions on Iraq and Afghanistan. I could go on.......

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Why is everyone having a pop at teachers and the NHS?

These people help everyone.

Who teaches little Tommy to count,read & write?

Who patches up little Tommy up when he falls of his bike?


As for this quote from artschool well that baffles


there is a queue of people ready to take these public sector jobs including teaching. so the market should set the price.


Do you actually know how many NQT's quit after their first year of teaching?

They go through Uni thinking it will be an easy life do 12 months and then change career :oops:


Come on people give the NHS & Teachers a bit of slack, they deserve their pensions :good:

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What a true pigeon watch shouting match and, as usual, the truth has been lost in the loud voices.


If you look carefully though there are some gems of truth amongst all this ****.

Some on both sides of the argument.

Also a load of other ****.

Its not simple, its complex, but the real truth is we need to earn more to pay a reasonable amount in pensions to everyone not just the PS.

That means we earn less in the PS and work harder.

Just think how our parents, who lived through the privations of the last war, would laugh at our simplistic and stupid attitudes.


I think the phrase its lets 'get real' - all of us.

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Why is everyone having a pop at teachers and the NHS?

These people help everyone.

Who teaches little Tommy to count,read & write?

Who patches up little Tommy up when he falls of his bike?


As for this quote from artschool well that baffles


there is a queue of people ready to take these public sector jobs including teaching. so the market should set the price.


Do you actually know how many NQT's quit after their first year of teaching?

They go through Uni thinking it will be an easy life do 12 months and then change career :oops:


Come on people give the NHS & Teachers a bit of slack, they deserve their pensions :good:


my wife is a teacher, my mum is a teacher and her mum was a teacher as well. so I know all about it.


to be honest I am shocked at some of the ******** attitude expressed on this forum.


some of you obviously believe money grows on trees.


it's pathetic.

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So i have a ******** attitude because i dont want my grandchildren taught by a 65+ year old teacher?

Do you know what children in the modern day are like? What the hell are they going to be like in 20 years god only knows :oops:

The majority of teachers deserve to retire at 60 or if not before in my opinion.

They do a bloody good job just like the people who work in the NHS

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So i have a ******** attitude because i dont want my grandchildren taught by a 65+ year old teacher?

Do you know what children in the modern day are like? What the hell are they going to be like in 20 years god only knows :oops:

The majority of teachers deserve to retire at 60 or if not before in my opinion.

They do a bloody good job just like the people who work in the NHS


did I not just tell you my wife teaches, and she used to teach in inner city liverpool so has seen it all. or course teachers do a great job under difficult circumstances. there is a queue of young teachers look for jobs so your wife won't have to teach until she is sixty five.


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Lets see who wins shall we, it certainly wont be the Government that loses out thats for sure.


Edit: We know what today's children are like and Im sure plenty of Teachers knew before they got the job. But why we keep mentioning Teachers its not just them that's striking.


Its about Unions trying to get one over the Government.

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